Dois cavidade klystron osciladores forex

6-EEE Modificado Final EEE-1 DELHI UNIVERSIDADE TECNOLÓGICA ESQUEMA DE EXAME E CURRÍCULO DO CURSO B. Tech. CONTEÚDO (ENGENHARIA ELÉTRICA ELETRÔNICA) Esquema de Exame. 2-7 Curso Currículo Primeiro Ano. 7-13 segundo ano. 13-19 terceiro ano. 19-25 Quarto Ano. 25-46 EEE-2 ESQUEMA PARA B. TECH. PRIMEIRO SEMESTRE (ENGENHARIA FÍSICA) S. No. Curso Nº Assunto Avaliação LTP Total Marcas Tipo de Crédito Asse MS ES TH1 AM 101 Matemática-I 310 10 20 70 100 4H TH2 HU 102 Habilidades de Comunicação 210 10 20 70 100 3H TH3 AP 103 Física Aplicada-I 310 10 20 70 100 4H TH4 AC 104 Química Aplicada 310 10 20 70 100 4H TH5 EE 105 Ciências Elétricas 310 10 20 70 100 4C TH6 IT 106 Fundamentos da Tecnologia da Informação 210 10 20 70 100 3A PR1 AP117 Física Aplicada II Laboratório 002 30 70 100 2H PR2 AC 108 Aplicado Laboratório de Química 002 30 70 100 2H PR3 EE 109 Laboratório de Ciências Elétricas 002 30 70 100 2C PR4 IT 110 Laboratório de Tecnologia da Informação 002 30 70 100 2A TOTAL 30 horas 1000 30 L: Aula T: Tutorial P: Prático IA: Avaliação Interna MS: Meados Semestre ES: Semestre Final ESQUEMA PARA B. TECH. SEGUNDO SEMESTRE (FÍSICA DE ENGENHARIA) S. No. Curso Nº Assunto Avaliação LTP Total Marcas Tipo de Crédito Asse MS ES TH1 AM 111 Matemática-II 310 10 20 70 100 4H TH2 EN 112 Ciências do Ambiente 200 10 20 70 100 2A TH3 AP 113 Física Aplicada-II 310 10 20 70 100 4H TH4 AP / AC 114 Materiais de Engenharia 400 10 20 70 100 4H TH5 ME 115 Técnica Básica 310 10 20 70 100 4A TH6 COE 116 Programando Fundamentos 200 10 20 70 100 2A PR1 AP 117 Applied Physics-II Laboratório 002 30 70 100 2A PR2 COE 118 Laboratório de Programação 002 30 70 100 2A PR3 ME 119 Gráficos de Engenharia 003 30 70 100 3A PR4 PE 120 Oficina Mecânica 003 30 70 100 3A TOTAL 30 hrs 1000 30 A Allied Engineering C Núcleo (inclui projeto principal e treinamento prático também) H Humanidades, Estudos Sociais e Ciências Básicas M Obrigatório EEE-3 SUGESTÃO PARA O B. Tech. TERCEIRO SEMESTRE (Engenharia Elétrica e Eletrônica) S. No. Curso Nº Assunto Avaliação LTP Total Marcas Tipo de Crédito Asse MS ES TH1 EL 201 Dispositivos Eletrônicos e Circuitos 310 10 20 70 100 4C TH2 EL202 Máquinas Elétricas-1 310 10 20 70 100 4C TH3 EL 203 Análise de Rede e Síntese 310 10 20 70 100 4C TH4 EL 204 Sistemas de Potência I 310 10 20 70 100 4C TH5 EL 205 Medição Elétrica e Eletrônica 310 10 20 70 100 4C TH6 EL 206 Economia de Engenharia 300 10 20 70 100 3H PR1 EL 207 Dispositivos Eletrônicos e Circuitos Laboratório. 002 30 70 100 2C PR2 EL 208 Laboratório de Medição Elétrica e Eletrônica 002 30 70 100 2C PR3 EL 209 Máquinas Elétricas-1 laboratório 002 30 70 100 2C PR4 EL 210 Termo Papel I 001 - - - 100 1C TOTAL 30 horas 1000 30 Temas marcados com asterisco () são comuns com EE Não haverá exame final de semestre em papel de conclusão. Será avaliado com base na apresentação e na avaliação contínua para a qual um espaço separado no horário será alocado. ESQUEMA SUGERIDO PARA B. Tech. QUARTO SEMESTRE (Engenharia Elétrica e Eletrônica) S. No. Curso Nº Assunto Avaliação LTP Total Marcas Tipo de Crédito Asse MS ES TH1 EL211 Circuitos Lineares Integrados 310 10 20 70 100 4C TH2 EL212 Sistemas de comunicação-I 310 10 20 70 100 4A TH3 EL213 Circuito Digital e Sistemas 310 10 20 70 100 4C TH4 EL 214 Sistemas de Potência - II 310 10 20 70 100 4C TH5 EL215 Máquinas Elétricas - II 310 10 20 70 100 4C TH6 EL216 Teoria de Campos Eletromagnéticos 300 10 20 70 100 3C PR1 EL 217 Circuitos Lineares Laboratório 002 30 70 100 2C PR2 EL 218 Potência Laboratório de Sistemas 002 30 70 100 2C PR3 EL219 Máquinas Elétricas-II laboratório 002 30 70 100 2C PR4 EL221 Termo de Trabalho II 001 100 1C Termo de Trabalho I 30 horas 1000 30 Não haverá exame final do semestre em papel de conclusão. Será avaliado com base na apresentação e na avaliação contínua para a qual um espaço separado no horário será alocado. Um Núcleo C de Engenharia Allied (inclui projeto principal e treinamento prático também) H Humanidades, Estudos Sociais e Ciências Básicas M Obrigatório EEE-4 SCHEME FOR B. Tech. QUINTO SEMESTRE (Engenharia Elétrica e Eletrônica) S. No. Curso Nº Assunto Avaliação LTP Total Marcas Tipo de Crédito Asse MS ES TH1 EL301 Eletrônica de Potência 310 10 20 70 100 4C TH2 EL302 Sistemas de Controle-I 310 10 20 70 100 4C TH3 EL303 Comunicação de Dados e Redes de Computadores 310 10 20 70 100 4A TH4 EL304 Processamento de Sinal Digital 310 10 20 70 100 4C TH5 EL 305 Microprocessador e Aplicações 310 10 20 70 100 4C PR1 EL306 Sistemas de Controle Laboratório 002 20 70 100 2C PR2 EL307 Eletrônica Digital e Microprocessador Laboratório 002 30 70 100 2C PR3 EL308 Laboratório de Comunicação 002 30 70 100 2A PR4 EL309 Projeto menor-I 60 140 200 4M TOTAL 26 horas 1000 30 Nota: Haverá um Treinamento Industrial de 4 semanas no final do 5º semestre, durante as férias de inverno, que será avaliado com exame semestral. ESQUEMA PARA B. Tech. SEXTO SEMESTRE (Engenharia Elétrica e Eletrônica) S. No. Curso Nº Assunto Avaliação LTP Total Marcas Tipo de Crédito Asse MS ES TH1 EL311 Acionamentos Elétricos 310 10 20 70 100 4C TH2 EL312 Máquinas Elétricas-III 310 10 20 70 100 4C TH3 EL 313 Microcontrolador e Sistema Integrado 310 10 20 70 100 4C TH4 EL 314 Sistemas de Comunicação - II 310 10 20 70 100 4A TH5 EL 315 Arquitetura de Computadores 310 10 20 70 100 4A PR1 EL316 Eletrônica de Potência e Drives lab 002 30 70 100 2C PR2 EL317 Máquina Elétrica-III / Laboratório de Processamento Digital de Sinal 002 30 70 100 2C PR3 EL 318 Projeto menor II 002 60 140 200 4M PR4 EL 319 Treinamento Industrial 30 70 100 2M TOTAL 26 horas 1000 30 Treinamento Industrial de seis semanas em férias de verão no final do sexto semestre, que será avaliado com VII sem. exame A Allied Engineering C Núcleo (incluir projeto principal e treinamento prático também) H Humanidades, Estudos Sociais e Ciências Básicas M Nota obrigatória: Treinamento industrial de 4 semanas durante as férias de inverno após o 5º semestre e 8 semanas durante as férias de verão após o 6º semestre. ESQUEMA DE EEE-5 PARA B. Tech. SÉTIMO SEMESTRE (Engenharia Elétrica e Eletrônica) S. No. Curso Nº Assunto Avaliação LTP Total Marcas Tipo de crédito Asse MS ES TH1 EL401 Sistemas de controle II 310 10 20 70 100 4C TH2 EL402 Sistemas de energia não convencionais 310 10 20 70 100 4C TH3 EL 403X Eletivo 310 10 20 70 100 4C TH4 EL404X Aberto Eletiva I 310 10 20 70 100 4C PR1 EL 405 Microcontrolador e Sistema Integrado Laboratório 003 10 20 70 100 3C PR2 EL406 Eletivo-I Laboratório 003 30 70 100 3C PR3 EL407 Treinamento Industrial (Viva Voce) - 30 70 100 4M PR4 EL408 Projeto Principal 002 90 210 300 4M (Part-I) 24 hs 1000 30 ESQUEMA PARA B. Tech. OITAVO SEMESTRE (Engenharia Elétrica e Eletrônica) S. No. Curso Nº Assunto Avaliação LTP Total Marcas Tipo de Crédito Asse MS ES TH1 EL 411 Utilização de Energia Elétrica 3 1 0 10 20 70 100 4C TH2 EL412 Eletivo II 3 1 0 10 20 70 100 4C TH3 EL413 Aberto Eletivo II 3 1 0 10 20 70 100 4C PR1 EL414 Utilização do Laboratório de Energia Elétrica 0 0 3 30 70 100 3C PR2 EL415 Eletivo-II Laboratório 0 0 3 30 70 100 3C PR3 EL 416 Projeto Principal (Parte II) 0 0 4 120 280 400 10M PR4 EL417 Seminário / Report 0 0 2 100 100 2C TOTAL 24 hs 1000 30 EEE-6 Eletivo-I Aberto Eletivo I EL 403-1 Sistemas flexíveis de transmissão CA EL404-1 Sistemas automotivos EL 403-2 SCADA e sistemas de gerenciamento de energia EL 404-2 Instrumentação Inteligente EL 403-3 Engenharia de Microondas EL 404-3 Design Avançado de Circuito Analógico EL 403-4 Sistemas de transmissão HVDC El 404-4 Sistema de Energia Reestruturada EL 403-5 Dinâmica e Estabilidade do Sistema de Potência EL 404-5 Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual e Empreendedorismo EL 403-6 Projeto de Sistemas de Aparelhos de Potência EL-404-6 Instrumentação Biomédica EL 403-7 Sistema de Controle de Processo tem EL 404-7 Sistema de Controle Avançado EL 403-8 Robótica e Mecatrônica EL 404-8 Instrumentação Elective-II Open Elective II EL 412-1 Sistema de Geração Distribuída EL 413-1 Sistema de Gerenciamento de Banco de Dados EL 412-2 Fonte de Alimentação comutada EL 413 -2 Design do sistema operacional EL 412-3 Qualidade da Energia e Conservação de Energia EL 413-3 Engenharia Nuclear e Sistema de Potência de Pulso EL 412-4 Operação e Controle do Sistema de Potência EL 413-4 Síntese de Redes Passivas Ativas EL 412-5 Smart Grid EL 413- 5 Controle de Processos por Computador EL 412-6 Controle Não Linear e Adaptativo EL 413-6 Engenharia de Usina EL 412-7 Planejamento de Sistema de Potência EL 413-7 Inteligência Artificial e Sistemas Especializados EL 412-8 Processamento Digital de Imagem EL 413-8 Sistema Digital Design EL 412-9 Sistemas Elétricos de Armazenamento EL 413-9 Projeto de Filtro EL 412-10 Circuito Integrado de Microondas EL 413-10 Projeto VLSI EL 413-11 Antena e Propagação de Onda Marca de assunto com asterisco () é comum com EE A Allied Engineering C Core (incluir projeto principal e p treinamento prático também) H Humanidades, Estudos Sociais e Ciências Básicas M Nota Obrigatória: Treinamento industrial de 4 semanas durante as férias de inverno após o 7º Semestre e 8 Semanas durante as férias de verão após o 8º Semestre. EEE-7 AM-101 Matemática I L T P Créditos 3 1 0 4 UNIDADE I Série infinita: Testes para convergência de séries (comparação, razão, raiz, integral, Raabes, logarítmica), séries alternadas, convergência absoluta, convergência condicional. UNIDADE II Cálculo de variável única: expansão de MacLaurins de Taylors, raio de curvatura, aplicações de integral definida para área, comprimento de arco, área de superfície e volume (em coordenadas cartesianas, paramétricas e polares). UNIDADE III Cálculo de diversas variáveis: diferenciação parcial, teorema de Eulers, diferencial total, teorema de Taylors, Maxima-Minima, método de multiplicadores de Lagrange, Aplicação na estimação de erro e aproximação. UNIDADE IV Integrais Múltiplos: Integrais duplos (coordenadas cartesianas e polares), mudança de ordem de integração, integrais triplos (coordenadas cartesianas, cilíndricas e esféricas), funções gama e beta. Aplicações de integração múltipla em área, volume, centro de massa e momento de inércia. UNIDADE V Cálculo vetorial: Continuidade e diferenciabilidade de funções vetoriais, função de ponto escalar e vetorial, gradiente, derivada direcional, divergência, ondulação e suas aplicações. Integral de linha, integral de superfície e integral de volume, aplicações para o trabalho realizado pela força. Aplicações dos teoremas de divergência de Greens, Stokes e Gauss. Livros de texto / livros de referência: 1. Matemática de engenharia avançada por Alan Jeffery Academic Press 2. Cálculo e geometria analítica por Thomas / Finney Narosa. 3. Matemática avançada de engenharia por Kreyszig Wiley. 4. Matemática Avançada em Engenharia por Taneja I K international 5. Matemática Avançada em Engenharia por Jain / Iyenger Narosa. HU-102 Habilidades de Comunicação L T P Créditos 2 1 0 3 UNIDADE I Inglês Funcional: (A) Partes do discurso Tempo e concordância Cláusulas condicionais Pergunta tags respostas curtas Pontuação Erros comuns. (B) Vocabulário e Uso: Sinônimos Antônimos Substituições de uma palavra Palavras frequentemente confundidas Expressões idiomáticas / idiomáticas. UNIDADE II Noções Básicas de Redação: (A) Apresentação de Informações Técnicas: Descrição técnica de objetos simples, ferramentas, aparelhos Processos e operações Definições de Princípios Científicos Interpretação de Dados Visuais (gráfico, gráficos etc) (B) Redação de: Resumo de parágrafos e resumo e fazendo anotações. (C) Compreensão das Passagens Invisíveis com base em exercícios de leitura, como Skimming, Scanning e Inference making. UNIDADE III Comunicação Oral: Fonética: Sons de Discurso e sua articulação Fonemes, sílaba, Estresse, Transcrição de Palavras e Frases Simples Apresentação e Seminário Laboratório de Linguagem Prática de Comunicação Oral. UNIDADE IV Textos para Apreciação e Análise: (A) Asas de Fogo por APJ Abdul Kalam (B) A Fortuna na Base da Pirâmide por C. K. Prahalad (C) O Branded (Uchalya) por Laxman Gaikwad (D) Geetanjali por Ravindranath Tagore. Livros de texto / livros de referência: 1. Dia, Robert A. Inglês científico: um guia para cientistas e outros profissionais. ACIMA. 2. Maison Margaret, Examine seu Inglês, Nova Deli: Orient Longman. 3. Tikoo M. L. A. E. Subramaniam e P. R. Subramaniam. Uso e Composição da Gramática Intermediária. Delhi: Oriente Longman. 4. Weiss, Edmond H. Remédios Escritos: Exercícios Práticos para Redação Técnica. Jornal universitário. 5. Lesikar e Flatley. Comunicações empresariais. Nova Deli, Biztantra Press. 6. OConnor, Better English Pronúncia, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 7. Gaikwad, Laxman, The Branded, Delhi: Sahitya Akademi. 8. Kalam, APJ Abdul, Asas de Fogo, Delhi: University Press. 9. C. K. Prahalad, A fortuna na parte inferior da pirâmide, Publicação da Wharton School. 10. Rabindranath Tagore, Gitanjali, Filiquarian Publishing, LLC. AP 103 Física Aplicada - I L T P Créditos 3 1 0 4 UNIDADE I Relatividade. Revisão de conceitos de quadros de referência e equação de transformação galileana, experimento de Michelson Morley e suas implicações, teoria da relatividade especial de Einstein, equações de transformação de Lorentz, lei de adição de velocidades, variação de massa com velocidade, conceito de energia e momento. EEE-8 UNIDADE II Oscilações, ondas. As oscilações amortecidas e forçadas, ressonância (amplitude e potência), fator Q, nitidez de ressonância. Equações de ondas longitudinais e transversais e suas soluções, Impedância, Reflexão e transmissão de ondas em um limite, Equilíbrio de impedância entre dois meios. UNIDADE III Óptica física: Interferência por divisão da frente e amplitude da onda, Interferência do feixe múltiplo e interferômetro de Fabry-Perot, difração de Fresnel através de uma régua, difração de Fraunhoffer, placa da zona, fenda única e N-fenda / grade, resolução do telescópio, prisma e grade. Polarização por reflexão e por transmissão, lei de Brewster, dupla refração, luz polarizada de forma elíptica e circular, prisma Nicol, placas de um quarto e meia onda. Instrumentos ópticos da UNIT IV: Pontos cardeais de sistemas de lentes coaxiais, aberrações esféricas e cromáticas e sua remoção, ocular Huygens e Ramsdens. UNIDADE V Óptica Laser: Coerência e propriedades coerentes dos feixes de laser, Princípio de funcionamento breve dos lasers, Emissão espontânea e estimulada, Coeficiente de Einsteins, Laser Rubi, Laser He-Ne. UNIT VI Fibra Óptica: Classificação das fibras ópticas, Perfil do índice de refração, Diferença do índice de refração do revestimento do núcleo, Abertura numérica da fibra óptica, Dispersão de pulso em fibra óptica (teoria dos raios). Livros de texto / livros de referência: 1. Physics of Vibrations and Waves por H. J. Pain. 2. Vibrações e Ondas por A. P. French. 3. Perspectiva da Física Moderna, de Arthur Beiser. 4. Ótica por A. Ghatak. 5. Curso de Física de Berkley Vol. 1. AC-104 Química Aplicada L T P Créditos 3 1 0 4 UNIDADE I (a) Análise Convencional: Análise Volumétrica, Tipos de titulação, Teoria dos indicadores. (b) Análise Espectral: Radiação eletromagnética, Lei Lambert-Beers, UV-VIS, IR, aplicações de instrumentação. UNIDADE II Métodos Térmicos de Análise: Princípio, funcionamento e aplicações de Termo-gravimetria, Análise térmica diferencial e Calorimetria diferencial de varredura. UNIDADE III (a) Polímeros: polímero monomérico, funcionalidade e grau de polimerização. Mecanismo de polimerização. Pesos moleculares de polímeros. Métodos de polimerização. Produção industrial de resinas PE e PF. Aplicações industriais de polímeros. b) Biomoléculas: Classificação, Estrutura, propriedades físicas e químicas de Aminoácidos, Peptídeos e Proteínas, Carboidratos, Celulose e seus derivados, RNA, DNA. Introdução aos Polímeros Biodegradáveis. UNIDADE IV Eletroquímica. Células eletroquímicas, componentes, características de baterias. Sistemas de baterias primárias e secundárias, células de zinco-carbono, armazenamento de chumbo e baterias de lítio. Células de Combustível, Eletro-deposição, Requisitos elétricos e químicos. Banho de galvanoplastia e revestimentos. Equipamento de agitação, circulação e filtração. Revestimento de cobre, ouro e ródio. UNIDADE V Equilíbrio de Fase: Definições de Fase, componente e grau de liberdade, regra de fase de Gibbs. Sistemas de um componente: Água e enxofre. Sistemas de dois componentes: sistema Pb-Ag e Cu-Ni. Univ VI Química Verde: Introdução, Metas Significado da Química Verde. Reagentes, solventes e catalisadores para síntese verde. Princípios de Química Verde, Avaliação de matérias-primas, tipos de reação e métodos. Tendências futuras em Química Verde. Livros de texto / livros de referência: 1. Análise térmica por T. Hatakeyama, F. X. Quinn Wiley. 2. Análise Quantitativa Inorgânica por A. I. Vogel 3. Método Instrumental de Análise por Skoog D. A. HRW International. 4. Química Verde: Prática Teórica por P. T. Anastas JC Warner Oxford Univ Press. 5. Ciência e Tecnologia de Polímeros, de Billmeyer John Wiley. 6. Polímero Ciência e Tecnologia por Fried Prentice Hall. EE 105 Ciência Elétrica L T P Créditos 3 1 0 4 UNIDADE I Introdução: Papel e importância dos circuitos em Engenharia, conceito de campos, carga, corrente, tensão, energia e ali inter-relacionamento. V-I características de tensão ideal e fontes de corrente ideais, vários tipos de fontes controladas. Componentes do circuito passivo: características V-I e classificações de diferentes tipos de elementos R, L, C. Circuitos em série e paralelos, energia e energia, Leis de Kirchoff. Conversão Delta-estrela, Teorema da Superposição, Teorema de Thevenins, Teorema de Nortons, Teorema da Transferência Máxima de Potência, Teorema de Tellgen. Circuitos AC monofásicos EEE-9 UNIT II: geração EMF monofásica, valores médios e efetivos de sinusóides, representação complexa de impedância, circuitos paralelos e em série, conceito de fasor, diagrama fasorial, fator de potência, potência em notação complexa, potência real, potência reativa e potência aparente. Ressonância em circuitos paralelos e em série, fator-Q, largura de banda e sua relação, meio ponto de potência. UNIT III Circuitos AC Trifásicos: geração EMF trifásica, conexão delta e Y, grandezas de linha e fase. Solução de circuitos trifásicos: tensão de alimentação balanceada e carga balanceada, diagrama fasorial, medição de potência em circuitos trifásicos. UNIDADE IV Transformadores de Circuitos Magnéticos: Lei de Amperes circuital, curva B-H, conceito de relutância, fluxo, MMF, analogias entre grandezas elétrica e magnética de circuitos magnéticos. Perdas de histerese e correntes parasitas, aplicação de força magnética, indutância mútua e convenção de pontos. Construção de transformadores monofásicos, princípio de funcionamento, transformador automático e suas aplicações. UNIDADE V Instrumentos de Medição. Instrumentos de indicação analógica, dispositivos, Dispositivos de amortecimento, amperímetros e voltímetros PMMC, shunt e multiplicadores, Moving amperímetro e voltímetros de ferro, wattímetros tipo dinamômetro, multímetros, medidores de watt-hora AC. Voltímetros digitais, amperímetros e wattmeters. Livros de texto / livros de referência: 1. Engenharia elétrica básica por C. L. Wadhwa, 4ª Edição New Age International. 2. Engenharia Elétrica Básica por Fitzereld, Higgenbotham Grabel McGraw Hill International. 3. Fundamentos de Engenharia Elétrica por Vincent Deltoro Prentice Salão Internacional (EEI). 4. O fornecimento relevante de electricidade da Índia rege os códigos BIS. IT 106 Fundamentos da Tecnologia da Informação Créditos LTP 2 1 0 3 UNIDADE I Conceitos Fundamentais de Informação: Definição de informação, Informação Vs de Dados, Introdução à Representação da Informação em Mídia Digital, Texto, Imagem, Gráficos, Animação, Áudio, Vídeo etc. Valor e Qualidade da Informação UNIDADE II Conceitos em Programação de Computadores: Definição de Computador Eletrônico, História, Gerações, Característica e Aplicação de Computadores, Classificação de Computadores, Memória, diferentes tipos de memória, Hardware de Computador - CPU, Vários dispositivos de I / O, Periféricos , Firmware e Humanware. UNIDADE III Programação de Classificação de Linguagem de Programação Metodologia: Linguagens de Computação, Geração de Linguagens, Tradutores, Intérpretes, Compiladores, Fluxogramas, Diagrama de Fluxo de Dados, Montadores, Introdução ao 4GL e 5GL. UNIDADE IV Dispositivos Digitais e Conceitos Básicos de Rede: Fundamentos Digitais: Vários códigos, conversão decimal, binária, hexa-decimal, portas de números flutuantes, flip-flops, somador, multiplexes, Introdução à Transmissão de Dados. UNIDADE V Redes de Comunicação de Dados: Redes de Computadores - Introdução de LAN, MAN e WAN. Topologias de Rede, Arquitetura Cliente-Servidor. UNIDADE VI Tecnologias da Internet e da Web: Linguagem de Marcação de Hipertexto, DHTML, WWW, HTTP, Gopher, FTP, Telnet, Navegadores da Web, Net Surfing, Mecanismos de Busca, E-mail, Segurança de Transações Comerciais na web. Conceitos Elementares de E-Learning e E-Commerce, Sistemas de Pagamento Eletrônico, Assinaturas Digitais, Firewall. Text Books / Reference Books: 1. Usando a Tecnologia da Informação: Uma Introdução Prática à Comunicação de Computadores por William Sawyer Hutchinson Editora: Tata McGraw-Hill. 2. Introdução aos computadores por Peter Norton Tata McGraw-Hill. 3. Introdução aos Computadores por Rajaraman EPI. 4. Compressão de dados por Nelson BPB. 5. Internet, uma introdução por CIS Tems Tata McGraw Hill. 6. Tecnologia da Informação: Últimas Notícias por Curtin TMH. 7. Fundamentos da Tecnologia da Informação por Leon Leon Vikas. 8. Internet 101, de Lehngart Addison Wesley. AP-107 Física Aplicada - Laboratório LTP Créditos 0 0 2 02 AC-108 Laboratório de Química Aplicada LTP Créditos 0 0 2 02 EE-109 Laboratório de Ciências Elétricas LTP Créditos 0 0 2 02 IT-110 Fundamental de TI Lab LTP Créditos 0 0 2 02 EEE-10 AM - 111 Matemática-II LTP Créditos 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Matrizes: Classificação de uma matriz, inversa de uma matriz usando transformações elementares, consistência de um sistema linear de equações, autovalores e autovetores de uma matriz, Cayley Teorema de Hamilton, diagonalização da matriz. UNIDADE II Equações Diferenciais Ordinárias: Segunda equação diferencial linear de ordem superior com coeficientes constantes, Solução geral de equações homogêneas e não homogêneas, método de variação de parâmetros, equação de Euler-Cauchy, equações lineares simultâneas. UNIDADE III Funções Especiais. Método da série Power, método Frobenious, equação de Legendre, polinômios de Legendre, equação de Bessel, função de Bessel do tipo punho, Propriedade Ortogonal, Fórmula de Rodrigues. UNIDADE IV Transformadas de Laplace: Propriedades básicas, transformada de Laplace de derivados e integrais, transformada de Laplace inversa, Diferenciação e Integração da transformada de Laplace, Teorema da Convolução, UNIDADE da Função Step, Função periódica, Transformada de Laplace para IVP e problema de valor de contorno equações diferenciais. UNIDADE V Série de Fourier: Série de Fourier, condições de Dirichlet, funções Even e ímpar, série de meio campo, análise harmônica. UNIDADE VI Transformadas de Fourier. Fourier Transforma Transformadas de Seno e Cosseno, Transformações de Derivados e Integrais, Aplicações ao Problema do Valor Limite em Equações Diferenciais Ordinárias (apenas casos simples). Livros de texto / livros de referência: 1. Matemática avançada de engenharia por Greenberg Pearson Education. 2. Matemática avançada de engenharia por Kreyszig Wiley. 3. Matemática de Engenharia Avançada por Taneja I K international. 4. Matemática Avançada em Engenharia por Jain / Iyenger Narosa. EN 112 Ciência Ambiental L T P Créditos 2 0 0 2 UNIDADE I Introdução ao Meio Ambiente: Origem evolução da terra, segmentos do ambiente - litosfera, hidrosfera, atmosfera biosfera, ciclos biogeoquímicos - hidrológicos, oxigênio, nitrogênio, ciclos de fosfato de carbono. UNIDADE II Ecossistemas: Conceito de componentes abióticos bióticos do ecossistema, tipos de ecossistemas, componentes funcionais do ecossistema - biodiversidade, produtividade, cadeias alimentares cadeias alimentares, ciclagem de materiais e fluxo de energia, diferentes ecossistemas - floresta, pastagens, deserto, aquático. UNIDADE III Poluição da Água: Qualidade da água, características biológicas físicas e químicas das águas residuais da água, poluição das águas subterrâneas, doenças transmitidas pela água. UNIDADE IV Poluição do Ruído Atmosférico: Poluentes atmosféricos primários, fontes, efeitos, controle de monóxido de carbono, óxidos de nitrogênio, hidrocarbonetos, dióxido de enxofre, padrões de qualidade do ar, aquecimento global, chuva ácida, El Nino, buraco de ozônio. Classificação e medição de ruído, efeitos da poluição sonora em humanos, controle de poluição sonora. UNIDADE V Gestão de Resíduos Sólidos de Energia: Recursos de energia convencionais - carvão, térmico, petróleo, hidroeletricidade, energia nuclear, madeira, fontes não convencionais - solar, biogás, eólica, energia das marés oceânicas, energia geotérmica. Gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos perigosos e não perigosos. Leis e atos ambientais. Livros de Texto / Livros de Referência: 1. Estudos Ambientais de De Anan Kumar De Arnab Kumar New Age Internacional (P) Ltd. 2. Estudos Ambientais por Basak Anindita Pearson Educação Sul da Ásia. 3. Um livro de texto de ciência ambiental por Subramanian. V Publicação Narosa. 4. Essentials of Ecology Environment Science por Rana. S. V.S. Publicações EPI. AP 113 Física Aplicada - II L T P Créditos 4 0 0 4 UNIDADE I Física Quântica. Falha da física clássica, efeito Compton. Par de produção de relação de-broglie, função de onda, densidade de probabilidade, equação de onda de Schrodinger, operadores, valores de expectativa e equação de valor próprio, partícula em uma caixa, problema de oscilador harmônico simples, conceito de degeneração. EEE-11 UNIDADE II Estatística Clássica. Física Estatística. Sistemas macroscópico-microscópico, conceito de espaço de fase, postulados básicos de mecânica estatística, lei de distribuição de Maxwell-Boltzmann. UNIDADE III Estatística quântica. Estatísticas Quânticas. Distribuição de FermiDirac e Bose Einstein, função de probabilidade de Fermi-Dirac, nível de energia de Fermi. UNIDADE IV Física Nuclear. Propriedades nucleares, constituintes do núcleo, energia de ligação, núcleos estáveis, lei de decaimento radioativo (espectro alfa e beta), valor Q da reação nuclear. modelos nucleares - modelo de gota e casco líquido, fissão nuclear e fusão, idéias elementares de reatores nucleares. UNIDADE V Eletrodinâmica. Equações de Maxwell, conceito de corrente de deslocamento, derivação da equação de onda para onda eletromagnética plana, vetor Poynting. Teorema de Poynting, densidade de energia, equação de onda em meios condutores dielétricos. Livros de texto / livros de referência: 1. Física Nuclear por Erwin Kaplan. 2. Conceito de Física Nuclear por Cohen. 3. Eletrodinâmica por Griffith. 4. Magnetismo de eletricidade por Rangawala Mahajan. 5. Perspectiva da Física Moderna, de Arthur Beiser. AP-AC 114 Materiais de Engenharia L T P Créditos 4 0 0 4 SEÇÃO A (FÍSICA) UNIDADE I Estrutura Cristal: treliças de Bravais Índices de Miller, estruturas de cristal simples, tipo diferente de colagem. UNIDADE II Condução Metálica: Distribuição de energia de elétrons em um metal, nível de Fermi, processo de condução. Semi-condutores: teoria de bandas de sólidos. Tipo P e N de semicondutores. Estatísticas de buracos e elétrons, efeito Hall. Efeito da temperatura na condutividade. Tempo de vida e recombinação, deriva e difusão na junção PN. UNIDADE III Propriedades dielétricas e ópticas dos materiais: polarização dielétrica e constante dielétrica, processo de absorção óptica. Magnetismo e Materiais Supercondutores: Diapara, Ferro-magnetismo, Antiferro, Ferrites de Ferro-magnetismo, Materiais Supercondutores, Propriedades, Tipo de materiais supercondutores. Efeito Meissner, supercondutor High-Tc, aplicação. SEÇÃO B (QUÍMICA) UNIDADE IV Introdução aos materiais de engenharia para construção mecânica. Composição, características mecânicas e de fabricação e aplicações de diversos tipos de ferros fundidos, aços carbono e ligas, cobre, alumínio e suas ligas como duralumínio, latões e bronzes, materiais para ferramentas de corte, super ligas termoplásticas, termofixos e materiais compostos. UNIDADE V Materiais compósitos: Introdução, limitações de materiais de engenharia convencionais, papel da matriz em compósitos, classificação, materiais matriciais, reforços, compósitos com matriz de metal, compósitos com matriz polimérica, compósitos reforçados com fibras, efeitos ambientais em compósitos, aplicações de compósitos. UNIDADE VI Polímeros Especiais: Polímeros condutores - Introdução, mecanismo de condução, poliacetileno, poliapfenileno e polipirrol, aplicações de polímeros condutores, resinas de troca iônica e suas aplicações. Cerâmica refratária Introdução, classificação, propriedades, matérias-primas, fabricação e aplicações. NOTA: Duas horas por carga semanal para o Departamento de Física Aplicada. Duas horas por carga semanal para o Departamento de Química Aplicada. Livros de texto / livros de referência (PHYSICS): 1. Física do estado sólido, 7ª edição por Kittel J. W. Publicação de Filhos. 2. Física do Estado Sólido por Wahab M. A. Narosa Publishing House. 3. Física do Estado Sólido por Ali OmerM Pearson Education (Cingapura) pvt. Ltd. filial da Índia, Nova Deli. 4. Materiais de Engenharia: Propriedades e Seleção, 7ª edição por Kenneth G. Budinski, Budinshi Pearson Singapor (Prentice Hall). 5. Física do Estado Sólido por Pillai S. O. Publicação Internacional New Age. Livros-texto / livros de referência (QUÍMICA) 1. Fundamentos da Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais por Donald R. Askeland, Pradeep P. Phule Thomson. 2. Specialty Polymers por R. W.Dyson Chapman e Hall, Nova York, EUA. 3. Polymer Composites por A. P.Gupta, publicação M. C.Gupta New Age. 4. Engenharia Química por R. N.Goyal, H. Goel Ane Books India. 5. Química de Engenharia por S. S.Dara S. Chand. 6. Química de Engenharia por Raghupati Mukhopadhyay, Sriparna Datta New Age International. 7. Química de Engenharia por P. C.Jain, Monica Jain Dhanpat Rai. EEE-12 ME 115 Engenharia Mecânica Básica L T P Créditos 4 0 0 4 (PARTE A) UNIDADE I Introdução à Termodinâmica, Conceitos de sistemas, volume de controle, estado, propriedades, equilíbrio, processo quase-estático, processo irreversível reversível, processo cíclico. Lei Zeroth e Temperatura, Gás Ideal. Calor e trabalho. UNIDADE II Primeira Lei da Termodinâmica para sistemas abertos fechados. Equação de energia não de fluxo. Estado Estável, Equação de Energia de Fluxo Constante. Segunda Lei da Termodinâmica. Declarações de Kelvin e Plancks, desigualdade de Clausius, Definição de Motor de Calor, Bomba de Calor, Refrigerador. Conceito de Entropia e disponibilidade. Eficiência de Carnot Cycle Carnot, Otto, Diedel, Ciclo dual e suas eficiências. UNIDADE III Propriedades Classificação de Fluidos, Fluidos reais ideais, Lei de Newton da viscosidade, Pressão em um ponto, Lei de Pascal, Variação de pressão em um fluido estático, Introdução à Mecânica dos Fluidos Biológicos Descrição geral do movimento de fluidos, linhas de fluxo, equação de continuidade, Bernoullis equação, fluxo constante e instável. Turbinas e bombas. (PARTE B) UNIDADE IV Introdução aos processos de fabricação de vários elementos da máquina. Introdução aos processos de soldagem de fundição. Fabricação de grandes componentes e conjuntos pequenos - por exemplo, porcas e parafusos, rotores de turbinas hidráulicas, geradores elétricos de grande porte, introdução ao torneamento, fresamento, conformação, perfuração de furos. UNIDADE V Introdução à medição de qualidade para processos de fabricação padrões de medições, padrões de linha e padrões finais, instrumentos de medição de precisão e medidores: calibres de vernier, medidores de altura, micrômetros, comparadores, indicadores comparadores e medidores de limite. Livros-texto / livros de referência 1. Engineering Termodinâmica por P. K. Nag. 2. Fundamentos da Termodinâmica Clássica por G. J. Van Wyle e R. E. Santag. 3. Introdução à Mecânica de Fluidos e Máquinas de Fluidos por S. K. Som e G. Biswas. 4. Mecânica dos Fluidos por V. L. Streeter e E. B. Wylie. 5. Mecânica dos Fluidos e Máquinas Hidráulicas por R. K. Bansal. 6. Processos de Fabricação por Kalpakjian. 7. Workshop Practics por A. K. Hazara Chowdhary. 8. Workshop Technology by W. A. J. Chapman. 9. Production Engineering by P. C. Sharma 10. Production Engineering by R. K. Jain. COE 116 Programming Fundamentals L T P Credits 2 0 0 2 UNIT I Introduction: Concepts of algorithm, flow chart, Introduction to different Programming Languages like C, C, Java etc. Elementary Programming: Data types, assignment statements, conditional statements and input/output statements. Iterative programs using loops. Concept of subprograms. Coding style: choice of names, indentation, documentation, etc. UNIT II Arrays: Array representation, Operations on array elements, using arrays, multidimensional arrays. Structures Unions: Declaration and usage of structures and Unions. Pointers: Pointer and address arithmetic, pointer operations and declarations, using pointers as function argument. File: Declaration of files, different types of files. File input/ output and usage. UNIT III Object Oriented Programming: Functional and data decomposition, Characteristics of Object-Oriented Languages: Abstraction, Encapsulation, Information hiding, abstract data types, Classes and Objects: Concept of Object classes, attributes, methods, C class declaration, private and public memberships, Constructors and destructors, instantiation of objects. Introduction to Class inheritance and operator overloading. UNIT IV Files: Streams and files, error handling, over view of Standard Template Library. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Problem Solving and Program Design in C by Jeri R. Hanly, Elliot B. Koffman Pearson Addison-Wesley, 2006. 2. A Structured Programming Approach Using C by Behrouz A. Forouzan, Richard F. Gilberg Thomson Computer Science - Third Edition India Edition, 2007. 3. C: The Complete Reference by Schildt Herbert Wiley DreamTech, 2005. 4. Object Oriented Programming using C E. Balagurusamy, TMH. R. Lafore BPB Publications, 2004. 5. Object Oriented Programming with C by D. Parasons BPB Publication, 1999. 6. The Art of Programming Computer Science with C Steven C. Lawlor Vikas Publication, 2002. EEE-13 AP 117 Applied Physics - II Lab Laboratory Practical Based on course work corresponding AP113 L T P Credits 0 0 2 2 COE 118 Programming Lab Laboratory Practical Based on course work corresponding COE-116 L T P Credits 0 0 2 2 ME 119 Engineering Graphics L T P Credits 0 0 3 3 General: Importance, Significance and scope of engineering drawing Lettering, Dimensioning, Scales, Sense of Proportioning, Different types of Projections, B. I.S. Specification, line symbols, rules of printing. Projections of Points and Lines: Introduction of planes of projection, Reference and auxiliary planes, projections of points and lines in different quadrants, traces, inclinations, and true lengths of the lines, projections on auxiliary planes, shortest distance, intersecting and non-intersecting lines. Planes Other than the Reference Planes: Introduction of other planes (perpendicular and oblique), their traces, inclinations etc. projections of points lines in the planes, conversion of oblique plane into auxiliary plane and solution of related problems. Projections of Plane Figures: Different cases of plane figure (of different shapes) making different angles with one or both reference planes and lines lying in the plane figures making different given angles (with one or both reference planes). Obtaining true shape of the plane figure by projection. Projection of Solids: Simple cases when solid is placed in different positions, Axis, faces and lines lying in the faces of the solid making given angles. Isometric and Orthographic: First and Third angle of system of projection sketching of Orthographic views from pictorial views and vice versa principles and type of sectioning. Development of Surface Text Books/Reference Books 1. Engineering Graphics by Narayana, K. L. and Kannaiah, P. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 2. Elementary Engineering Drawing by Bhatt N. D. Charotar Book Stall, Anand 3. Engineering Graphics by Lakshminarayaan, V. and Vaish Wanar, R. S. Jain Brothers, New Delhi 4. Engineering Graphics by Chandra, A. M. and Chandra Satish Narosa PE 120 Mechanical Workshop L T P Credits 0 0 3 3 Fitting shops, Welding shops, Foundry Shops, Sheet Metal Shop, Smithy Shop. EL-201 Electronic Devices Circuits L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction to Electronics. Signals, frequency spectrum of signals, analog and digital signals, amplifiers, circuit models of amplifiers, frequency response, digital logic inverters. Diodes Ideal diodes, physical operation and terminal characteristics, small signal models, operation in reverse breakdown region, Zener diode, rectifier circuits, limiting and clamping circuits etc. UNIT II Bipolar Junction Transistors. Physical structure and modes of operation, symbols, operation in active mode, graphical representation of transistor characteristics, DC analysis of transistor circuits, transistor as an amplifier and small signal model, transistor biasing, CE, CC and CB amplifier configurations, transistor as switch, large signal model of the transistor. UNIT III MOSFETs and Field Effect Transistors. Structure and physical operation of enhancement type MOSFET, current - voltage characteristics, depletion type MOSFET, MOSFET as an amplifier, basic single stage MOSFET amplifiers, all NMOS amplifier stages, JFETs, etc. Differential and Multistage Amplifiers: BJT differential pair, small signal model and operation, differential amplifiers with active loads, MOS differential amplifiers, multistage amplifiers, etc. UNIT IV Frequency Response. Low frequency response of CE and CS amplifier, high frequency response of CS and CE amplifier, CB, CC and cascade configurations and their frequency response, frequency response of CC-CE cascade. UNIT V Feedback amplifiers and Oscillators. Principles of feed back in amplifiers, advantages of negative feedback, effect of feedback on impedances, Nyquist criterion for stability, Barkhausen criterion for sinusoidal oscillators, phase shift oscillator, Wien-bridge oscillator, resonant circuit oscillators, crystal oscillators, frequency stability. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Microelectronic Circuits, Sedra A. S. and Smith K. C, Oxford university Press, 5th Edition 2. Electronic Devices Circuit Theory Robert L Boylestad Louis Nashelsky, PHI 3. Electronic Devices and Circuits, Jacob. Millman, Christos C. Halkias, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Limited, New Delhi, 2003. 4. Electronic Devices and Circuits, David A. Bell, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2003. EEE-14 EL-202 Electrical Machines - I L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Transformers. General constructional features, type of transformers, Special constructional features cruciform and multiple stepped cores, cooling methodology, conservators, breather, Buchholz relay, concepts of coupled circuits, voltage, current and impedance relationships, equivalent circuits and phasor diagrams at no load and full load conditions, voltage regulation, losses and efficiency, all day efficiency, auto transformer and equivalent circuit, comparison of copper volume with two winding transformer, practical determination of equivalent circuit parameters and phasor diagrams, parallel operation and load sharing with equal and unequal voltage ratios, advantages of per UNIT system. UNIT II Poly Phase Transformers. Poly phase connections, star - star, star-delta, delta-star and delta-delta connections, use of delta connection for third harmonics, zig-zag connection, tertiary windings, vector groups with clock convention, phase conversions - 3-phase to 1 phase, 3-phase to 6-phase, 3-phase to 2-phase (Scott connection) and 3 phase to 12 phase, Special Purpose transformers instrument transformers and high frequency transformers. UNIT III Electromechanical Energy Conversion Principles. Forces and torques in magnetic field systems, single and multiple excited magnetic field systems, forces and torques in systems with permanent magnets, generated emf in electrical machines with concentrated distributed windings UNIT IV D. C. Machines. Basic constructional features of DC machines, separately and self excited machines, armature winding details - lap wave connections, DC generators emf equation, armature - reaction, commutation, characteristics of different types of DC generators. DC motors torque equation, armature - reaction, commutation, interpoles, compensating windings, characteristics of different types of D. C. motors. DC motor starting methods and types of starters, speed control, losses, efficiency and testing Dynamics of DC motors. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Electric Machinery, Fitzgerald. A. E. Charles Kingsely Jr, Stephen D. Umans, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006. 2. Electromechanical Energy Conversion with Dynamics of machines, R. D. Begamudre, New Age International publishers, New Delhi, 1998. 3. Performance and Design of DC Machines, Clayton and Hancock, BPB Publications, Hyderabad. 4. Performance and Design of Alternating Current Machines, M. G. Say, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2008. 5. Electric Machines, Nagrath I. J and Kothari D. P. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, 2010. 6. Problems in Electrical Engineering, Parker Smith, CBS Publishers, New Delhi. EL-203 Network Analysis and Synthesis L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction. Introduction to continuous and discrete signals, their classification and types, periodic waveforms and signal synthesis, Fourier representation of continuous time periodic and aperiodic signals, LTI systems and their properties system modeling in terms of differential equations and transient response of R, L, C circuits for impulse, step, ramp, sinusoidal and exponential signals. UNIT II Network Topology and Graph Theory. Introductory concepts of network graphs, cut sets, loops, cut set and loop analysis. UNIT III Network Theorems. Superposition, Thevenins theorem, Nortons theorem, maximum power transfer theorem, reciprocity theorem, Millers theorem. UNIT IV Laplace Transform: Review of properties and applications of Laplace transform of complex waveform and transient response of R - L - C series, parallel, series-parallel circuits for all kinds of excitations. UNIT V Two Port Networks and Elements of Realizability. z, y, h, g, ABCD, inverse ABCD parameters, their inter conversion, interconnection of two 2-port networks, concept of transform impedance. Positive real functions definition properties, Fosters I and II, Cauers I and II forms, Synthesis of LC, RC, RL Networks, image parameters and basics of two - port synthesis. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Network Analysis, M. E. Van Valkenburg, M. E. PHI, 2000. 2. Linear circuit Analysis: Time Domain, Phasor, and Laplace Transform Approaches, Decarlo Lin, Oxford, 2001. 3. Network Analysis and Synthesis, F. F. Kuo, John Wiley and Sons, 2nd Edition. 4. Engineering Circuit Analysis, Hayt, Kemmerly Durbin, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, 2007. 5. Basic Circuit Theory, Desoer and Kuh, McGraw Hill International Student Edition. EL-204 Power System - I L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Power System Components. Single line diagram of power EEE-15 system, brief description of power system elements, synchronous machine, transformer, transmission line, bus bar, circuit breaker and isolator. Supply System: different kinds of supply system and their comparison, choice of transmission voltage. Transmission Lines: configurations, types of conductors, resistance of line, skin effect, Kelvins law. proximity effect. UNIT II Over Head Transmission Lines. Calculation of inductance and capacitance of single phase, three phase, single circuit and double circuit, transmission lines, representation and performance of short, medium and long transmission lines, Ferranti effect, surge impedance loading. UNIT III Corona and Interference. Phenomenon of corona, corona formation, calculation of potential gradient, corona loss, factors affecting corona, methods of reducing corona and interference, electrostatic and electromagnetic interference with communication lines. Overhead line Insulators: type of insulators and their applications, potential distribution over a string of insulators, methods of equalizing the potential, string efficiency. UNIT IV Mechanical Design of transmission line. Catenary curve, calculation of sag tension, effects of wind and ice loading, sag template, vibration dampers. Insulated cables: type of cables and their construction, dielectric stress, grading of cables, insulation resistance, capacitance of single phase and three phase cables, dielectric loss, heating of cables UNIT V Distribution systems. Basic idea of distribution systems, different types of loads, voltage drop in distributors, radial and ring main type of distribution systems. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Power System Analysis, J. Grainger and W. D. Stevenson, TMH, 2006. 2. Power System Analysis, A. R. Bergen and V. Vittal, Pearson, 2008. 3. Power System Control and Stability, P. Kundur, TMH, 2006. 4. Electrical Power Systems, C. L. Wadhwa, New age international Ltd. Third Edition 5. Power System, Asfaq Hussain, CBS Publishers and Distributors, 2000. 6. Electrical Power System Design M. V. Deshpande, Tata Mc Graw Hill,1985. 7. Elements of Electrical Power Station Design, M. V. Deshpande, PHI Learning, 2009 8. A Course in Electrical Power, Soni, Gupta, Bhatnagar, Dhanpat Rai Sons. 9. Electric Power, S. L.Uppal, Khanna Publishers. 10. Electric Power Generation, Transmission Distribution, S. N.Singh, PHI Learning. EL-205 Electrical and Electronic Measurements L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Electrical Measurements. Standards of measurements, errors and their statistical evaluation, parasitic effects of circuit components. Calibration: accuracy, precision, sensitivity, resolution, noise. UNIT II Measurement of Circuit Components. Measurement of low, medium, high resistance, insulation resistance measurement, measurement of earth resistance. AC DC Potentiometers, generalized theory of AC bridges, Wiens bridge, Scherings bridge, measurements of dielectric loss, universal bridge, self balancing bridges, transformer ratio bridges and screening, multiple earth and earth loop, electrostatic and electromagnetic interference, grounding techniques, vibration galvanometer and null detecting devices. UNIT III Magnetic Measurement. Determination of B-H curve, measurement of iron losses, analog and digital instruments for measurement of frequency and phase. UNIT IV Measuring Devices and Systems. Theory and design of D Arsonval galvnometer, concept of multi range meters, dynamometer type wattmeter, and Induction type energy meter. UNIT V Electronic Measuring Devices. CRO and its applications, active and passive probes, current probes, storage oscilloscope, Multimeter, Digital Voltmeter, Electronic energy meter Electronic Wattmeter Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Measurement Systems Application and Design, E. O. Doeblin, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003. 2. A Course in Electrical Electronic Measurements Instrumentation, A. K. Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai and Co, 2004. 3. Digital Instrumentation, A. J. Bouwens, Tata McGraw Hill, 1997. 4. Transducers and Instrumentation, D. V.S. Moorthy, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, 2003. 5. Electronic Instrumentation, H. S. Kalsi, Tata McGraw Hill, 1995. 6. Electrical Measurements, Martin Reissland, New Age International (P) Ltd. Delhi, 2001. 7. A Course in Electronic and Electrical Measurements, J. B. Gupta, S. K. Kataria Sons, Delhi, 2003. EEE-16 EL - 206 Engineering Economics L T P Credits 3 0 0 3 UNIT I Applied Economics. Economics introduction, law of demand and supply, elasticity of demand and supply: price, cross income, advertisement, production function and factor of production, type of market, money and bank, credit creation by bank, tax and subsidy, monetary policy and fiscal policy. UNIT II Modern Theory of International Trade. Forecasting and decision analysis, problems of Indian economy and how engineers can help in their alleviation. How introduction of information technology has affected different sector: production, marketing, customer interaction UNIT III Management. Introduction, history of management, difference and relationship between management, administration and organization, engineering manager, management obligation and ethical considerations UNIT IV Financial Management. Concepts, purpose of investment, type of capital, sources of finance, financial accountancy, book keeping, the journal and ledger, balance sheet, financial ratios. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond stage One, Thomas Sowell, Basic Books, 2nd Edition, 2007. 3. Microeconomics: Principles and Policy, William J. Baumol and Alan S. Blinder, Cengage Learning, 12th Edition, 2011. 3. Management Process and Organizational Behavior, Karam Pal, I. K. International Publishing House, Delhi, 2007. 4. Management, R. Gulati, A. J. Mayo and N. Nohria, Cengage Learning, 1st Edition, 2013. 5. Fundamentals of Management Concepts Functions Role and Profile, S. S. Kharka, S. Chand Company Ltd, New Delhi,2001. 6. Economics for Engineering Students, Seema Singh, I. K. International Publishing House, Delhi, 2009. EL-207 Electronics Devices and Circuits L T P Credits 0 0 2 2 Based on the course work corresponding to EE-201 EL-208 Electrical and Electronic Measurements Lab L T P Credits 0 0 2 2 Based on the course work corresponding to EE-205 EL-209 Electrical Machines I Lab L T P Credits 0 0 2 2 Based on the course work corresponding to EE-202 EL-210 Term Paper - I L T P Credits 0 0 1 1 EL 211 Linear Integrated Circuits L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Feedback Amplifiers. General feedback structure, properties of negative feedback, basic feedback topologies, determination of loop-gain, stability problem UNIT II IC OP-AMP Applications. OP-AMP fundamentals (Brief review of differential amplifier, current mirror, active load, level shifter, output stage ac and dc characteristics), basic building blocks using OP-AMPS, inverting/non inverting VCVS, integrators, differentiators, CCVS, Instrumentation amplifiers, Biquad filter (LP, HP, BP and notch), Oscillators, A/ D D/A convertors UNIT III Non-linearAmplifiers. Logarithmic amplifiers, Log/antilog modules, Precision rectifier, Peak detector, Sample and Hold circuits UNIT IV Comparators and Timers. OP-AMP as comparator, Schmitt Trigger, Square and Triangular wave generator, mono stable and astable multi vibrator, IC timers and their applications. IC Analog multipliers: Basic circuits, applications UNIT V IC OTA Applications. Basic building blocks using OTA, electronically programmable functional circuit examples. Voltage regulators: (78/79, XX), 723 IC regulators (current limiting, current fold back), SMPS. Applications of analog switches: programmable gain amplifiers Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Microelectronic Circuits, A. S. Sedra and K. C. Smith, Oxford University Press, 5th Edition, 2003. 2. Microelectronic Circuits: Analysis and Design, M. H. Rashid, Oxford University Press, 5th Edition, 2003. 3. Applications and Design with Analog Integrated Circuits, M. Jacob, PHI/Dorlin Kindersley. 4. Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, Sergio Franco, TMH. EEE-17 EL-212 Communication Systems -1 L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction to Electronic Communication systems: Introduction, Electronic communication system, Types of communication system: Frequency spectrum of EM waves, Modulation, Bandwidth and information capacity, Transmission Noise: Internal noise (Thermal, shot, Transit time Miscellaneous) External noise (Atmospheric, Industrial, Extra Terrestrial) Noise calculations Noise figure Noise temperature. UNIT II Amplitude Modulation systems: Transmission (Principle, spectrum, efficiency, power and current calculation) AM envelop AM Modulator circuits AM transmitters QAM AM Receivers: Receiver Parameters (Selectivity, sensitivity, dynamic range, fidelity) TRF Receiver Superhetrodyne receiver, Low noise Amplifier, Mixer / converter, Noise limiter, Automatic Gain Control circuit UNIT III Single sideband communication systems: Single Sideband system, AM SSB full carrier, AM SSB reduced carrier, AM SSB suppressed carrier, AM independent sideband, AM vestigial sideband, Comparison of single sideband transmission to conventional AM, Single sideband generation methods Single sideband transmitter. UNIT IV Angle Modulation system: Mathematical Analysis, Deviation sensitivity, Waveforms, Phase deviation and modulation index, Frequency analysis of angle modulated system, Bandwidth requirement of angle modulated system Noise and angle modulation, Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis, Generation of FM waves, Demodulation of FM waves, Angle Modulation vs. amplitude modulation. UNIT V Pulse Analog Modulation-Nyquist theorem. Practical sampling, PAM, PWM and PPM generation and detection. Noise in CW modulation: Noise calculation in communication system, Noise in Amplitude modulation system, Noise in Angle modulated system, Narrow band noise. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. B. P. Lathi, Modern Digital and Analog Communication System Oxford University Press 3rd Edition. 2. Taub Schilling, Principles of Communication Systems TMH, 2nd Edition. 3. Simon Haykin. Communication Systems John Wiley Sons Inc, 4th Edition 4. W. Tomasi, Electronic Communication Systems Pearson Education, 5th Edition EL-213 Digital Circuits and Systems L T P Credits 3 1 0 3 UNIT I Review of number system. Types and conversion, codes, Boolean algebra, De-Morgans Theorem, switching functions and simplification using K-maps and Quine McCluskey method. UNIT II Design of Logic Gates. Comparators, code converters, encoders, decoders, multiplexers and de-multiplexers, function realization using gates, multiplexers. UNIT III Design and Analysis of Combinational Logic Circuits Adders, subtractors, code converters, multilevel NAND and NOR logic circuits. UNIT IV MSI and LSI Combinational Logic Circuits. Decimal adder, decoders, digital system design with multiplexers, ROM, PROM, EPROM, PLA. UNIT V Flip Flops and Counters. Types of flip flops, analysis and design of clocked sequential circuits, counters, state diagram, state reduction, state assignment. UNIT VI Logic Families. DTL, TTL, ECL, I2L, MOS and CMOS logic families. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Digital Logic and Computer Design, M. Morris Mano, Prentice Hall of India,2002. 2. Digital Logic: Applications and Design, John M. Yarbrough, CL Engineering,1996. 3. Fundamentals of Logic Design, Jr. Charles H. Roth and Larry L Kinney, Cengage Learning,2013. 4. Digital Fundamentals, Thomas L. Floyd, Prentice Hall, 10th edition, 2008. 5. Digital Design: Principles and Practices John F. Wakerly, Prentice Hall, 4th edition, 2005. 6. Fundamentals of Digital Circuits, Anand Kumar, Prentice Hall of India, 2006. EL 214 Power Systems - II L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Review of Power System Components. Synchronous machines, transformers, transmission lines, single line EEE-18 diagram, impedance and reactance diagram, per UNIT system. UNIT II Load Flows. Introduction, bus classifications, nodal admittance matrix (YBUS ), development of load flow equations, load flow solution using Gauss-Siedel and Newton-Raphson methods, approximation to N-R method, fast decoupled method, line flow equations. UNIT III Economic Operation of Power Systems. Input-output characteristics of thermal and hydro plants, optimum generator allocations without and with transmission losses, penalty factor, incremental transmission loss, transmission loss coefficients and their calculations, hydrothermal scheduling, UNIT commitment, concept of optimal power flow. UNIT IV Symmetrical faults. Concept of Bus impedance matrix and ZBUS building procedure, use of ZBUS in computation of three phase short circuit currents, selection of circuit breakers, use of current limiting reactors. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Elements of Power System Analysis, W. D. Stevenson Jr. Mc Graw Hill,1982. 2. Electric Energy Systems Theory An Introduction, Olle. I. Elgerd, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi, Second Edition, 2003. 3. Power System Analysis and Design, J. D. Glover, M. S. Sharma T. J.Overbye, Thomson Learning,2008. 4. Power System Analysis, A. R. Bergen and V. Vittal, Pearson India, 2010. 5. Power System Stability and Control, P. Kundur, TMH. 6. Power System Analysis, Hadi Sadat, Tata McGraw Hill. 7. Power System Analysis, P. S.R. Murthy, B. S. Publications, 2007. 8. Modern Power System Engineering, Kothari Nagrath, Tata Mc. Graw Hill. 9. Electrical Power System, C. L. Wadhwa, New Age International. 10. Power System Engineering, Chakraborty, Soni, Gupta Bhatnagar, Dhanpat Rai Co. EL-215 Electrical Machines-II L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Asynchronous Machines - I. General constructional features of poly phase asynchronous motors, concept of rotating magnetic field, principle of operation, phasor diagram, Equivalent circuit, torque and power equations, torque-slip characteristics, practical determination of equivalent circuit parameters, losses and efficiency. UNIT II Asynchronous Machines-II. Starting methods for asynchronous motors, role of deep bar and double cage rotor, DOL, autotransformer and star delta starters, speed control, V/f control, braking, and power factor control of asynchronous motors, time and space harmonics, effect of space and time harmonics on asynchronous machine performance, cogging and crawling. Operation of asynchronous machine as asynchronous generator-grid connected and self excited modes of operation. Dynamics of asynchronous machines, UNIT III: Synchronous Machines - I. General constructional features, armature winding, emf equation, effect of distribution and pitch factor, flux and mmf relationship, phasor diagram, non - salient pole machine, equivalent circuit, determination of equivalent circuit parameters by open and short circuit tests, voltage regulation using synchronous impedance method, Potiers triangle method, power angle characteristics, parallel operation of synchronous generators, synchronizing power and torque coefficient, operation on infinite bus, effect of excitation control. UNIT IV Synchronous Machines - II. Operation as synchronous motor, phasor diagram, starting methods, V-curves, synchronous condenser, hunting and damping, salient-pole synchronous machine, two-reaction theory, phasor diagram, steady state equivalent circuit, practical determination of Xd and Xq by slip test, maximum lagging current method, power angle characteristics of synchronous machines, dynamics of synchronous machines. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Fitzgerald. A. E. Charles Kingsely Jr, Stephen D. Umans, Electric Machinery, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006. 2. M. G. Say, Performance and Design of Alternating Current Machines, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2008. 3. Philip Kemp, Alternating Current Electrical Engineering, Mc Millan, London. 4. Nagrath I. J and Kothari D. P. Electric Machines, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, 2010. 5. Parker Smith, Problems in Electrical Engineering, CBS Publishers, New Delhi. EL-216 Electromagnetic Field Theory L T P Credits 3 0 0 3 UNIT I Mathematical Orientation. Review of gradient curl and divergence operations. Volume, surface and line integrals, vector identities, coordinate system and transformation of vectors in various coordinate systems, Dirac delta function. EEE-19 UNIT II Static Electric Fields. Coulomb force, field due to number of charges, charge density functions, Dirac delta representation of charges, fields due to various sources, scalar potential, method of evaluating fields, fields in dielectrics, polarization, D and P vectors, electric dipole and dipole moment, concept of simple medium, boundary conditions, capacitors, energy stored in electric fields, solution of Laplace equation in various coordinate system by separation of variables, field mapping and conformal transformation, statement and interpretation of Maxwells equations. UNIT III Steady Magnetic fields. Lorentz force equation, concept of magnetic intensity and magnetic field, Biot Savarts Law, magnetic vector potential, force and torque between the current carrying conductors, loops, solenoid, magnetic material, magnetic dipole M vector, calculation of inductance for simple geometries, energy stored in a magnetic field, solution of magnetic static problems by separation of variables, field mapping and conformal transformation, magnetic circuits, statement and interpretation of Maxwells equations. UNIT IV Time Dependent Fields. Generalization of Maxwells equations in source free medium, plane waves and plane wave reflections at conductor and dielectric interfaces wave propagation in conducting and dielectric media, concepts of surface impedance and skin effect, Poynting Vector and Poynting Theorem. UNIT V Guided Waves. Waves between parallel planes, transverse electric waves (TE), transverse magnetic waves (TM), characteristics of TE and TM waves, transverse electromagnetic wave, velocity of propagation, attenuation of wave in parallel planes. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Engineering Electromagnetics, William H. Hayt, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011. 2. Elements of Electromagnetics, Sadiku, 4th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2007. 3. Electromagnetics, John. D. Kraus, McGraw Hill. New York, 4th Edition, 1991. 4. Electromagnetics with Applications, Kraus and Flesish, McGraw Hill International, 5th Edition, 1999. 5. Introduction to Electrodynamics, David J. Griffiths, Addison-Wesley, 4th edition, 2012. 6. Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics, Nannapaneni Narayana Rao,6th Edition, Pearson Education, Inc, 2004. EL-217 Linear integrated Circuits Lab L T P Credits 0 0 2 2 Based on the course work corresponding to EE-211 EL-218 Power Systems Lab L T P Credits 0 0 2 2 Based on the course work corresponding to EE-214. EL-219 Electrical Machines - II Lab L T P Credits 0 0 2 2 Based on the course work corresponding to EE-215. EL-2201 Term Paper - II L T P Credits 0 0 1 1 EL 301 Power Electronics - I L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction. Characteristics and switching behavior of Power Diode, SCR, UJT, TRIAC, DIAC, GTO, MOSFET, IGBT, MCT and power BJT, two-transistor analogy of SCR, firing circuits of SCR and TRIAC, SCR gate characteristics, SCR ratings. Protection of SCR against over current, over voltage, high dV/dt, high dI/dt, thermal protection methods of commutation, series and parallel operation of SCR. UNIT II AC to DC Converter. Classification of rectifiers, phase controlled rectifiers, single phase half wave controlled, fully controlled and half controlled rectifiers and their performance parameters. three phase half wave, full wave and half controlled rectifiers and their performance parameters, effect of source impedance on the performance of single phase and three phase controlled rectifiers, single - phase and three phase dual converter. UNIT III D. C. to D. C. Converter. Classification of choppers, principle of operation, steady state analysis of class - A chopper, step up chopper, switching mode regulators, Buck, Boost, Buck - Boost, Cuk regulators, current commutated and voltage commutated chopper. UNIT IV A. C. to A. C. Converter. Classification, principle of operation of step up and step down cyclo-converter, single phase to single phase cyclo-converter with resistive and inductive load, three phase to single phase cyclo-converter, half wave and full wave, cosine wave crossing technique. three phase to three phase cyclo-converter. output voltage equation of cyclo-converter. UNIT V D. C. to A. C. Converter. Classification, basic series and improved series inverter, parallel inverter, single phase voltage source inverter, steady state analysis, half bridge and full bridge inverter, modified McMurray and modified Mc Murray Bedford inverter, voltage control in single phase EEE-20 inverters, PWM inverter, reduction of harmonics, current source inverter, three phase bridge inverter. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Power Electronic, Converters, Applications and Design, Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland and William P. Robbins, John Wiley Sons 2. Power Electronics: Circuits, devices and applications, M. H. Rashid, PHI. 3. Fundamental of Power Electronics, Robert W. Erickson and Dragon Maksimovic, Springer International Edition, 2nd ed. 2001. 4. Modern Power Electronics, Evolution, Technology and Applications, Edited by B. K. Bose, Jaico Publishers 5. Power Electronics Principles and Applications, Joseph Vithayathil, Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2010 6. An Introduction to Thyristors and their applications, M. Ramamoorthy, East-West Press. EL-302 Control System-I L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction. Linear, non linear, time varying and linear time invariant system, servomechanism, historical development of automatic control and introduction to digital computer control, mathematical models of physical systems, differential equations of physical systems, transfer functions, block diagram algebra and signal flow graphs. UNIT II Feed Back Characteristics of Control Systems. Feedback and non-feedback systems, advantages and disadvantages of negative feedback, regenerative feedback. Control Systems and Components: DC and AC servomotors, synchros, tacho generator and stepper motors, ADC and DAC etc. UNIT III Time Response Analysis, Design Specifications and Performance Indices. Standard test signals, time response of first-order systems, time response of second-order systems, steady-state error and error constants, effect of adding a zero to a system, P, PI and PID control actions and their effect, design specifications of second-order systems and performance indices. UNIT IV Concepts of Stability and Algebraic Criteria. The concept of stability, necessary and sufficient conditions for stability, Rouths stability criterion and relative stability analysis. Root locus technique: root locus concept, construction of root loci, root contours, systems with transportation lag, sensitivity of the roots of the characteristic equation, analysis and design of control systems with MATLAB UNIT V Frequency Response Analysis. Correlation between time and frequency response, polar plots, Bode plots, and all pass and minimum-phase systems. Stability in frequency domain: mathematical preliminaries, Nyquist stability criterion, definition of gain margin and phase margin, assessment of relative stability using Nyquist and Bode Plots, constant M-circles, constant N-circles, Nicholas chart, closed-loop frequency response. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Automatic Control Systems, Kuo, B. C. Prentice Hall of India. 2. Modern Control Engineering, Ogata. K Prentice Hall of India 3. Linear Control Systems, James Melsa, Donald Schultz, Mcgraw-Hill,1992. 4. Control Systems Engineering, Norman S. Nise, John Wiley and Sons, 2011. 5. Control Systems Engineering, Nagrath I. J. and Gopal M. New Age International. Publishers EL-303 Data Communication Computer Networks L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Concepts Terminology, Advantages of Computer Networking, Review of Analog Digital Transmissions, Distributed Processing, Network Type: Public Private, Switched Broadcast Networks LAN, WAN, Inter connecting Networks, Client Server Computing. UNIT II Elements of Computer Communication System, Communication Channels (Twisted pairs, co-axial cable, optical tube, Microwave satellite, Limitations, Bandwidth Consideration, Channel capacity, Shannon Hartley Theorem, Data Rates, Transmission Characteristics, Transmission Techniques (Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission, Serial and Parallel, Base band Broadband Transmission). UNIT III Introduction, Modems Theory, Principle of Operation, Types of Modems, Modulation Techniques, Interface: Need RS 232C, RS 449, RS 442, RS 423A, DTE, DCE, Interface with Functions of Pins (10 only) ect. Uses, Switching Networks, Circuit Message and packet Switching with their Advantages and Disadvantages, Salient Features of Packet Switching and Packet Network Architecture Datagram, Virtual Circuits, X 25 Details. UNIT IV Local and Wide area Networks, LAN Topology with their Advantages and Disadvantages, Interconnecting Network Bridge, Gateway, Router, Brouter, Media access Control Methods, CSMA/C D, High Level Data Link Control, General EEE-21 Features, Types of Stations, Flow Control, Error Control, Framing, Transparency, Ethernet, 10BASES-Standard Ethernet, 100 BASE - X Fast Ethernet, Data Compression Techniques. UNIT V Introduction, Architecture and Protocols, ISO Reference Model, ISDN Networks, Channels, User Access, Internet, Frame Relaying, ATM, Routing Techniques, Multimedia, Protocols. Text/ Reference Books. 1. Data Communication and Distributed Networks by U. D. Black, PHI. 2. Local Area Network by James Maren, PHI. 3. Computer Networks by A. S. Tanebaum (4th edition), PHI. 4. Data Communication Networking Devices by Glbird Held, Wiley Publication. 5. Data Communication by Prakash C. Gupta, PHI. 6. Understanding Data Communication and Networks by William A. Shay, ITP Publication. EL-304 Digital Signal Processing L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction: Classification of Systems. Continuous, discrete, Linear, Casual Stable Dynamic recursive, time variant Classification of Signals. Continuous and discrete Energy and Power Mathematical representation of Signals, Spectral density. Sampling Techniques, Quantization, Quantization error, Nyquist state and Aliasing Effect. Digital Signal Representation, Analog to Digital Conversion UNIT II Discrete Time System Analysis. Z transform and its properties Inverse Z Transform Difference equation - Solution by Z transform Application to Discrete System, Stability Analysis, Frequency response, convolution Fourier transform of Discrete Sequence. Discrete Fourier Series UNIT III Discrete Fourier Transformation Computation: DFT Properties, magnitude phase representation, Computation of DFT using DIT DIF FFT using radix 2 Butterfly structure UNIT IV Digital filter design: FIR IIR filter realization parallel cascade forms, FIR design Windowing Techniques need And choice of windows liner phase characteristics, IIR Design. Analog filter design Butterworth Chevyshev approximation digital design using impulse and variant and bilinear transformation - Warping. pre warping frequency transformation UNIT V Programmable DSP Chips. Architecture and features of TMS320C54 Signal Processing Chip - Quantization effects designing digital Filters Text Books/Reference Books: 1. John G. Proakis, D. G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing. 2. Ashok Ambardar, Analog and Digital Signal Processing. 3. L. R. Rabiner, B. Gold. Theory and Applications of Digital Signal Processing, PHI, 1975 4. Richard G. Lyons, Understanding Digital Signal Processing. 5. Roman Kuc. Introduction to Digital Signal Processing. 6. V. Oppenheim, R. W. Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal Processing. 7. S. K Mitra Digital Signal Processing A Computer based Approach Tata Mcgraw Hill New Delhi EL-305 Microprocessor Applications L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Microprocessor Architecture. Functional block diagram, signals, buses, memory and its interfacing, I/O ports and mapping, timing diagram, interrupt structure, concepts of data transfer, basic idea regarding fetching and execution of simple programmes from CPU. UNIT II Programming in Assembly Language. Instruction format and addressing modes, assembly language format, and data transfer, data manipulation and control instructions, programming for-loop structure with counting and indexing application of look up table, subroutine, stack operation, polling and interrupt based control transfer. UNIT III Peripheral Interfacing. Hand shaking, bidirectional data transfer, study of architecture and programming peripheral interface, 8255 PPI, 8251 USART, 8279 keyboard and display controller, 8253 timer/counter interface, A/D and D/A converter interfacing, serial communication. UNIT IV Arithmetic Operators and Algorithms. Fixed point, floating point and fractional arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), signed arithmetic, overflow conditions, Boolean algorithm. UNIT V Applications. Keyboard and display interface, stepper motor control, applications to measurement and instrumentation, distributed data acquisition system, assessment of power factor, real and reactive power. EEE-22 Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Microprocessor Architecture: Programming and Applications, R. S. Gaonkar, Wiley Eastern Ltd, New Delhi, 1995. 2. The 8051 Micro Controller and Embedded Systems, Muhammad Ali Mazidi Janice Gilli Mazdi, Pearson Eduction, 5th Indian reprint, 2003. 3. Microprocessor and Microcontroller Fundamentals: The 8085 and 8051 Hardware and Software, William Kleitz, Prentice Hall, 1st edition,1997. 4. Microprocessors-Theory and Applications: Intel and Motorola, M. Rafiquzzaman, PHI,1993. 5. Advanced Microprocessor Interfacing, B. Ram, TMH,2001. 6. Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: Architecture, Programming and System Design 8085, 8086, 8051, 8096, Kant Krishna, PHI,2007. 7. Microcomputer Systems: The 8086/8088 Family Architecture Programming And Design, Gibson Gleen A and Liu Yu-Cheng, 2nd Edition, PHI,2011 EL-306 Control System Lab L T P Credits 0 0 2 2 Laboratory Practical Based on course work corresponding EL 302 EL-307 Digital Electronics and Microprocessor Applications Lab L T P Credits 0 0 2 2 Laboratory Practical Based on course work corresponding EL 305 EL-308 Communication Lab L T P Credits 0 0 2 2 Laboratory Practical Based on course work corresponding EL-303 EL-309 Minor Project-I L T P Credits 0 0 0 4 EL 311 Electrical Drives L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Dynamics of Electric Drives. Types of loads, quadrant diagram of speed time characteristics, Basic and modified characteristics of dc and ac motors, equalization of load, steady state stability, calculation of time and energy loss, control of electric drives, modes of operation, speed control and drive classifications, closed loop control of drives, selection of motor power rating, class of duty, thermal considerations. UNIT II DC Motor Drives. DC motor speed control, Methods of armature control, field weakening, semiconductor controlled drives, starting, braking, transient analysis, controlled rectifier fed dc drives, chopper controlled dc drives. UNIT III Induction Motor Drives. Three phase induction motor starting, braking, transient analysis, speed control from stator and rotor sides, stator voltage control, variable frequency control from voltage sources and current sources, static rotor resistance control, slip power recovery, static Scherbius and static Kramer drive. UNIT IV Synchronous Motor Drives. Synchronous motor, operation from fixed frequency supply, starting, pull-in, transients, braking, synchronous motor variable speed drives, modes of variable frequency control, self controlled synchronous motor drive employing load commutated thyristor inverter. UNIT V Drives with Special Machines. Introduction to permanent magnet machines, thermal properties of PM, concept of BLDC motor, 120 and 180 operation, rotor position detection, open loop voltage control, closed loop current control, high speed single pulse operation, permanent magnet synchronous machines, rotor position detection and synchronization, sinusoidal PWM excitation, closed and open loop control, PMSG and its application to wind energy, stepper motor, current and voltage control, drive circuits, SRM drive, modeling and analysis of SRM, different configurations of converters, closed and open loop operation, high speed operation with angle of advance. UNIT VI Traction Drives. Introduction to solar and battery powered traction drives, space vector modulation, vector control of induction motor, Direct torque control, metro train applications and energy conservation in electrical drives. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Utilization of Electrical Energy( SI UNIT s) E. OpenshawTaylor, Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd, 2003. 2. Fundamentals of Electrical Drives, Gopal. K.Dubey, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2002. 3. Power Semiconductor Controlled Drives Gopal. K.Dubey, Prentice Hall. Nova Jersey. 4. Brushless Permanent Magnet and Reluctance Motor Drives, T. J.E Miller, Oxford University Press 5. Sensorless Vector and Direct torque Control, Peter Vas, Oxford University Press, 1998. 6. Special Electrical Machines, K. Venkataratnam, Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2008. EEE-23 EL-312 Electrical Machines-III L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Single phase Asynchronous Motor. Construction, double revolving field theory, starting methods shaded pole and split phase including capacitor motors, speed torque characteristics, equivalent circuits, phasor diagram and condition for maximum torque, practical determination of equivalent circuit parameters, unbalanced operation as symmetrical two phase machines, symmetrical component concept, applications. UNIT II Special Electrical Machines. Principle of operation and performance characteristics of: DC series motor, universal motor, hysteresis motors, permanent magnet synchronous motors, synchronous reluctance motors, switched reluctance motors, brushless dc motors. UNIT III Motors used in Control Systems. Stepper motors, DC / AC servomotors, tacho generators. UNIT IV Modelling and Analysis of Electrical Machines. Generalized theory of electrical machines, different transformation methods, Parks Transformation, Clarkes Transformation and corresponding equivalent circuits. Representation of three phase asynchronous and synchronous machines in d-q-0 reference frames. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Electric Machinery, Fitzgerald, A. E. Charles Kingsley Jr. and Stephen D. Umans, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1992. 2. Principles of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics, P. C. Sen, John Wiley (Indian Edition), 2002. 3. The Performance and Design of AC Commutator Motors, E. Openshaw Taylor, Wheeler Publishing, New Delhi, 1997. 4. Special Electrical Machines, K. Venkataratnam, Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2008. 5. Fractional Horsepower Electrical Machines, E. V. Armensky and G. B. Falk, Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1978. 6. Analysis of Electric Machinery, S. Sudoff, O. Wasynzcuk and P. C. Krause, John Wiley (Indian Edition), 2010. 7. Dynamic Simulation of Electric Machinery, C. M. Ong, Prentice Hall, 1998. EL-313 Microcontroller and Embedded System L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I 8051 Architecture. Basic organization 8051 CPU structure, register file, interrupts, timers, port circuits, instruction set, timing diagram, addressing modes, simple program and applications. Peripherals and Interfacing of 8051: typical bus structure, bus memory organization, timing characteristics, extended model and memory interfacing, polling, interfacing basic I/O devices, analog and digital interfacing, PWM mode operation, serial port application. UNIT II Peripherals and Interfacing of 8096. Analog interface, serial ports, watch dog timers, real time clock, multitasking, bus control, memory timing, external ROM and RAM expansion, PWM control, A/D interfacing, PIC microcontroller UNIT III Case Study Using 8051 and 8096. Real time clock, dc motor speed control, generation of gating signals for converters and inverters, frequency measurement, temperature control, organization of a microprocessor, register organization, CPU, description of timing and control UNIT s, interfacing memory and I/O devices, synchronous and asynchronous data transfer, interrupt, polling, DMA, introduction to Pentium and pro-Pentium microprocessor, basic organization of 8051, 8097, MC68HC11, PIC16CXX, SLK-51 microcontrollers, instruction set, timing diagram, address modes, simple program and applications. UNIT IV Embedded system and their components. Categories of embedded systems, stand alone, real time networked and mobile etc. requirements of embedded systems, reliability, cost effectiveness, low power consumption, efficient use of processing power, efficient use of memory, approximate execution time, challenges and issues in embedded software development, co-design operating system, efficient I/O testing and debugging, hardware architecture for embedded systems, embedded applications. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Design with microcontrollers, John B. Peatman, McGraw Hill International, 1989. 2. Intel manual on 16 bit embedded controllers, Santa Clara, 1991. 3. Programming and customizing the 8051 micro controller, Myko Predko, Tata McGraw Hill, 1999. 4. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded systems, Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice Gillispie Mazidi. Pearson Education, 2004. 5. Microprocessor based design: A Comprehensive guide to effective hardware design, Michael Slater, Prentice Hall, 1989. 6. Design with PIC microcontrollers, John B. Peatman, Pearson Education, 2004 EL-314 Communication SystemsII L T P Credit 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Random Process Probability, Random variable, Random Process, mean, moments, correlation autocorrelation and EEE-24 covariance functions, ergodicity, power spectral density, Gaussian distribution. Baseband Modulation: Review of sampling theorem, uniform and non - uniform quantization, PCM, DPCM, DM. ADM, Mary waveforms, companding. UNIT II Baseband Detection: Error performance degradation in communication system, maximum likelihood receiver structure, matched filters, error performance of binary signaling, intersymbol interference, demodulation and detection of shaped pulses, channel characterization, eye pattern. Bandpass modulation and demodulation. ASK, FSK, PSK DPSK, QPSK MSK coherent and non coherent detection of ASK, FSK, PSK and other keying techniques. UNIT III Probability of bit error for coherently detected BPSK FSK differentially, DPSK etc and comparison of bit error performance for various modulation types. UNIT IV Line coding: NRZ, RZ, Walsh codes, AMI coding. High density bipolar code, binary with n-zero substitution codes. Channel Coding: Discrete memory less channel, Binary symmetric channel, code rate redundancy, Parity code, linear block codes, convolution codes, Reed Soloman codes. Shannon Hartley capacity theorem, Shannon limit, entropy, Huffman coding, LZ coding. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. B. P. Lathi, Modern Digital and Analog Communication System Oxford University Press 3rd Edition. 2. Taub Schilling, Principles of Communication Systems TMH, 2nd Edition. 3. Simon Haykin. Communication Systems John Wiley Sons Inc, 4th Edition 4. W. Tomasi, Electronic Communication Systems Pearson Education, 5th Edition EL-315 Computer Architecture L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Overview of Digital Fundamentals, Register Transfer and Micro operation: Register Transfer Language, Register Transfer, Bus and Memory Transfer, Arithmetic Micro operations, Logic Micro operations, Shift Micro operations. Computer Organization and Design: Instruction Codes, Computer Registers, General Register Organization, Stack Organization, Instruction Formats, Addressing Modes, Timing Control, Instruction Cycle, Memory Reference Instructions, Input-Output and Interrupt related instruction cycle. Design of ALU, Design of Control UNIT and microprogramming. UNIT II Input Output Organization: Peripheral devices, Input Output interface, Asynchronous Data Transfer, Modes of Data Transfer, Priority Interrupt, Direct Memory Access, Input Output Processor. UNIT III Memory: Memory hierarchy, Main Memory, Auxiliary Memory, Associative Memory, Cache Memory, Virtual Memory, Memory Management Hardware, Quantitative evaluation of performance gain using memory, cache miss/ hits. UNIT IV Computer Arithmetic: Introduction, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication Algorithms, Division Algorithms, Floating Point Arithmetic Operation, Decimal Arithmetic UNIT. Decimal Arithmetic Operations. UNIT V Introduction to pipelining and parallel processing, Case study:8086 architecture and programming. Text books: 1. Computer System and Architecture by PHI, Mano M. 2. Computer Systems Organization and Architecture by Carpinelli Pearson Education. 3. Computer Architecture and Organization by Hayes. J. P. TMH. 4. Computer Organization Design by Pal Chaudhuri, P PHI. 5. Computer Organization Architecture, by Stallings, W PHI. 6. Parallel Processing and Architecture, by K. Hwang and F. Briggs McGraw Hill, 1984. 7. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach by D. Patterson and J. Hennessy, Second Edition Morgan. EL-316 Power Electronics and Electrical Drives Lab L T P Credits 0 0 2 2 Laboratory Practical Based on course work corresponding Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (EL 311, EL301) EL-317 Digital Signal Processing Lab / Electrical Machine - III Lab Credits 0 0 2 2 Laboratory Practical Based on course work corresponding EL-304 EL-318 Minor Project-II L T P Credits 0 0 0 4 EEE-25 EL-319 Industrial Training L T P Credits 0 0 0 2 EL-401 Control System II Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction to Design. The design problem, preliminary considerations of classical design, realization of basic compensators, cascade compensation in time domain cascade compensation in frequency domain, tuning of PID Controllers UNIT II State Space Techniques. Concept of state and state variables, various types of state models, state transition matrix and its evaluation, solution of state equations, concepts of controllability and observability, design of control system using pole placement, observer design. UNIT III Sampled Data Systems and Digital Control. Difference between continuous, discrete and digital signals, sampling theorem, z-transform and inverse z-transformation, applications in the modeling of sampled data control system, signal reconstruction using ZOH and higher order hold circuits, design of digital controllers using bilinear transforms, ZOH equivalence and pole-zero mapping techniques, stability studies for sampled data systems. UNIT IV Non-Linear Systems. Introduction to various types of non - linearities and their transfer characteristics, concept of phase-plane and describing function methods, limit cycle, concept of stability and various methods for study of stability of non-linear systems, Lyapunovs theorem for stability UNIT V Recent Advances in Control Systems. Advanced topics relevant to control systems theory and practice Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Introduction to Feedback Control, Li Qiu and Kemin Zhou, Penguin Books Ltd,2010. 2. Modern Control Engineering, K. Ogata, Prentice-Hall, 5th edition,2010. 3. Control Systems Engineering, Nagrath Gopal, New Age International, 2009. 4. Digital Control System, Kuo B. C. Oxford University Press, 2nd edition, 2012 5. Digital Control Engineering, M. Sami Fadali and Antonio Visioli, Academic Press Inc, 2nd Revised edition, 2012. 6. Linear Control System Analysis Design, D Azzo Houpis, CRC Press,5th edition, 2003. EL-402 Non-Conventional Energy System L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction. Various non-conventional energy resources Introduction, availability, classification, relative merits and demerits. Solar Cells: Theory of solar cells. solar cell materials, solar cell array, solar cell power plant, limitations. Solar Thermal Energy: Solar radiation, flat plate collectors and their materials, applications and performance, focusing of collectors and their materials, applications and performance solar thermal power plants, thermal energy storage for solar heating and cooling, limitations. UNIT II Geothermal Energy: Resources of geothermal energy, thermodynamics of geo-thermal energy conversion - electrical conversion, non-electrical conversion, environmental considerations. Magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD): - Principle of working of MHD Power plant, performance and limitations. Fuel Cells: Principle of working of various types of fuel cells and their working, performance and limitations. UNIT III Thermo-electrical and thermionic Conversions: Principle of working, performance and limitations. Wind Energy: Wind power and its sources, site selection, criterion, momentum theory, classification of rotors, concentrations and augments, wind characteristics. Performance and limitations of energy conversion systems. UNIT IV Bio-mass:-Availability of bio-mass and its conversion theory. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC): Availability, theory and working principle, performance and limitations. Wave and Tidal Wave: Principle of working, performance and limitations. Waste Recycling Plants. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Raja et. al, Introduction to Non-Conventional Energy Resources Scitech Publications. 2. John Twideu and Tony Weir, Renewal Energy Resources BSP Publications, 2006. 3. M. V.R. Koteswara Rao, Energy Resources: Conventional Non-Conventional BSP Publications,2006. 4. D. S. Chauhan, Non-conventional Energy Resources New Age International. 5. C. S. Solanki, Renewal Energy Technologies: A Practical Guide for Beginners PHI Learning EEE-26 Elective - I L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 Elective-I EL 403-1 Flexible AC Transmission Systems EL 403-2 SCADA and Energy Management systems EL 403-3 Microwave Engineering EL 403-4 HVDC transmission systems EL 403-5 Power System Dynamics and Stability EL 403-6 Design of power apparatus and system EL 403-7 Process Control System EL 403-8 Robotics and Mechatronics EL-403-1 Flexible AC Transmission System L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction. Reactive power control in power systems, transmission system compensation, static series and shunt compensation UNIT II Voltage Sourced Converters Concept of voltage sourced converters, multi level and PWM converters, transformer connections for 12 pulse operation, 24 and 48 pulse operations UNIT III Static Shunt Compensators - SVC and STATCOM. Objectives of shunt compensation, methods of controllable VAR generation, SVC and STATCOM characteristics, comparison between SVC and STATCOM, steady state and dynamic models of SVC and STATCOM, applications principles UNIT IV Static Series Compensators TCSC and SSSC. Objectives of series compensation, improvement of transient stability and power oscillation damping, sub-synchronous oscillation damping, steady state and dynamic models of TCSC and SSSC, SSR mitigation with TCSC and SSSC, application principles UNIT V Combined Compensators UPFC, IPFC and GUPFC. Basic operating principles of UPFC, independent real and reactive power control capability, control schemes for P and Q control, steady state and dynamic modeling of UPFC, IPFC and GUPFC operating characteristics and control structure, application principles. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Understanding FACTS, N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, IEEE Press, 2000. 2. Power Electronic Control in Electrical Power Systems, E. Acha, Penguin Books Ltd,2008 3. Power System Stability and Control, Prabha Kundur, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company,2006. 4. Facts Controllers In Power Transmission and Distribution, K. R. Padiyar, New Age publishers, 2013 5. Thyristor-Based FACTS Controllers for Electrical Transmission Systems, R. Mohan Mathur, Rajiv K. Varma, Wiley-IEEE Press, 1st edition, 2002. 6. HVDC and FACTS Controllers: Applications of Static Converters in Power Systems, Vijay K. Sood, Springer, 2004. 7. Introduction to FACTS Controllers: Theory, Modeling, and Applications, Kalyan K. Sen, Mey Ling Sen, Wiley - IEEE Press, 1st edition,2009. EL-403-2 SCADA and Energy Management Systems L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I General Theory. Purpose and necessity, general structure, data acquisition, transmission and monitoring, general power system hierarchical structure, overview of the methods of data acquisition systems, commonly acquired data, transducers, RTUs, data concentrators, various communication channels, cables, telephone lines, power line carrier, microwaves, fiber - optical channels and satellites. UNIT II Supervisory and Control Functions. Data acquisitions, status indications, measured values, energy values, monitoring alarm and event application processing. Control function: ON/OFF control of lines, transformers, capacitors and applications in process industry, valve, opening, closing etc. Regulatory functions: set points and feed back loops, time tagged data, disturbance data collection and analysis, calculation and report preparation. UNIT III MAN - Machine Communication. Operator consoles and VDUs, displays, operator dialogues, alarm and event loggers, mimic diagrams, report and printing facilities. UNIT IV Data bases - SCADA, EMS and network data bases. SCADA system structure - local system, communication system and central system, Configuration - non-redundant single processor, redundant dual processor, multi control centers, system configuration. Performance considerations: real time operation system requirements, modularization of software programming languages. UNIT V Energy Management Center. Functions performed at a centralized management center, production control and load management, economic dispatch, distributed centers and power pool management. EEE-27 Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Power System Control Technology, Torsten Cegrell, Prentice Hall International, 1986 2. Scada: Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition, Stuart A. Boyer, The Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society, 4th edition, 2009. 3. Computer-Based Industrial Control, Krishna Kant, PHI Learning,2nd edition, 2013. 4. Instrument Engineers Handbook, Volume 3: Process Software and Digital Networks, Bela G. Liptak, CRC Press, 4th edition, 2011. 5. Data Communications and Networking, Behrouz Forouzan, McGraw-Hill,5th edition, 2012. EL-403-3 Microwave Engineering L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Microwave Network Theory and Passive Devices. S-matrix representation of multiport networks, properties of S-parameters and shifting reference planes, microwave cavities. Microwave hybrid circuits: waveguide tees, hybrid rings, waveguide corners bends and twists, directional couplers, circulators, isolators, matched load and terminations, co-axial line to waveguide adapters, coupling loops, coupling aperture, short circuit plunger, attenuators, phase shifters, waveguide discontinuities, windows, irises and tuning screws. UNIT II Microwave Vacuum Tube Devices. Conventional vaccum devices, Klystrons, multi cavity Klystron amplifiers, reflex Klystron amplifies, Helix Travelling Wave Tubes (TWT), coupled cavity TWT, magnetron oscillators, forward wave and backward wave amplifiers, principles of operation, performance characteristics and application. UNIT III Microwave Semiconductor Diodes. Microwave IMPATT devices, TRAPATT diodes BARITE diodes, transfer electron devices (Gunn diodes), tunnel diodes, Schottky barrier diodes, principles of operation, characteristics and applications. UNIT IV Microwave Transistors. Microwave bi-polar transistors, Hetero junction transistors, JFETs Metal Semiconductor FETs, high electron mobility transistors, MODFETs, MOS transistors and memory devices, charge coupled devices, principles of operation, characteristics and applications. UNIT V Strip lines and Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits. Micro-strip lines, parallel strip lines, co-planar and shielded strip lines, MMIC materials, growth, MOSFET fabrication, thin film formation and hybrid IC fabrication. UNIT VI icrowave Measurements. Tunable detector, slotted line carriage, VSWR meter, spectrum analyser, network analyser, power measurements, insertion loss and attenuation measurements, VSWR measurements, impedance and frequency measurements, dielectric constant measurements and other passive components measurements. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Microwave Devices and Circuits by S. Y. Liao, Prentice Hall, 3rd edition,1996. 2. Microwave Engineering, Sisir Das and Annapurna Das, McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 2010 3. Microwave Engineering, David M. Pozar, Wiley, 4th edition, 2011. 4. Microwave Engineering: Passive Circuits, Peter A. Rizzi, Prentice Hall, 1st edition, 1987. 5. Microwaves, K. C. Gupta, New Age International, 2nd edition,2013. EL 403-4 HVDC Transmission Systems L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I DC Power Transmission Technology. Introduction - comparison of AC and DC transmission application of DC transmission-description of DC transmission system planning for HVDC transmission-modern trends in DC transmission UNIT II: Analysis of HVDC Converter Pulse number, choice of converter configuration-simplified analysis of Graetz circuit - converter bridge characterstics-characterstics of twelve pulse converter detailed analysis of converters. UNIT III HVDC Converter and System Control. General principles of DC link control-converter control characteristics-system control hierarchy firing angle control-current and extinction angle control-starting and stopping of DC link power control higher level controllers-telecommunication requirements. UNIT IV Harmonics and Filters. Introduction-generation of harmonics-design of AC filters-DC filters-carrier frequency and RI noise. UNIT V Simulations of HVDC Systems. Introduction system simulation: Philosophy and tools-HVDC system simulation - modeling of HVDC systems for digital dynamic simulation. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. HVDC power transmission system, Padiyar, K.R. Wiley Eastern Limited, 1st edition.1990 2. Direct Current Transmission, Edward Wilson Kimbark, Wiley Interscience, 1971. 3. Extra high Voltage AC transmission Engineering, Rakosh Das Begamudre, New Age International, 1990 EEE-28 4. High Voltage Direct Current Transmission, Arillaga, J, Peter Pregrinus, London,1983. EL 403-5 Power System Dynamics Stability L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I The Stability Problem. Origin of the stability problem, definition of stability terms, power angle diagrams. UNIT II Steady State Stability. The steady state power limits of simple systems with synchronous loads-analytical and graphical methods, methods of improving steady state stability limits, elementary aspects of dynamic stability. UNIT III Transient Stability. Review of the laws of mechanics, swing equation for a single machine connected to an infinite bus, net-work reduction techniques, equal areas criterion of stability, solution of wing equation by numerical methods (step by step solution), Runge kutta method. Critical clearing angle and time, analysis of two finite machine system and multimachine systems, effect of grounding on stability, methods of improving the transient stability, role of AVR. UNIT IV Small Signal Stability Synchronising and damping torques, modes of oscillations, significance of rotor mode eigenvalues, participation factors, power oscillation damping, supplementary control, Power system stabilisers, role of FACTS devices UNIT V Voltage Stability. Voltage Stability, P-V Curves methods of improving stability, Reactive Power Flow, Reactive Power Transmission, HVDC Operations, Introduction to FACTS devices, and Enhancement of stability by application of FACTS devices. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Power System Stability and Control, Prabha Kundur, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company,2006. 2. Power System Dynamics And Stability, Peter W. Sauer, M. A. Pai, Prentice Hall,1st edition,1997 3. Power System Dynamics Stability And Control, Padiyar K R, BS Publications,2003 4. Understanding FACTS, N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, IEEE Press, 2000. 5. Facts Controllers In Power Transmission and Distribution, K. R. Padiyar, New Age publishers, 2013 6. Thyristor-Based FACTS Controllers for Electrical Transmission Systems, R. Mohan Mathur, Rajiv K. Varma, Wiley-IEEE Press, 1st edition, 2002. 7. Power Systems Analysis, Hadi Saadat, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2nd edition, 2004 EL-403-6 Design of Power Apparatus Systems L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Factors in Design. Specifications for machines, out-put equation, limitations in design, electric and magnetic loadings, space factor, winding factor and their effects on machine performance, mechanical and high speed problems. UNIT II Design of Poly phase Asynchronous Machines. Details of construction, stator design, output equation, separation of D and L, specific loadings, leakage reactance, rotor design, slip ring and squirrel cage motors, harmonic effects and slot combination, magnetizing current and losses, prediction of characteristics. UNIT III Design of Synchronous Machines. Details of construction, generators, salient and non salient pole machines, specific loadings and output equation, stator design, harmonics and reduction, armature reaction, design of field winding, short circuit ratio, voltage regulation, efficiency, differences in design between salient and non salient pole machine. UNIT IV Design of Transformers. Design of single and three phase transformers, output equation, specific loadings, electro mechanical stresses on windings, no load current, temperature rise. UNIT V Thermal aspects of Design. Generation, flow and dissipation of heat losses, thermal capacity, temperature rise curves, ratings of machines, cooling media, ventilation, types of cooling, standard enclosures. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Performance and Design of Alternating Current Machines, M. G. Say, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2008. 2. Design of Rotating Electrical Machines, Juha Pyrhonen, Tapani Jokinen, Valeria Hrabovcova, Wiley, 1st edition, 2009. 3. The Induction Machines Design Handbook, Ion Boldea, Syed A. Nasar, CRC Press, 2nd edition, 2009. 4. Design and Testing of Electrical Machines, M. V. Deshpande, PHI Learning, 2009. 5 A Course in Electrical Machine. Design, A. K.Sawhney and A. Chakraborty, Dhanpat Rai Co,6th Reprint,2013. 6. Principles Of Electrical Machine Design, R. K. Agarwal. S. K. Kataria Sons. 2010. EL-403 7 Process Control System L T P Credits 3 0 0 3 UNIT I Process Models: static models, dynamic models, step response method two parameter model, three parameter model, four parameter model, models for oscillatory systems, EEE-29 method of moments, disturbance model - measuring noise characteristics. UNIT II Controller principles: Process characteristics process equation. process load, Process lag, self regulation. control system parameters - error, variable range, control parameter range, control lag. dead time, cycling, controller modes. discontinuous two position. multi position, floating control, Control paradigms. cascade control, feedforward control UNIT III Tuning of Controllers: criteria for controller tuning specified decay ratio, minimum integral of absolute error (IAE), Minimum integral of time and absolute error (ITAE) closed loop response method ultimate method, damped, oscillation method process reaction curve and open loop tuning. UNIT IV Programmable Logic controllers: ISA logic symbols, ladder diagram, relay sequence. programmable controllers - function diagram, operation, programming. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Process control Instrument Technology Curtis D. Johnson (John Willy Sons) 2. Process Control Instrumentation engineers handbook B. G. Liptak 3. Process Control Instrumentation Anderson 4. PID controllers A. J Astrom, Tom hagglund (ISA) publication 5. Fuzzy Sets, Uncertainty Information G. J Klir, T. A Folger (PHI) 6. Neural Networks Fuzzy sets B. Kosko 7. principles Of Measurement systems by John. P. Bently Pearson education. Low Prize Education 8. Process control - Modeling, Design simulation by B. Wayne Bequette, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, Delhi. EE-403-8 Robotics Mechatronics L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Basic Components of Robotic systems. Kinematics of manipulators, selection of coordinate frames, transformations. UNIT II Kinematics and Manipulator Dynamics. Position, velocity and force control, computed torque control, linear and nonlinear controller design of robot. UNIT III Mechatronics and its Scope. Definitions, functions of mechatronic systems, classification of sensors and transducers-displacement, position and proximity, velocity, force, pressure and level. UNIT IV Actuation Systems. Linear actuators, fast acting actuators, application of solenoid actuators, directional, pressure, process control valve, mechanical actuation systems, electrical actuation systems and mechanical switches. UNIT V System Interfacing with Instrumentation and Control System. Mechatronic system, input and output signals of mechatronics system, signal conditioning, filtering and data acquisition system, microprocessor control, microcontroller and programmable logic control system. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Robotics and Automation Handbook, Thomas R. Kurfess, CRC Press, 2004 2. Embedded Robotics: Mobile Robot Design and Applications with Embedded Systems, Thomas Brunl, Springer, 3rd edition, 2008. 3. Mechatronic Systems: Fundamentals Rolf Isermann, Springer, 2005. 4. Mechatronics, W. Bolton, Pearson Education, 4th edition, 2011. 5. Mechatronics, HMT Limited Bangalore (Indian Machine Tool Company), Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2000. 6. Mechatronics: An Introduction, Robert H. Bishop, CRC Press, 2005 7. Sensors and Actuators in Mechatronics: Design and Applications, Andrzej M. Pawlak, CRC Press, 2012 Open Elective I L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 Elective-I EL404-1 Automotive Systems EL 404-2 Intelligent Instrumentation EL 404-3 Advanced Analog Circuit Design El 404-4 Restructured Power System EL 404-5 Intellectual Property Rights and Entrepreneurship EL-404-6 Biomedical Instrumentation EL 404-7 Advanced Control System EL 404-8 Instrumentation EL 404-1 Automoti ve Systems L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Thermo dynamic Engine Cycles. Spark-ignited(SI) engine, diesel engine, seiliger process, gas turbine, sterling engine, engine management systems, emission of IC engine, knock control of SI engine, intermittent fuel injection, injection time calculation, 4 stroke cycle of diesel engine, charge EEE-30 exchange, air-fuel ratio, fuel evaporation, cylinder dynamics, cylinder balancing, diagnostics. UNIT II Driveline. Driveline modelling, stationary and dynamic gear shift, driveline control, driveline speed control, transmission - torque control, torque converter, sensor locations, gear shift controller, anti-jerking control, lateral vehicle motion, bicycle model, yaw rate and slip angle, steering control, longitudinal vehicle dynamics, aerodynamic drag force, rolling resistance, calculation of effective tire radius, wheel dynamics, cruise control, anti-lock brake systems, deceleration threshold based algorithms. UNIT III Stability Control. Differential braking systems, independent all wheel drive torque distribution, traditional four wheel drive systems, torque transfer between left and right wheels, active control of torque transfer to all wheels, full, half and quarter car suspension models, dependent and independent suspensions UNIT IV Vehicular Power Electronic Systems. Multi-converter vehicular dynamics and control, constant power loads and their characteristics, concept of negative impedance instability, negative impedance instability in the single PWM DC/DC Converters, stability of PWM DC/DC converters driving several loads, stability condition in a DC vehicular distribution system, negative impedance stabilizing control for PWM DC/DC converters with constant power and resistive loads, effects of constant power loads in AC vehicular systems, vehicular AC distribution system, negative impedance instability condition, hybrid (DC and AC) vehicular systems with constant power loads, electric and hybrid-electric propulsion systems, modeling of hybrid vehicles, dynamic modeling of electric motors, dynamic modeling of batteries, supercapacitors, dynamic modeling of supercapacitors, electric power links, torque couplers, power split devices. UNIT V Hybrid Electric Vehicle. Hybrid definition, engine downsizing, electric vehicle, plug-in hybrid, series hybrid, parallel hybrid, series and parallel hybrid, regenerative braking, brake cooling, aerodynamic drag, and regenerative braking and coasting, time and stopping distance, regenerative braking integrated with conventional hydraulic system, directional stability. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Vehicle Dynamics and Control, Rajesh Rajamani, Springer, 2nd edition. 2012 2. Automotive Control Systems: For Engine, Driveline, and Vehicle, Uwe Kiencke, Lars Nielsen, Springer, 2nd edition, 2005. 3. Vehicular Electric Power Systems: Land, Sea, Air, and Space Vehicles: Land, Sea, Air and Space Vehicles, John M. Miller, Dekker,2007 4. Vehicle Propulsion Systems: Introduction to Modeling and Optimization, Lino Guzzella, Antonio Sciarretta, Springer, 2nd edition, 2007 EL-404 -2 Intelligent Instrumentation L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction to Intelligent Instrumentation. Historical Perspective, current status, software based instruments. UNIT II Virtual Instrumentation. Introduction to graphical programming, data flow graphical programming techniques, advantage of VI techniques, VIs and sub-VIs loops and charts. arrays, clusters and graphs, case and sequence structures, formula nodes, string and file I/O, Code Interface Nodes and DLL links. UNIT III Data Acquisition Methods. Analog and digital IO, counters, timers, basic ADC designs, interfacing methods of DAQ hardware, software structure, use of simple and intermediate Vis, use of data sockets for networked communication and controls. UNIT IV PC Hardware Review and Instrumentation Buses. Structure, timing, interrupts, DMA, operating system, ISA, PCI, USB, PCMCIA buses. IEEE488.1 488.2 serial interfacing - RS232C, RS422, RS423, RS485 USB, VXI, SCXI, PXI. UNIT V Communication Link. PLCC microwave, telephone line, satellite, fibre optic channels. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Intelligent Instrumentation: Microprocessor Applications in Measurement and Control, George C. Barney, Prentice Hall, 2nd edition, 1988 2. Measurement and Instrumentation: Theory and Application, Alan S Morris, Reza Langari, Butterworth - Heinemann, 1st edition, 2011 3. PC Interfacing for Laboratory Data Acquisition and Process Control, S. Gupta, J. P. Gupta, Instrument Society of America, 1989 4. LabVIEW Graphical Programming, Gary W. Johnson, Richard Jennings, McGraw-Hill Professional, 4th edition,2006 EEE-31 EL-404 -3 Advanced Analog Circuit Design L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction. Difference in design considerations for discrete and integrated electronic circuits passive and components available in biopolar and MOS technology brief review of integrated NPN, PNP, lateral PNP, MOSFETS structures, characteristics models. UNIT II Basic building blocks of Bipolar and MOS analog ICS. Differential amplifier, current sources, current mirrors and current repeaters, voltage references, active loads, level shifters, output stages, voltage to current converters, differential to single ended converters. UNIT III IC Op-Amp Architectures. Bipolar op-amp (IC 741) and its DC and small signal ac analysis (voltage gain Zin, Z0 GBP and slew rate), MOS op-amp architectures. IC analog multipliers: Translinear Circuit Principle, Gilbert multiplier cell, (Transconductance multiplier), two and four quadrant multipliers. UNIT IV Novel Amplifier Architectures IC operational transconductance amplifier (OTA), Integrated Norton amplifiers, Current feedback amplifiers, operational transresistance amplifiers (OTRA), current conveyors and their different variants etc. Recent trends in Analog Circuit design. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Microelectronic Circuits: Theory and Applications, Adel S. Sedra, Kenneth C. Smith, Oxford University Press, 6th edition, 2013 2. Applications and Design with Analog Integrated Circuits, Jacob J. Michael, Prentice-Hall, 2nd edition,1996 3. Design with Operational Amplifiers And Analog Integrated Circuits, Sergio Franco, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 3rd edition, 2002 4. Design Of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, Behzad Razavi, Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2002. 5. Analog Integrated Circuit Design, David A Johns (Author), Kenneth W Martin, Wiley, 2011. 6. Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation, V Sharma, A. Sahay, Excel Books, 1st edition, 2012 EL-404-4 Restructured Power Systems L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Fundamentals of restructured system, market architecture, load elasticity, social welfare maximization. UNIT II OPF: Role in vertically integrated systems and in restructured markets, congestion management, optimal bidding, risk assessment and hedging, transmission pricing and tracing of power. UNIT III Ancillary services, standard market design, distributed generation in restructured markets, developments in India, UNIT IV IT applications in restructured markets, working of restructured power systems, PJM. Text Books/Reference Books: 1 Understanding Electric Utilities and Deregulation, L. Philipson and H. Lee Willis, Marcel Dekker, 1998. 2 Operation of restructured Power Systems, Kankar Bhattacharya. Math Bollen and J. E. Daadler, Kluwer, 2001. 3 Restructured Electrical Power Systems, M. Shahidepour and M. Alomoush, Marcel Dekker, 2001. 4 Restructured Power Systems: Engineering and Economics, A. Kumar David, F. S. Wen, Springer-Verlag New York Inc. 2007 5 Restructured Power Systems, S.A. Khaparde, A. R. Abhyankar, Alpha Science International Ltd,2013 6 Restructured Electric Power Systems: Analysis of Electricity Markets with Equilibrium Models, Xiao-Ping Zhang, Wiley-IEEE Press, 1st edition, 2011 EL-404-5 Intellectual Property Rights and Entrepreneurship L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Basic Principles and acquisition of Intellectual Property Rights. Philosophical aspects of intellectual property laws, basic principles of patent law, patent application procedure, drafting of a patent specification, understanding copyright law, basic principles of trade mark, basic principles of design rights, international background of intellectual property. UNIT II Ownership and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights. Patent objectives, rights, assignments, defenses in case of infringement. UNIT III Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial perspective, start - up strategies, business idea evaluation, business plan writing, introduction to entrepreneurial finance and venture capital, managing growth and delivering innovative products, entrepreneurial opportUNIT ies, technologies, business models and personalities, benefit and /or negative impact to creating the new business (risk tolerances, comfort in low data situations, ability to sell), (judgment, ability to coordinate with many), (scope, risk, return expectation). EEE-32 Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Intellectual Property Rights, Prabuddha Ganguli, Tata Mcgraw Hill,2013 2. Intellectual Property Rights: Creation, Development, and Protection (Strategic Management), OConnor, Business Expert Press, 2012 3. Intellectual Property Rights: Text and Cases, R. Radhakrishnan and S. Balasubramanian, Excel Books,2008 4. Intellectual Property Rights: Basic Concepts, M. M. S. Karki, Atlantic,2009. 5. Intellectual Property Rights: A Primer, Anita Rao, Bhanoji V. Rao, Eastern Book Co, 2010 EL-404-6 Biomedical Instrumentation L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction to Bio-Medical Instrumentation Systems. Specifications of bio-medical instrumentation system, man-instrumentation system components, problems encountered in measuring a living system, basics of anatomy and physiology of the body. Bioelectric potentials: resting and action potentials, propagation of action potential, The physiological potentials ECG, EEG, EMG, ERG, EOG and evoked responses UNIT II Electrodes and Transducers. Electrode theory, bio - potential electrodes, surface electrodes, needle electrodes, microelectrodes, bio-medical transducer. Cardiovascular Measurements: Electrocardiography, ECG amplifiers, electrodes and leads, ECG recorders, single channel, three channel, vector cardiographs, ECG System for Stresses testing, Holter recording, blood pressure measurement, heart sound measurement, pacemakers and defibrillators. UNIT III Patient Care Monitoring. Elements of intensive care monitoring, displays, diagnosis, calibration and reparability of patient monitoring equipment. Respiratory system Measurements: physiology of respiratory system, measurement of breathing mechanism, spirometer, respiratory therapy equipments, inhalators, ventilators and respirators, humidifiers, nebulizers and aspirators. UNIT IV Nervous System Measurements Physiology of nervous system, Neuronal communication, Neuronal firing measurements. Ophthalmology Instruments: Electroretinogram, Electrooculogram, Ophthalmoscope, Tonometer for eye pressure measurement. Diagnostic techniques: ultrasonic diagnosis, eco-cardiography, eco - encephalography, ophthalmic scans, X-ray and radio-isotope diagnosis and therapy, CAT-Scan, emission computerized tomography, MRI. UNIT V Bio-Telemetry. Components of a bio-telemetry system, implantable UNIT s, telemetry for ECG measurements during exercise, for Emergency patient monitoring. prosthetic devices and therapies: hearing aides, myo-electric arm, dia - thermy, laser applications in medicine. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Bioinstrumentation, John G. Webster, John Wiley Sons,2008. 2. Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements, Cromwell Leslie, Weibell Fred J. Pfeiffer Eric A, Prentice - Hall, 2nd edition, 1990 3. Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology, Joseph J. Carr, John M. Brown, Pearson Education, 2002. 4. Analysis and Application of Analog Electronic Circuits to Biomedical Instrumentation, Robert B. Northrop, CRC Press, 2nd edition, 2012 5. Biomedical Instrumentation: Technology and Applications, R. S. Khandpur, McGraw-Hill Professional,2004 6. Biomedical Electronics and Instrumentation, S K Venkata Ram, Galgotia Publications Pvt Ltd, 2000 7. A Textbook of Medical Instruments, S. Ananthi, New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers,2006 EL-404-7 Advanced Control Systems L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Non-Linear Systems. Types of non-linearity, typical examples, equivalent linearization describing functions, phase plane analysis, limit cycle, concept of stability and various methods for study of stability of non-linear systems UNIT II Non-Linear System control. Various notions of stability, stability techniques of Lyapunov and Popov, nonlinear controller design using feedback linearization and back stepping method, introduction to variable structure control systems. UNIT III Classification of Adaptive control : Auto tuning and Self Tuning Regulators (STR), Model Reference Adaptive control (MRAC), types of STR and MRAC, different approaches to self-tuning regulators, stochastic adaptive control, gain scheduling. UNIT IV Application of Adaptive control. Recent trends in self - tuning, stability, convergence and robustness studies, model updating, general purpose adaptive regulator, applications to process control. EEE-33 UNIT V Identification. On line identification using recursive least squares, minimum variance algorithm, stochastic approximation and maximum likelihood method, simultaneous state and parameter estimation, extended Kalman filter, two stage identification methods, nonlinear identification, model reference adaptive control. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Adaptive Control: Stability, Convergence and Robustness, Shankar Sastry and Marc Bodson, Dover Publications Inc. 2011 2. Adaptive Control, Karl J. Astrom and Bjoran Wittenmark, Pearson Education. 2nd edition ,2003. 3. Adaptive Control Systems: Techniques and Applications, V. V.Chalam, CRC Press, 1987 4. System Identification: Theory for the User, Lennart Ljung, Prentice Hall, 2nd edition,1998 5. Filtering and System Identification: A Least Squares Approach, Michel Verhaegen, Vincent Verdult, Cambridge University Press, 2012 6. Nonlinear System Identification: From Classical Approaches to Neural Networks and Fuzzy Models, Oliver Nelles, Springer, 2000 EL-314 Instrumentation L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Transducers-I. Definition, advantages of electrical transducers, classification, characteristics, factors affecting the choice of transducers, strain gauges, resistance thermometer, thermistors, thermocouples, LVDT, RVDT UNIT II Transducers-II. Capacitive, piezoelectric, Hall effect and opto electronic transducers. measurement of motion, force, pressure, temperature flow and liquid level. UNIT III Telemetry. General telemetry system, land line radio frequency telemetering system, transmission channels and media, receiver transmitter. Data Acquisition System: A/D and D/A converters, analog data acquisition system, digital data acquisition system, modern digital data acquisition system and signal conditioning. UNIT IV Display Devices and Recorders. Display devices, storage oscilloscope, DSO, spectrum analyzer, digital recorders. Recent Developments: Introduction to virtual and intelligent instrumentation, fibre optic transducers, smart sensors, smart transmitters, process instrumentation diagrams. UNIT V Programmable Logic Controllers. Evolution of PLC - sequential and programmable controllers, architecture and programming of PLC, relay logic and ladder logic, functional blocks, communication networks for PLC, field bus, profi - bus, mod-bus etc. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques, W. D. Cooper and A. D. Helfrick, Prentice Hall International. 2. Measurement Systems Application and Design Ernest Doebelin, McGraw - Hill Higher Education, 5th edition, 2003 3. Instrumentation, Measurement and Analysis, B. C. Nakra K. Chaudhry, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2nd Edition. 4. Advanced Measurements and Instrumentation, A. K. Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai Sons,2010 5. Process Control Instrumentation Technology, Curtis D. Johnson, Pearson, 6th edition, 1999. 6. Programmable Logic Controllers, Frank D. Petruzella McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 4th edition, 2010. EL-405 Microcontroller Embedded System Lab L T P Credits 0 0 3 3 Laboratory Practical Based on course work corresponding to Microcontroller Embedded Systems (EL-313) EL-406 Elective I lab L T P Credits 0 0 3 3 Laboratory Practical EL-407 Industrial Training L T P Credits 0 0 0 4 EL-408 Major Project(part-I) L T P Credits 0 0 0 4 EL-411 Utilization of Electrical Energy L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Illumination Essentials. Nature of light, visibility spectrum curve, luminous flux, solid angle, luminous intensity, illumination, luminous efficiency, depreciation factor, coefficient of utilization, space to height ratio, reflection factor, glare, shadow, lux. laws of illumination, construction and working of incandescent and discharge lamps, their characteristics, mercury vapour lamp, fluorescent lamp, metal halide lamp, neon lamp, street lighting, flood lighting, monument lighting and decorative lighting, light characteristics. LED lighting Design of Illumination Systems: equivalent circuit to an LED, voltage drop versus color and current. LED drivers - voltage source/ current source, linear power supplies, DC-DC power converters, power factor corrected converters, design and selection of components, magnetics transformers, magnetic saturation, EMI an EEE-34 EMC issues, thermal considerations, heat sinks, safety issues, calculation of number of light points for interior and exterior illumination, design problems, illumination levels, illumination for automobile systems. UNIT II Electric Heating. Advantages of electrical heating Heating methods Resistance heating direct and indirect resistance heating, eletctric ovens, their temperature range, properties of resistance heating elements, domestic water heaters and other heating appliances and thermostat control circuit Induction heating principle of core type and coreless induction furnace Electric arc heating direct and indirect arc heating, construction, working and applications of arc furnace Dielectric heating, applications in various industrial fields Infra-red heating and its applications, microwave heating. UNIT III Electric Welding. Spot welding, projection seam and butt welding and welding equipments used, principle of arc production, electric arc welding, characteristics of arc carbon arc, metal arc, hydrogen arc welding method of and their applications. power supply for welding, coated electrodes, comparison between AC and DC arc welding, high frequency welding, welding control circuits, welding of aluminium and copper introduction to TIG, MIG welding. UNIT IV Electrolytic Processes. Need of electro-deposition laws of electrolysis, process of electro-deposition - clearing, operation, deposition of metals, polishing, buffing equipment and accessories for electroplating factors affecting electro-deposition. principle of galvanizing and its applications, anodising and its applications, electroplating on non-conducting materials, manufacture of chemicals by electrolytic process, electrolysis for water purification. UNIT V Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Water Coolers. Principle of air conditioning, vapour pressure, refrigeration cycle, eco-friendly refrigerants, description of electrical circuit used in a) refrigerator, b) air-conditioner, and c) water cooler, variable speed drive for compressors, high speed compressors, insta-chill, Peltier effect, thermoelectric cooling, sterling engines, solar concentrator heating and cooling, Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Utilization of Electric Energy in SI UNIT s, E. O. Taylor, Universities Press,1981 2. Generation Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy. C. L. Wadhwa, New Age International Publishers, 2010 3. Art and Science of Utilization of Electrical Energy by H Partap, Dhanpat Rai Sons. EL-412, ELECTIVE - II L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 Elective-II EL 412-1 Distributed Generation System EL 412-2 Switched Mode Power Supplies EL 412-3 Power Quality and Energy Conservation EL 412-4 Power System Operation and Control EL 412-5 Smart Grid EL 412-6 Non linear and Adaptive control EL 412-7 Power System Planning EL 412-8 Digital Image Processing EL 412-9 Electrical Storage Systems EL 412-10 Microwave Integrated Circuit EL-412-1 Distributed Generation Systems L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Distributed Generation. Electricity generation in transition, distributed generation with fossil fuels, concentrating solar power (CSP) technologies, biomass for electricity, micro - hydropower systems, fuel cells and wind energy based generation, asynchronous generators. UNIT II Control of Wind Energy Systems. Overview of wind turbine control systems, typical grid-connected turbine operation, supervisory control overview and implementation, dynamic control theory and implementation, Solar Photovoltaic Power System: solar commercial power plants, Energy Storage: various batteries and their equivalent electrical circuit, performance characteristics, battery charging, battery management, flywheel, compressed air and superconducting coil. UNIT III Stand-Alone System. PV stand-alone, wind stand-alone, hybrid system, hybrid with diesel, hybrid with fuel cell, mode controller, load sharing, system sizing, power and energy estimates, battery sizing, PV array sizing, wind farm sizing. UNIT IV Grid-Connected System. Interface requirements, synchronizing with grid, inrush current, synchronous operation, load transient, safety, operating limit, voltage regulation, stability limit, energy storage and load scheduling, utility resource planning tool, Electrical Performance: voltage current and power relations, component design for maximum efficiency, electrical system model, static bus impedance and voltage regulation, dynamic bus impedance and ripple, harmonics, quality of power, harmonic distortion, EEE-35 voltage transients and sags, voltage flickers, renewable capacity limit, system stiffness, interfacing standards, lightning protection. Economics of Distributed Resources UNIT V UPS Battery Energy Storage Systems. Uninterruptible power supplies, applications of ups systems, distributed approach, centralized approach, power factor correction in ups systems, battery energy storage systems, grid synchronization, storage power conditioning modes, wind and solar power systems. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Integration of Distributed Generation in the Power System, Math H. Bollen, Fainan Hassan, Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. 2. Distributed Generation, Nick Jenkins, G. Strbac, J. B. Ekanayake, Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2009 3. Wind and Solar Power Systems: Design, Analysis, and Operation, Mukund R. Patel, CRC Press, 2nd edition, 2005 4. Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems, Gilbert M. Masters, Wiley-Blackwell, 2nd edition, 2013 5. Power Quality: Mitigation Technologies in a Distributed Environment, Antonio Moreno-Muoz, Springer,1st edition, 2010. 6. Variable Speed Generators, Boldea Ion, CRC Press, 2012. EL-412-2 Switched Mode Power Supplies L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction. Classification of Power Supplies, Basic Functions of Voltage Regulators, Power Relationships in DC DC Converters, Topologies of PWM DCDC Converters. UNIT II Buck, Boost PWM DCDC Converter. Analysis of PWM Buck, Boost Buck-Boost Converter. Design of Buck, Boost Buck-Boost Converters. Power Losses and Efficiency of Buck, Boost Buck-Boost Converters. UNIT III Flyback and Forward PWM DCDC Converter. Introduction, Transformers, DC Analysis of PWM Flyback and Forward Converter, Boundary between CCM and DCM, Ripple Voltage in Converter, Power Losses and Efficiency of Converter, Multiple-output Converters, Bidirectional Converter. UNIT IV Half, Full-bridge Push-Pull PWM DCDC Converter. Introduction, DC Analysis of PWM Half, Full-bridge Push Pull Converter, Boundary between CCM and DCM, Ripple Voltage in Converters, Power Losses and Efficiency of Converters, Phase-controlled Full-bridge Converter, Comparison of PWM DCDC Converters. UNIT V Soft-switching DCDC Converters. Introduction, Zero - voltage-switching DCDC Converters, Buck ZVS Quasi - resonant DCDC Converter, Multi resonant Converters. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Pulse-width Modulated DCDC Power Converters, Marian K. Kazimierczuk, John Wiley Sons, 2008. 2. Switch-Mode Power Supplies Spice Simulations and Practical Designs, Christophe Basso, Mc-Graw Hill, 2008 3. Switching Power Supply Design, Abraham Pressman, Keith Billings and Taylor Morey, Mc Graw Hill, 2009 4. Switch-Mode Power Supply Simulation: Designing with SPICE, Steven M. Sandler, McGraw-Hill, 2005 5. Switch-Mode Power Converters: Design and Analysis, Keng C. Wu, Elsevier Science Publishing, 2005 6. Switch Mode Power Conversion, K. Kit Sum, Marcel Dekker, 1984 EL 412-3 Power Quality and Energy Conservation L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Overview of Power Quality. Classification of power quality issues, characterization of electric power quality, power acceptability curves power quality problems: poor load power factor, non linear and unbalanced loads, dc offset in loads, notching in load voltage, disturbance in supply voltage, flicker, transient phenomenon, voltage fluctuations, sags/swells, voltage unbalance, power quality indices, distortion index, C-message index, IT product, IEEE guides and recommended practices. UNIT II Measurement and Analysis Methods. Voltage, current, power and energy measurements, power factor measurement and definitions, event recorders, measurement error, analysis in the periodic steady state, time domain method, frequency domain methods, Fourier and Hartley transform, Welsh Transform, Wavelet Transform, time domain methods, Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory, Synchronous Frame Theory, Synchronous Detection Method, instantaneous symmetrical components, Instantaneous real and reactive powers UNIT III Harmonics Voltage Fluctuations. Sources and effect of harmonics and inter harmonics, current injection methods, harmonic power flow studies using Newton-Raphson method, application of power flow studies, voltage fluctuations, flicker and impulses, high frequency issues, common mode and transverse mode noise, flicker calculations, effect of EEE-36 voltage fluctuations and impulses, occurrence and causes of voltage unbalance, standardization, decomposition into symmetrical components. UNIT IV Power Quality Improvement. Utility - Customer interface, harmonic filter: passive, active and hybrid filter, phase multiplication methods and transformer connections, network reconfiguring devices, load compensation using DSTATCOM, voltage regulation using DSTATCOM, uninterruptible power sources, BESS, protecting sensitive loads using DVR, UPQC. UNIT V Energy Audit and Conservation. Energy audit concepts, need and types of energy audit, mass and energy balances, energy management (audit) approach, energy audit instruments bench marking, energy performance, matching energy use to requirement, energy conservation act duties and responsibilities of energy manager and auditors. some case study examples. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Power Quality Enhancement Using Custom Power Devices, Arindam Ghosh, Gerard Ledwich, Springer, 2002. 2. Power Quality: VAR Compensation in Power Systems R. Sastry Vedam, Mulukutla S. Sarma, CRC Press, 2008 3. Power System Quality Assessment J. Arrillaga, N. R.Watson, S. Chen, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2011 4. Understanding Power Quality Problems: Voltage Sags and Interruptions, Math H. J. Bollen, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2011 5. Power Quality: Mitigation Technologies in a Distributed Environment, A Moreno Munoz, Springer India Private Limited 2007 6. Power Quality, C. Sankaran, CRC Press, 2001 7. Electric Power Quality, Surajit Chattopadhyay, Madhuchhanda Mitra, Samarjit Sengupta, Springer, 2011 8. Handbook on Energy Audit and Environment Management, Y.P. Abbi, Shashank Jain, The Energy and Resources Institute, TERI, 2009 EL-412-4 Power System Operation Control L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Load Frequency Control. Concept of load frequency control, load frequency control of single area system, effect of governor droop and load damping, block diagram representation of single area system, steady-state frequency error, dynamic response, supplementary control of generating UNIT s (PI control), concept of control area, load frequency control of two area system, tie line control, concept of area control error, block diagram representation of two area system, static and dynamic response. UNIT II Power System Stability: Stability and stability limit, steady state stability study, derivation of swing equation, transient stability studies by equal area criterion and step-by-step method, factors affecting steady state and transient stability and methods of improvement. UNIT III Reactive Power Control: Schematic diagram and block diagram representation, different types of excitation systems, regulating transformers and tap changing, reactive power control, introduction and use of FACTS Controllers. UNIT IV Power System State Estimation State estimation: detection and identification, linear and non-linear models, use of Phasor Measurement UNIT. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Power Generation, Operation and Control, A. J. Wood and B. F. Wollenberg, John Wiley and Sons, 2011. 2. Power System Analysis, A. R. Bergen and V. Vittal, Pearson, 2006. 3. Power System Stability and Control, P. Kundur, TMH,2006 4. Power System Analysis, J. Grainger and W. D. Stevenson, TMH, 2006. 5. Electric Energy Systems Theory An Introduction, Olle. I. Elgerd, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi, Second Edition, 2003. 6. Flexible AC Transmission Systems, N. G. Hingorani and L. Gyugyi, Wiley India, 2010. 7. Operation and Control in Power Systems, P. S.R. Murthy, BS Publications, Hyderabad. EL -412-5 Smart Grid L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction: Structure and Fundamental Problems of Electrical Power Systems, Principles of Electrical Power Control, Classical Power Theory Instantaneous Power Theory Power, Flow Control, Distributed Generation and Energy Storage Benefits to Grids, Solutions of Control in Smart Power Systems, Damping of the System Oscillations, Power Quality Control, Fully Integrated Power System-The Smart Grid, Smart Electrical Energy Networks Concept - Microgrids Picogrids. UNIT II Distributed Generation and Microgrid. Active distribution network, Microgrid configuration, Interconnection of Microgrids, Technical and economical advantages and challenges of Microgrid, Distribution system issues of EEE-37 Microgrid, Power quality, Operational issues of a Microgrid, Dynamic interactions of Microgrid with main grid, Ride through, Grid Synchronization, syncrophasors. UNIT III Distributed Energy Resources. Variable and Adjustable Speed Generation Systems (SEIG DFIG), Wind energy conversion systems (WECS), Grid Integration of Wind Energy Systems, Power Curves of WECs, Grid Coupling, Reactive Power Requirements, Power Fluctuations, Harmonics and Flicker, Offshore Wind Energy systems, Grid Integration of Photovoltaics and Fuel Cells, Grid Interfacing and Islanding Detection, Dynamics of Small-scale hydroelectric power generation, Other renewable energy sources, Dynamics of Storage Systems, Special cases-Superconducting Magnet Energy Storage Supercapacitors, Application of Energy Storage Devices. UNIT IV icrogrid and Active Distribution Network Management System. Network management needs of Microgrid, Microsource generation control, Domestic process control, Energy storage, Regulation and load shifting, Microsource controller, Integrated Communications Architecture, Energy Management, Demand-side Management, Dynamic Energy Management, Decentralized Operation, Protection co - ordination. UNIT V Protection issues for Microgrids. Different islanding scenarios, Major protection issues of stand-alone Microgrid, Single generator and Generator operating in parallel with other generators on an isolated network, Microgrid distribution system protection, Protection of Microsources, Overcurrent protection of the generator intertie, Negative sequence overcurrent protection, Directional control, Earth fault overcurrent protection, Distribution transformer protection, Under/overvoltage protection, Under/ overfrequency protection, Reverse power relay, Unbalanced loading, Loss of mains protection, Rate of change of frequency, Vector shift, Neutral grounding requirements. UNIT VI ower Electronic Interfaces: Overview of Power converter and Controls, PWM Rectifiers, Two level and Multi - level Converters, Neutral Point Clamped Voltage Source Converter(VSC), Space Vector PWM, Z-source Converters, Operation Principle of the Voltage Z-inverter, Three-level and Four-wire Inverters with Z-source, Grid-Imposed Frequency VSC System - Control in dq-frames, D-STATCOM, SSSC, UPFC, Back-to-Back HVDC Conversion System, Interconnection with a Hosting Grid Parallel Operation, Integration and Interconnection Concerns, Voltage and Current Control of a 3-Phase 4 Wire distributed Interface Converters in Islanded Mode. UNIT VII Power Quality and Reliability issues of Distributed Generation(DG): Power quality disturbances Transients, Voltage sags and swells, Over-voltages and under-voltages, Outage, Harmonic distortion, Voltage notching, Flicker, Electrical noise, Power quality sensitive loads, Existing power quality improvement technologies - Preventive(Alternative power supplies) technologies, Curative(Power-conditioning technologies), Load compensation, Voltage regulation, Harmonic Filtration and Balancing of the Voltage in Three-wire Systems, Dynamic Voltage Restorer, Primary Secondary DG system with power quality support, Soft grid-connected DG, DG with intermittent solar PV, DG with intermittent wind generator, Controllers with Energy-storage Systems, Ultra-high reliability scheme using dual link DC bus, Issues of premium power in DG integration. UNIT VIII SCADA and Active Distribution Networks: Overview of Existing Distributed Network operator (DNO) SCADA systems, Control of DNO SCADA systems (Centralised Distributed), Requirement of Communication in Microgrids, SCADA in Microgrids, SCADA communication infrastructure, Distributed control system (DCS), Microgrid Control, Sub - station communication standardisation, smart appliances, smart transformers, Online Condition monitoring, SCADA communication and control architecture, Automated Meter Reading, Communication devices and Media, operational issues of Serial Communication, Broadband Powerline Communiation, Optical Wireless Communication. 1. Microgrids and Active Distribution Network S. Chowdhary, P. Crossley, IET 2009 2. Embedded Generation-Nick Jenkins, Nicolas Jenkins 3. Power Electronics in Smart Electrical Energy Networks - R. Strzelecki, G. Benesek ( Springer) 4. Voltage Sourced Converters in Power Systems: Modeling, Control, and Applications - Amirnaser Yazdani Reza Iravani, John Wiley Sons, Inc (2010) EL-412-6 Non-Linear and Adaptive L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Non-Linear Systems: - Types of non-linearity, typical examples, equivalent linearization describing functions, phase plane analysis, limit cycle, concept of stability and various methods for study of stability of non-linear systems UNIT II Non-Linear System control :- Various notions of stability. Stability techniques of Lyapunov and Popov. Nonlinear controller design using feedback linearization and back stepping method. Introduction to variable structure control systems. EEE-38 UNIT III Classification of Adaptive control:- Introduction-users - Auto tuning-Self Tuning Regulators (STR)-Model Reference Adaptive control (MRAC)-Types of STR and MRAC-Different approaches to self-Tuning regulators-Stochastic Adaptive control-Gain scheduling. UNIT IV Application of Adaptive control:- Recent trends in Self - tuning-Stability-Convergence and Robustness studies-Model Updating General Purpose Adaptive regulator-Applications to process control. UNIT V: Identification. On line identification using recursive least squares, minimum variance algorithm, stochastic approximation and maximum likelihood method. Simultaneous state and parameter estimation extended kalman filter, two stage identification methods. Nonlinear identification, Model reference adaptive control. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Karl J. Astrom and Bjoran Wittenmark, Adaptive Control, Pearson Education. Singapore, second Edition ,2003. 2. TCHA Hsia, System Identification LexingtonHooks 1974 EL-412-7 Power System Planning L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 Introduction - Power planning, power system development and growth, power sources, planning tools, Electricity regulations. Electricity Forecasting. Generation Planning. Transmission and distribution network planning. New operation and planning policies. Allocation of reserve. Demand side bidding. Pricing schemes. Competitive electricity markets. Environment effects. Technology and Innovation (Modern Trends). Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Sullivan-Power System Planning. 2. Pabla, A. S. Electric Power System Planning, Macmillan, India. EL-412-8 Digital Image Processing L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction. Digital image fundamentals, digital image through scanner, digital camera, concept of gray levels, gray level to binary image conversion, sampling and quantization, relationship between pixels, imaging geometry. UNIT II Image Transforms. 2-D FFT, properties, Walsh transform, Hadamard transform, discrete cosine transform, Haar transform, Slant transform, Hotelling transform. UNIT III Image Processing Image enhancement, point processing, histogram processing, spatial filtering, enhancement in frequency domain, image smoothing, image sharpening. Colour image processing: Pseudo colour image processing, full colour image processing. UNIT IV Image Restoration and Segmentation Image restoration degradation model, algebraic approach to restoration, inverse filtering, least mean square filters, constrained least squares restoration, interactive restoration. Image segmentation: detection of discontinuities, edge linking and boundary detection, thresholding, region oriented segmentation. UNIT V Image Compression. Image compression redundancies and their removal methods, fidelity criteria, image compression models, source encoder and decoder, error free compression, lossy compression. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Digital Image processing, R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, Addison Wesley, 2nd edition, 2002. 2. Digital Image Processing, William K. Pratt, John Wiley, 3rd edition, 2004. 3. Fundamentals of Electronic Image Processing, Weeks Jr. PHI. 4. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, A. K.Jain, PHI. EE 412-9 Electrical Storage Systems L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Battery. Introduction, energy storage parameters, leadacid batteries constructional features, battery chargedischarge cycles operating limits and parameters, maintenance, sizing, types, applications, performance measurement, charging and discharging of a battery, storage density, energy density, and safety issues in lead-acid, nickel-cadmium, zinc manganese dioxide batteries, modern batteries as zinc-air, nickel hydride, lithium battery, flow batteries. UNIT II Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries. The valve-regulated battery, valve-regulated battery, heat management in leadacid batteries, heat generation, heat dissipation, lead alloys for valve-regulated leadacid batteries, hardening mechanism in leadcalcium alloys, aluminum addition, formation of structure of positive and negative active masses, manufacture of leadacid battery plates, soaking and formation phenomena, positive-plate additives to enhance formation and battery performance, modeling the effects of additives, conductive additive, negative-plate additives, function of the separator in the VRLA battery, characteristics of absorptive glass materials, separator properties and function, separator materials, applications EEE-39 in automotive applications, telecommunications and UPS Applications, remote-area power-supply systems(RAPS), recovery and recycling of leadacid batteries UNIT III Ultra Capacitors / Super Capacitors. Introduction, double - layer ultra capacitors, high-energy ultra capacitors, rating, size and applications, super capacitors, basic components of super capacitors, several types of electrodes and electrolytes, electrode materials, high surface area activated carbons, metal oxide, conducting polymers, types of electrolyte, disadvantages, advantages of super capacitors, comparison with battery systems, applications in public transport vehicles, private vehicles, and consumer electronics, aspects of energy density, power density, price, and market. UNIT IV Fuel Cell. Fuel cells for direct energy conversion by electro chemical means, focus on the maximum intrinsic efficiency of an electrochemical converter, physical interpretation of the Carnot efficiency factor, electro chemical energy convertors, power outputs, types of fuel cells, hydrogen oxygen cells, hydrogen air cell, hydrocarbon air cell, alkaline fuel cell, and phosphoric and fuel cell, detailed analysis of the advantages and drawbacks. Other Storages: pumped hydroelectric energy storage, storage capabilities of pumped systems, compressed air energy storage, storage heat. energy storage as an economic resource, flywheels, advanced performance of flywheels, applications of flywheels, design strategies, superconducting magnetic storage system, SMES system capabilities. developments in SMES systems. UNIT V Power Electronics for Charging Control. Battery management systems, battery data acquisition, battery state-of-charge, control of charge and discharge, multiple battery systems, thermal management of batteries, safety management of batteries, charging techniques for VRLA batteries, constant-voltage charging, constant-current charging, constant voltageconstant current combinations, taper-current charging, pulsed-current charging, charging of VRLA products, oxygen cycle and saturation effects, overcharge processes, ac-dc and dc-dc converters, isolated converters, multi pulse converters, multilevel converters, P2 cell, resonant converters, protection circuits, charger design and calculation of losses. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Valve-regulated LeadAcid Batteries, D. A.J. Rand, P. T. Moseley, J. Garche and C. D. Parker, Elesevier, 2004 2. Energy Storage Systems in Electronics-New Trends in Electrochemical Technology, Tetsuya Osaka, Madhav Datta, CRC Press, 2000 3. Industrial Applications of Batteries from Cars to Aerospace and Energy Storage, M. Broussely, G. Pistoia, Elsevier, 2007. 4. Lithium Batteries Science and Technology, G. A. Nazri and G. Pistoia. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. 5. Fuel Cell Systems Explained, James Larminie, Andrew Dicks, Wiley-Blackwell, 2nd edition, 2003 EE-412-10 Microwave Integrated Circuits L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Active RF Component Modeling. Diode models, transistor models, large and small signal BJT and FET models, measurement of active devices, S-parameter device characterization. UNIT II Amplifier Design. Unilateral and non-unilateral design, one stage and multistage design low noise amplifiers high power amplifiers, balanced amplifiers feedback. design examples, small-signal distributed amplifiers. Oscillator Design: Resonators, dielectric resonators, YIG resonators, varactor resonators, resonator measurements, two-port oscillator design, low-noise design, non-linear oscillator models. UNIT III Mixer Design. Diode mixer theory, single diode mixers, single-balanced mixers, double balanced mixers, FET mixer theory, balanced FET mixers, spectral mixer circuits, image rejection mixer, single side band modulator performance, simple sub harmonically pumped mixer circuit configuration. UNIT IV Filter Design. Filter design by the insertion loss method, filter scaling and transformations, low pass and high-pass filters using transmission line stubs, stepped-impedance low-pass filters, band pass filters using transmission line resonators. UNIT V MIC Design. Integrated microwave workstation approach, nonlinear tools, filed drivers design, designing non-linear circuits using the harmonic balanced method. programmable microwave tuning system, introduction to MMIC considering layout effects, microwave integrated circuit components. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Microwave circuits design using linear and nonlinear techniques, George. D.Vandeling, Anthony M. Pavis and Ulrich L. Rohde, John Wiley and Sons 1990. 2. Microwave Circuits and analysis and amplifier design, Samuel T. Liao, PHI, 1987. 3. Microwave and RF Design of Wireless Systems, Davis M. Pozar, John Wiley and Sons. 4. RF Circuit Design, Ludwig and Bretchko, Pearson Education. EEE-40 EL-413 Open Elective - II L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 Open Elective II EL 413-1 Database Management System EL 413-2 Operating System Design EL 413-3 Nuclear Engineering and Pulse Power System EL 413-4 Active Passive Networks Synthesis EL 413-5 Computer Control of Processes EL 413-6 Power Plant Engineering EL 413-7 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems EL 413-8 Digital System Design EL 413-9 Filter Design EL 413-10 VLSI Design EL 413-11 Antenna and Wave Propagation EL-413-1 Data Base Management Systems L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction. An overview of database management system, database system vs file system, database system concept and architecture, data model schema and instances, data independence and database language and interfaces, data definitions language, DML, overall database structure. UNIT II Data Modeling using the Entity Relationship Model ER model concepts, notation for ER diagram, mapping constraints, keys, concepts of super key, candidate key, primary key, generalization, aggregation, reduction of ER diagrams to tables, extended ER model, relationship of higher degree. Relational data Model and Language:Relational data model concepts, integrity constraints, entity integrity, referential integrity, keys constraints, domain constraints, relational algebra, relational calculus, tuple and domain calculus. UNIT III Introduction to SQL Characteristics of SQL, advantage of SQL, SQL data type and literals, types of SQL commands, SQL operators and their procedure, tables, views and indexes, queries and sub queries, aggregate functions, insert, update and delete operations, joins, unions, intersection, minus, cursors, triggers, procedures in SQL/PL SQL UNIT IV Data Base Design Normalization Functional dependencies, normal forms, first, second, third normal forms, BCNF, inclusion dependence, loss less join decompositions, normalization using FD, MVD, and JDs, alternative approaches to database design. Transaction Processing Concept: Transaction system, testing of serializability, serializability of schedules, conflict view serializable schedule, recoverability, recovery from transaction failures, log based recovery, checkpoints, deadlock handling. Distributed Database: distributed data storage, concurrency control, directory system. UNIT V Concurrency Control Techniques. Concurrency control, locking techniques for concurrency control, time stamping protocols for concurrency control, validation based protocol, multiple granularity, multi version schemes, recovery with concurrent transaction, case study of Oracle. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. An Introduction to Database Systems, C. J. Date, A. Kannan, S. Swamynathan, Pearson Education,8th edition, 2012 2. Database System Concepts, Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, Mc Graw-Hill Higher Education, 6th edition, 2010 3. Fundamentals of Database Systems, Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant Navathe, Addison Wesley, 6th edition, 2010 4. Database Management Systems, A Leon, Tata McGraw Hill Education,2008 5. Database Management System, Arun Majumdar, Pritimoy Bhattacharyya, Mc Graw-Hill Education, 2001 6. Database Management Systems, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 3rd edition, 2002. EL-413-2 Operating System Design L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Operating System An Overview Introduction to OS Mainframe systems Desktop systems Multiprocessor systems Distributed systems Clustered systems Real time systems Handheld systems. Computer system operation I/O structure Storage structure storage hierarchy Hardware protection Network structure. System components Operating system services System calls System programs System structure Virtual machines System design and implementation System generation. UNIT II Process Management Process concept Process scheduling Operating on processes cooperating processes inter process communication communication in client server systems. Threads Overview Multithreading models Threading issues, Basics concepts Scheduling criteria Scheduling algorithms Multiple processor scheduling real time scheduling process scheduling models. The critical section problem Synchronization hardware - Semaphores Classic problems of synchronization critical regions Monitors - Atomic transactions. System model Deadlock characterization Methods for handling deadlocks Deadlock prevention Deadlock avoidance Deadlock detection Recovery from dead lock. EEE-41 UNIT III Storage Management Background swipping contiguous memory allocation Paging Segmentation Segmentation with paging. Background Demand paging Process creation Page replacement allocation of frames Thrashing. File concept: Access methods Directory structure File system mounting File sharing Protection. File system structure - file system implementation Directory implementation Allocation methods free space management Efficiency and performance Recovery. UNIT IV I/O Systems. I/O hardware - Application I/O interface Kernel I/O subsystem Transforming I/O to hardware operations Streams Performance. Disk structure Disk scheduling Disk management Swap-space management RAID structure Disk attachment Stable - Storage implementation Tertiary storage structure. UNIT V Distributed Systems. Background Topology Network types Communication communication protocols Robustness Design issues. Naming and transparency Remote file access Stateful versus stateless service File replication. Event ordering Mutual exclusion Atomicity Concurrency control Deadlock handling Election algorithms Reaching agreement. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Operating System Concepts, Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne, John Wiley Sons,8th edition, 2009 2. Operating Systems, Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, David R. Choffnes, Prentice Hall, 3rd edition, 2003 3. Modern Operating Systems, Tanenbaum Andrew S, Prentice-Hall, 3rd edition, 2009 4. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, William Stallings, Pearson Education, 6th edition,2009 EL-413-3 Nuclear Engineering and Pulse power System L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction to Nuclear Physics, Basics atomic structure, mass energy equivalence, Interaction of radiation with matter, nuclear reactions fission and fusion, Energy released in reactions, Particle Accelerators, Electrical Magnetic Forces, High Voltage Machines, Linear Accelerators, Cyclotron, Betatron, Synchrotron, Collider, Spallation, Isotope sepaerators, Gasseous Diffusion laser isotope seperators, Mass Spactrography, Seperation of Deuterium, Neutron detectors, Sc intilation Detector, Solid state Detectors. UNIT II Heat generation and heat removal from the reactor, steam - cycles, types of Thermal Reactors: Boiling Water, Pressurized water reactors, CANDU, High temperature gas cooled reactor, superheat in water reactor Fast Breeder Reactors, Nuclear power plant layout, Graphite Reactors, Magnox reactor, RBMK, High temperature gas reactor, Breeder Reactor, Isotope Production and Consumption, Fast Breeder reactors, Integral fast reactors, Gas Cooled fast reactor, Lead cooled fast reactor, Molten salt reactor, Sodium colled fast reactor, Supercritical water cooled reactor, Breeding Uranium resources, Fusion reactors, Comparison of Fusion reactors, Magnetic and Inertial confinement machines, Other Fusion concepts. UNIT III Nuclear power station operation, Primary Reactor Coolant Pump, High-pressure injection pump, Filling pump, Residual heat removal pump, auxiliary feed water pump, Moisture separator drain pump, Condensate booster, Feed water pump, Sodium Pump, Instrumentation and control, Irradiation effects, effects of temperature, Fuel cycles, instability, reactor control, start up and shunt down, reactor safety, reactor power level measurement, safety circuits, Radiation Shielding. UNIT IV Pulse Discharge Capacitors, Marx Generators, Classical Marx Generators, LC Marx Generator, Pulse Transformers, Generators with Tesla transformers, Autotransformers, Line pulse transformers, Transformers using long lines, Basic Pulsed-Power Energy Transfer Stage, Inductive Energy Storage, Power and Voltage Multiplication, Rotors and Homopolar Generators, Gas Switches, Magnetic switches, Summery, Mechanical Interrupters, Superconducting Opening Switches, Plasma Opening Switches, Voltage adding, Blumlein generators, cumulative Pulse Lines, Single Pulse Generators, KALIF, PBFA 2 and the Z - Machine. Repetitive Generators, RHEPP, Generators. UNIT V Semiconductor closing switches, Microsecond thyristors. Nanosecond thyristors. Picosecond thyristors Laser - activated thyristors. Semiconductor Opening Switches(SOS), Operation of SOS diodes, SOS-diode-based nanosecond pulse devices, Pulse power generators in circuits with magnetic elements, Properties of magnetic elements in pulsed fields, Generation of nanosecond high-power pulses, Magnetic generators using SOS diodes, Long lines with nonlinear parameters, Formation of electromagnetic shock waves due to induction drag, Generation of nanosecond high-power pulses with the use of electromagnetic shock waves. UNIT VI Large cross section electron beams(LCSB), cathodes of LCSB diodes, Multipoint cathodes, Liquid-metal cathodes, Metal-dielectric cathodes, Explosive electron emission from a triple junction, Metal-dielectric cathode designs. Physical processes in LCSB diodes, Nanosecond beams LCSB of microsecond and longer duration, Designs of LCSB EEE-42 accelerators, Annular Electron Beams(AEB), Principle of operation of diodes, Device of electron guns for MICDs The cathode plasma in a magnetic field. Formation of electron beams. Dense Electron Beam their focusing, diode operation, Diodes with plane-parallel electrodes, Blade - cathode diodes, Focusing of electron beams, High-power x-ray pulses, high-power pulsed gas lasers, generation of high-power pulsed microwaves, generation of ultrawideband radiation pulses Text Book: 1. Raymond Murray, Nuclear Energy: an introduction to the concepts, systems, applications, Butterworth Heinmann, 2009 2. Gennady A. Mesyats, Pulsed Power, Springer, 2005 Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Samuel Glasstone Alexander Sesonske, Nuclear Reactor Engineering: Reactor Systems Engineering, Chapman Hall, 1994 2. Ronald Allen Knief, Nuclear engineering: theory and technology of commercial nuclear power, Taylor Francis, 1992 3. J. Kenneth Shultis Richard E. Faw, Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering, CRC Press, 2008 4. Janet Wood, Nuclear power, IET,2007 5. Hansjoachim Bluhm, Pulsed Power Systems: Principles and Applications, Springer,2006 EE-413-4 Active and Passive Network Synthes is L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Network Functions. Network function for one port and two port, calculation of network functions for Ladder networks and general networks, poles and zero of network functions, restrictions on pole and zeros locations for driving point functions and for transfer functions. time domain behavior from poles and zero plot, stability of achieve. UNIT II Networks. Elements of reliability theory, sensitivity and stability, positive real function elementary synthesis procedures. UNIT III Synthesis of One Port Networks with Two Kinds of Elements. Properties of L - C immittance functions, synthesis of L-C Driving point impedances, properties of R-C impedances and R-L, admittances properties of R-L impedances and R-C admittances, synthesis of certain R-L-C functions. UNIT IV Passive Network Synthesis Positive real function, driving point and transfer impedance function, necessary conditions for driving point and transfer function L-C network, synthesis of dissipative network, two terminal R-L and R-C networks. UNIT V: Active Networks State variable theory, operation of amplifier circuits, active RC synthesis, stability of active network, filter design. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Active Integrated Circuit Synthesis, Robert W. Newcomb, Prentice Hall, 1969 2. Network Analysis and Synthesis, Franklin F. Kuo, Wiley India Pvt Ltd,2nd edition, 2006 3. Fundamentals of Network Analysis Synthesis, Behrouz Peikari, Jaico Publishing House, 1st edition, 2006 EL-413-5 Computer Control of Processes Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction to Process Control. Introduction to process control, basic control action ON /OFF, P, PI, PID, floating control and electronic controller, tuning, line diagram from process plant to computer system, loose coupled system and tight coupled system, communication media and bus. UNIT II Protocol and Architectures. Evolution of data networks, network architecture, Protocols, layered approach, OSI model, DoD model, hierarchical approach, local network technology, bus/tree topology, ring topology, medium access protocols, details of IEEE 802, X.25, datagram, HDLC standards. UNIT III Signals from Process Instrumentation. Signal conditioning for the control of computer, signal transmission, time division multiplexing, signal termination, impedance matching filtering, numerical filtering, correction for non-linearities, computer control system, CPU, relationship of word length to performance, peripheral devices. UNIT IV Programmable Logic Controllers. Evolution of PLC, sequential and programmable controllers, architecture, programming of PLC, relay logic and ladder logic, functional blocks, communication networks for PLC, field bus such as profi-bus, mod-bus etc. UNIT V: Distributed Control Systems: Evolution of DCS, architecture, local control UNIT. operator interface, engineering interface. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Instrument Engineers Handbook Process Control, Liptak, Elsevier, 2010 2. Industrial Electronics: Applications for Programmable Controllers, Instrumentation Process Control, and Electrical Machines Motor, Thomas E. Kissell, Prentice Hall, 2nd edition, 1999 3. Computer - Based Industrial Control, Kant Krishna, PHI, 2nd edition 2010 EEE-43 4. Instrumentation for Process Measurement and Control, Norman A. Anderson, CRC Press, 3rd edition, 1997 5. Programmable Logic Controllers, Frank D. Petruzella, McGraw-Hill Higher Education,4th edition, 2010 6. Data Communications and Networking, Behrouz Forouzan, McGraw-Hill,5th edition, 2012. EL-413-6 Power Plant Engineering L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction. Thermodynamic equilibrium, cyclic process, enthalpy, zero, first and second laws of thermodynamics, Carnot cycle, concept of entropy, properties of steam, processes involving steam in closed and open systems, enthalpy. Vapour pressure cycles: Rankine cycle, reheat cycle, regenerative cycle UNIT II Steam Turbine. Classification, impulse and reaction turbines their velocity diagrams and related calculations, work done and efficiencies, re-heat factor, staging, bleeding and governing of turbines. Gas Turbine: Classification, Brayton cycle, working principle of gas turbine, gas turbine cycle with intercooling, reheat and regeneration, stage and polytrophic efficiencies. UNIT III Compressors. Classification, single and multistage reciprocating compressors, isothermal and volumetric efficiencies, centrifugal and axial flow compressors, surging, choking and stalling. I. C. Engines: Otto, Diesel and dual cycles, introduction to 2-stroke and 4-stroke SI and CI engines, indicator diagram and power measurement. UNIT IV Impact of Jet. Introduction to hydrodynamic thrust of jet on a fixed and moving surface (flat and curve), effect of inclination of jet with the surface. Hydraulic Turbines: Classification, heads and efficiencies, construction, working, work done and efficiency of impulse and reaction turbines. UNIT V Centrifugal Pump. Classification, construction, working, work-done, efficiencies, cavitations and priming, jet pump. Reciprocating Pump: classification, construction, working, work-done, slip and coefficient of discharge. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Applied Thermodynamics, Onkar Singh, New Age International, 2006. 2. A Text Book of Hydraulic Machines, R. K.Rajput, S. Chand Co. 2008. 3. Thermal Engineering, P. L. Ballany, Khanna Publishers, 2003. 4. A Text Book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, R. K. Bansal, Laxmi Publications, 2006. 5. Power Plant Engineering, Gautam S, Vikas Publishing House, 2012. EL 413-7 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Introduction Approaches to intelligent control, architecture for intelligent control, symbolic reasoning system, rule based systems - the AI approach, knowledge representation, expert systems, artificial neural networks (ANN): concept of ANN and its basic mathematical model, McCulloch-Pitts neuron model, simple perception, Adaline and Madaline feed forward multilayer perceptron, learning and training the neural network, data processing: scaling, Fourier transformation, principal-component analysis and wavelet transformations, Hopfield network, self-organizing network and recurrent network, neural network based controller. UNIT II Genetic Algorithm. Basic concept of Genetic algorithm and detail algorithm steps, adjustment of free parameters, solution of typical control problems using genetic algorithm, concept on some other search techniques like tabu search and ant-colony search techniques for solving optimization problems UNIT III Fuzzy Logic System. Introduction to crisp sets and fuzzy sets, basic fuzzy set operation and approximate reasoning, introduction to fuzzy logic modeling and control, fuzzification, inferencing and defuzzification, fuzzy knowledge and rule bases, fuzzy modeling and control schemes for nonlinear systems, self-organizing fuzzy logic control, fuzzy logic control for nonlinear time-delay systems. UNIT IV Applications. GA application to power system optimization problem, case studies: identification and control of linear and nonlinear dynamic systems using Matlab - neural network toolbox, stability Analysis of neural network interconnection system, implementation of fuzzy logic controller using Matlab - fuzzy logic toolbox, stability analysis of fuzzy control systems. UNIT V Expert System. Need for expertise in decision models and expert systems, expert systems fundamentals, knowledge engineering, knowledge representation and inferencing, building expert systems, integrating expert systems and DSSs, strategies for implementing and maintaining management support systems, case studies, laboratory and filed projects. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, Jacek M. Zurada, Jaico Publishing House, 1997 EEE-44 2. Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithms Sudarshan K. Valluru, T.N. Rao, Jaico, 2009 3. C Neural Networks, FuzzyLogic, Valluru B. Rao, Hayagriva V. Rao BPB Publications, 1996. 4. Artificial Intelligence application in Power System, M. E. E1. Hawary, Wiley-Blackwell. 1998 5. Artificial Neural Networks, Yegnanarayana B, PHI, 1998 6. Fuzzy Logic: With Engineering Applications, Timothy J. Ross, Wiley India Pvt Ltd,2nd edition, 2007 7. Genetic Algorithms in search, Optimization and Machine Learning, David E. Goldberg, Pearson Education India, 1st edition, 2008 8. Expert Systems: Principles and Programming, Riley, Vikas-Thomson Learning, 2002. EL 413-8 Digital System Design L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Overview of Digital System Design with Verilog HDL. Evolution of CAD, emergence of HDLs, importance of HDLs, typical HDL-based design flow, hierarchical modeling concepts. UNIT II Gate-Level Modeling Modeling using basic Verilog gate primitives, description of and/or and buf/not type gates, rise, fall and turn-off delays, min, max, and typical delays. Dataflow Modeling: continuous assignments, delay specification, expressions, operators, operands, operator types. Behavioral Modeling: Structured procedures, initial and always, blocking and non blocking statements, delay control, generate statement, event control, conditional statements, multi way branching, loops, sequential and parallel blocks, test vectors/test benches. UNIT III Tasks and Functions. Differences between tasks and functions, declaration, invocation, automatic tasks and functions. Useful Modeling Techniques: procedural continuous assignments, overriding parameters, conditional compilation and execution, useful system tasks, timing and delays, switch-level modeling, basics of user-defined primitives and PLI. UNIT IV Logic Synthesis with Verilog HDL. Introduction to logic synthesis, impact of logic synthesis, Verilog HDL constructs and operators for logic synthesis, synthesis design flow, verification of synthesized circuits, design partitioning. UNIT V Types of memory. SRAM, flash memory, PLA, PAL, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, CPLDs, FPGAs: Design, Architecture and applications. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, Samir Palnitkar, 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall. 2. Verilog Digital System Design: Register Transfer Level Synthesis, Testbench, and Verification, Zainalabedin Navabi, McGraw Hill Professional. 3. Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL, Michael D. Ciletti, Prentice Hall, 2nd edition, 2010 4. Digital Logic and Computer Design, M. Morris Mano, PHI, 2002. 5. Fundamentals of Digital Circuits, A. Anand Kumar, PHI, 2006. 6. Digital Design Principles and Practice, John F. Wakerly, 3rd edition, Pearson Education. EL 413-9 Filter Design L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Basic Concepts. Nature of filter specification, filter design process, ideal low magnitude approximation, frequency transformation. UNIT II Passive Filter with Lumped Elements. General two port reactance network, filter circuits, design of ladder networks. UNIT III Active Building Blocks For Analog Filter Design. Ideal and real operational amplifiers, transconductance amplifiers, current feedback amplifiers, transresistance and other amplifier topologies, characteristic and their usages in realization of summers, integrators, gyrators and immittance converters. UNIT IV Biquad Filters Using Active Building Blocks. Single amplifier biquad, biquads using composite amplifiers, G/C based biquads, two-integrator loop topologies. UNIT V Higher Order Filters. Cascade and multiple loop feedback realization, LC ladder simulation by single flow graph and element substitution. Transconductance C (Gm-C) based filters, switched capacitor filters. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Design of Analog Filter Passive Active RC and switched capacitor, R. Schaumann, M. S. Ghausi and Keneth Laker, PHI, 1990. 2. Design of Analog Filters R. Schaumann Mac. E.VanValkenberg, Oxford University Press, 2001. EEE-45 EL 413-10 VLSI Design L T P Credits 0 0 3 3 UNIT I Introduction and Basic Electrical Properties. Introduction to IC Technology MOS, PMOS, NMOS, CMOS and Bi CMOS technologies, oxidation, lithography, diffusion, ion implantation, metallisation, encapsulation, probe testing, integrated resistors and capacitors, basic electrical properties of MOS and BiCMOS Circuits:Ids-Vds relationships, MOS transistor threshold voltage, gm, gds, figure of merit o, pass transistor, NMOS inverter, various pull ups, CMOS inverter analysis and design, Bi-CMOS inverters. UNIT II VLSI Circuit Design Processes. VLSI design flow, MOS layers, stick diagrams, design rules and layout, 2 m CMOS design rules for wires, contacts and transistors layout diagrams for NMOS and CMOS inverters and gates, scaling of MOS circuits, limitations of scaling. Gate Level Design. logic Gates and other complex gates, switch logic, alternate gate circuits, basic circuit concepts, sheet resistance and its concept to MOS, area capacitance UNIT s, calculations, s - t - delays, driving large capacitive loads, wiring capacitances, fan-in and fan-out, choice of layers UNIT III Subsystem Design. Subsystem design, shifters, adders, ALUs, multipliers, parity generators, comparators, zero/ one detectors, counters, high density memory elements. Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Design. PLAs, FPGAs, CPLDs, standard cells, programmable array logic, design approach. UNIT IV VHDL Synthesis. VHDL synthesis, circuit design flow, circuit synthesis, simulation, layout, design capture tools, design verification tools, test principles. UNIT V CMOS Testing. CMOS testing, need for testing, test principles, design strategies for test, chip-level test techniques, system - level test techniques, layout design for improved testability. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Essentials of VLSI Circuits and Systems, Pucknell Douglas A, Eshraghian Kamran, Eshraghian Sholeh, PHI, 1st edition, 2005. 2. Principles of CMOS VLSI Design: A Systems Perspective, Neil H. E. West, Kamran Eshraghian, Addison Wesley, 2nd edition, 1993 3. Chip Design for Submicron VLSI: CMOS Layout Simulation, Cengage Learning,2006 4. Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems, John. P. Uyemura, JohnWiley, 2003. 5. Digital Integrated Circuits, John M. Rabaey, PHI, 1997. 6. Modern VLSI Design, Wayne Wolf, Pearson Education, 3rd edition, 1997. EL 413-11 Antenna and Wave Propagation L T P Credits 0 0 0 10 UNIT I Antenna Principles. Potential functions electromagnetic field, current elements, radiation from monopole half wave dipole, power radiated by current element, radiation resistance, network theorems directional properties of dipole antenna, antenna gain, effective area, antenna terminal impedance, practical antennas and methods of excitation, antenna temperature and signal to noise ratio. UNIT II Antenna Arrays. Two element array, horizontal patterns in broadcast arrays, linear arrays, multiplication of patterns, effect of the earth on vertical patterns, binomial array. UNIT III Wave Propagation. Modes of propagation, plane earth reflection, space wave and surface wave, reflection and refraction waves by the ionosphere, tropospheric wave, ionosphere wave propagation, virtual height. MUF critical frequency, skip distance, duct propagation, space wave. UNIT IV Practical Antennas. VLF and LF transmitting antennas, effect of antenna height, field of short dipole, electric field of small loop antenna, directivity of circular loop antenna with uniform current, directivity of circular loop antenna with uniform current, Yagi-Uda array: square corner Yagi - Uda hybrid, circular polarization, rhombic antenna weight and leg length, parabolic reflectors properties, comparison with corner reflectors, horn antenna: length and aperture, introduction to turstile antenna, effect of ground on antenna performance. UNIT V Broadband Antenna. Frequency independent concept, Rumseys principle, frequency independent planar log spiral antenna, frequency independent conical spiral antenna. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. Antennas for All Applications, John D. Kraus, Ronald J. Marhefka, TMH, 3rd edition, 2003. 2. Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems. E. C. Jordan and K. G. Balmain, PHI, 2nd edition,2000. 3. Antenna Theory, C.A. Balanis, John Wiley Sons, 2nd edition, 2001. 4. Antennas, John D. Kraus, McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 1988. 5. Electronic and Radio Engineering, F. E. Terman, McGraw - Hill, 4th edition, 1955. EEE-46 EL-414 Utilization of Electrical Energy Lab L T P Credits 0 0 3 3 Laboratory Practical Based on course work of corresponding theory EL-415 Elective II Lab L T P Credits 0 0 3 3 Laboratory Practical Based on course work of corresponding theory EL-416 Major Project(part-II) L T P Credits 0 0 0 10 EL-417 Seminar/ Report L T P Credits 0 0 0 2Psikotronika. txt Upload Browse Sign in Join Upload Books Audiobooks Scribd SelectsScribd Selects Audio Top BooksTop Audiobooks Top Categories Biography Memoir Comics Fantasy Fiction Literature Happiness Self-Help Humor Mystery, Thriller Crime Romance Science Fiction Young Adult More Categories Arts Ideas Business Leadership Childrens Computers Technology Cooking Food Crafts Hobbies Health Wellness History Home Garden LGBT Politics Economy Reference Religion Science Nature Society Culture Sports Adventure Travel Top Audiobook Categories Biography Memoir Business Leadership Childrens Fiction Literature Happiness Self-Help History Humor Mystery, Thriller Crime Romance Young Adult More Audiobook Categories Arts Ideas Computers Technology Cooking Food Fantasy Health Wellness Home Garden LGBT Politics Economy Reference Religion Science Nature Science Fiction Society Culture Sports Adventure Travel Welcome to Scribd. 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Djohan Gunawan psikotronika PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 2 HAK CIPTA PSIKOTRONIKA. COM Djohan Gunawan penulis PSIKOTRONIKA. COM, dengan segala kemampuan, pengalaman, jerih payah, serta usaha yang maksimal dan terbaiknya, telah berhasil menyusun sebuah tulisan yang bermutu tinggi dan menciptakan suatu produk informasi, yang sangat berguna bagi para netter ( melalui internet ),baik pemula maupun tingkat lanjut, terutama bagi yang ingin mengetahui dan mempelajari hubungan antara bidang psikologi, kedokteran, elektronika, fisika maupun bidang metafisika (supranatural). Ebook ini juga dipublikasi secara resmi melalui sistim reseller PSIKOTRONIKA COM dan semua teks, grafis, gambar dan data yang ada didalamnya merupakan hak cipta Psikotronika-Com Tidak ada satupun dalam tulisan ini boleh digandakan, disebarluaskan atau direproduksi, dicetak ulang dengan cara apapun juga, tanpa ijin tertulis dari penulis. PSIKOTRONIKACOM 2005 Hak Cipta dilindungi undang undang Anda juga dapat menghasilkan keuntungan dari produk kami, dengan mengikuti programreseller bagi hasil untuk setiap anggota baru Psikotronika com atas rekomendasi anda. tanpa perlu banyak modal yang harus anda keluarkan, diharapkan bahwa anda dapat menjadi partner kami dalam usaha bisnis ONLINE. PENGUMUMAN :Jika anda menemukan atau ada oknum dari situs tertentu, yang menawarkan, menjual, mereproduksi tulisan ini, tanpa melalui yang kami anjurkan, harap anda dapat membantu memberi informasi kepada kami, kami akan memberikan imbalan menarik atas laporan anda Melalui email. johannnpsikotronika Djohan Gunawan psikotronika PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 3 Berkat anugerah, kasih serta kuasa TUHAN yang maha BESAR, maka saya berhasil menulis suatu karya besar dalam bentuk ebook ini, saya sangat mengharapkan agar tulisan ini bermanfaat untuk mereka yang benar-benar membutuhkannya. Terima kasih kepada kekasihku tercinta, yang juga sebagai istri, serta anak-anak tercinta, seorang putri, 2 putra kembar, yang telah banyak membantu, mendukung saya sehingga tulisan ini selesai dibuat. Djohan Gunawan, Ir. M Sc. MBA. Jakarta, 5 Oktober 2005 PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 4 DAFTAR ISI PSIKOTRONIKA 1. Pendahuluan Mengapa tulisan dalam bentuk ebook ini dibuat Saat pertama menghadapi masalah. Latar belakang penulis. Cara-cara mempergunakan ebook ini. 2. Sejarah perkembangan ilmu Psikotronika Sejarah perkembangan energi gelombang elektromaknetik Nikola Tesla sebagai Bapak gelombang elektromaknetik Sejarah perkembangan ilmu-ilmu psikologi. Sigmund Freud adalah sebagai Bapak Psikologi dengan teori Psikologinya yang terkenal (id, ego dan superego) 3. Getaran otak dan Gelombang Elektromaknet Getaran, Gelombang dan Elektromaknet. Neuron sebagai electron pada pusat syaraf (otak) Resonansi dan Beat pada getaran gelombang pusat syaraf (otak) 4. Penyembuhan dengan gelombang suara dan musik Resonansi Schumann ( Schumann Resonance ) Binaural Beat Frekuensi ( Beat pada suara dan musik ) Hypnotis, telehipnotis dan tenaga gelombang pikiran. 5. Physio-Energy, Bio-Energy dan Psychic-Energy Energi Dalam Tubuh Inner Energy - Psycho Energy ( Psychics )-Tingkat Dasar PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 5 Qi, Chi, Reiki adalah tenaga getaran dalam bentuk infrasonic. Qigong Machine, Chi Machine, Reiki Machine sebagai Alat penyembuh pengganti manusia. Latihan Latihan Qikung, Chi dan Reiki secara Alami 5. IQ (Intelligence Quotient ), EQ (Emotional Quotient) dan SQ (Spiritual Quotient). (Cara meningkatkan IQ dan ESQ ) 6. Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, Bio-Energi dan Psicho-energi (energi psikologi ) Bio Energi versus Psycho Energi Cara-cara melakukan pelatihan dan memanfaatkan peralatan ( tools stimulation ) 7. Brain Respiration ( Pernapasan Pusat Syaraf - Otak ) 8. Sekali lagi mengenai META-FISIKA, SUPRA NATURAL, serta hubungannya dengan Ilmu-ilmu Fisika Mekanika QUANTUMN 9. Gelombang ALPHA, BETA, THETA, DELTA dan GAMA pada getaran pusat syaraf dan otak 10. KESIMPULAN, LAMPIRAN dan PENUTUP PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 6 1. PENDAHULUAN eBook ini ditulis 2 bagian, yaitu bagian 1 ( part 1), dan bagian 2 ( part 2), agar memudahkan pada saat download di internet. Bagain 1 (part 1) lebih banyak membahas Psikotronikanya, sedangkan bagian 2 (part 2) lebih menjurus kecara-cara Reselling eBook ini. 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Ternyata jawabannya bisa karena sejak dahulu, mereka yang mempunyai kepandaian supranatural masih dapat berkomunikasi, walaupun kadang-kadang komunikasi tersebut kurang akurat (telepati, telehipnotis, chaivoyance, remote viewing ). Dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas, bahwa kemungkinan itu ada dan masih mungkin dilakukan, namun karena keterbatasan tulisan dan juga keterbatasan kita sebagai manusia, yang sampai saat ini masih harus terus belajar dan belajar, sehingga hanya sedikit sekali hal-hal yang nyata dan pernah terjadi PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 7 PSIKOTRONIKA berasal dari bahasa Inggris PSYCHOTRONICS , yaitu MIND CONTROL ELECTRONICS atau PENGENDALIAN PIKIRAN dengan metode ELECTRONIKA dapat juga diartikan sebagai pengendalian energi pikiran dengan mempergunakan metode-metode elektronika, yaitu perambatan gelombang, energi listrik yang dapat dikendalikan HANYA dengan mempergunakan kendali pusat syaraf (otak ), untuk mencapai keadaan tertentu (kesembuhan dari penyakit, peningkatan diri, berkemampuan meta-fisika dan lain-lain ) Mengapa tulisan dalam bentuk eBook ini dibuat. Pada saat ini banyak sekali buku dan catatan yang dibuat oleh baik ahli fisika dan maupun non fisika dibidangnya masing-masing, yaitu ahli fisika, matematika, kesehatan (dokter), psikiater, psikolog, ahli filsafat bahkan oleh pakar meta-fisika, tanpa mereka melihat dan menyadari bahwa ada keterkaitan antara fisik dan non fisik seseorang. Sehingga perlu diketahui bahwa sedikit banyak ada keterkaitan dan hubungan antara kondisi fisik dan non fisik, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung. Penulis dalam hal ini, sudah lebih dari 20 tahun menggeluti ilmu-ilmu yang berhubungan dengan fisika, elektronika, telekomunikasi, terutama dalam transfer energi tenaga listrik, transfer data, transfer informasi dan juga penulis sudah lebih dari 10 tahun mendalami bidang-bidang psikologi. Apa salahnya, penulis dengan senang hati membagi pengetahuan dan informasi ini kepada pembaca, dalam bentuk eBOOK, agar bermanfaat bagi masyarakat luas. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 8 Saat pertama menghadapi masalah Penulis telah berkeluarga dan mempunyai 3 orang anak yang sekarang sudah remaja dan dewasa, namun salah seorang anak penulis mempunyai kekurangan, yaitu menderita dan gejala autism, sehingga penulis banyak belajar mengenai psikologi khususnya mengenai autism ( ASD-Autism Spectrum Disorder ) dan ADHD ( Attention Defisit Hyperactivity Disorder ). Untuk menambah wawasan dalam bidang psikologi, penulis banyak mengikuti seminar, surving di internet, baca buku-buku mengenai hal yang berhubungan dengan syaraf dan kejiwaan, konsultasi dengan beberapa ahli jiwa (psikoloq) hanya untuk dapat mengobati anak sendiri, agar anak penulis dapat mandiri dan terjun kemasyarakat umum dengan baik. Banyak hal yang menarik dalam tulisan ini, cara-cara penyembuhan yang non spesifik, misalnya pengembuhan dengan nada, suara, atau yang dikenal dengan nama musics healing, atau auto hypnotherapy, Neuro Modulation Technique NMT lainnya Brain Wave Therapy dan masih banyak lagi therapy yang mungkin dapat dijadikan sebagai pengobatan alternatip. Mengapa hal ini dapat dilakukan. karena kemungkinan sembuh sangat besar, dengan mempergunakan apa yang dinamakan ENERGI PSIKOLOGI . Latar belakang penulis. Penulis telah menyelesaikan pendidikan formal dalam bidang Elektronika dan Teknik Tenaga Listrik ( S 1 ) pada tahun 1981 di Jakarta, setelah itu bekerja di perusahaan asing ( Perancis Compagnie Francais pour l Indonesie) di Jakarta, mendapat beasiswa dari perusahaan tersebut dari kedutaan Perancis tahun 1983, untuk menyelesaikan pendidikan ( S2 Master of Science in Industrial Engineering ), di Perancis. dalam bidang penelitian dan aplikasi PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 9 gelombang electromaknetik ( inframerah, suara dan sinar X), pengolahan data (komputer) untuk aplikasi sistim tenaga listrik. Penulis juga telah menyelesaikan pendidikan dibidang marketing dan management tahun 1995 (MBA-CBM ) di Jakarta. Penulis banyak pengalaman dan bekerja ( th 1985 s/d 1994) dibidanggelombang elektromaknetik yang sangat luas pemakaiannya ( sinar/cahaya, suara. inframerah, sinar-x), untuk peralatan kapal laut, niaga dan kapal perang buatan Perancis, (1994-1997) komputer dan data transfer, energi tenaga listrik ( projek PLN bantuan pemerintah Perancis dan USA ), proyek-proyek robotic keperluan industri, ( Australia ) di tahun 1999-2000 sampai masa pensiun sekarang. Penulis juga pernah memberikan kuliah penuh ( 1982 1985), paruh waktu (1987 1995) dibeberapa perguruan tinggi swasta serta banyak menerbitkan buku-buku untuk konsumsi kampus, seperti teknik Radio dan Telekomunikasi, Penangkal Petir. Ozonisasi, Strategi Bisnis dan lain2. Penulis sudah banyak membawakan seminar-seminar aplikasi peralatan kedokteran, yang mempergunakan perangkat2 elektronik, computer dsb. Penulis juga pernah membawakan beberapa seminar dibidang penjualan dan pemasaran, dimana salah satu yang menarik adalah bagaimana mempengaruhi pembeli yang erat hubungannya dengan psikologi Walaupun demikian dalam hal ini, dalam ebook ini, penulis hanya melakukan dan bertugas sebagai FASILISATOR, artinya penulis membantu mencarikan atau menunjukan Link khusus di-internet, software yang biasa dipakai. Bagi mereka yang mempunyai latar belakang bukan sarjana, ebook ini masih tetap diperlukan dan enak dibaca untuk dipraktekan PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 10 Cara-cara mempergunakan eBook ini. Ebook ini adalah sebuah tulisan yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, seharusnya mereka yang membeli ebook ini juga dapat mengakses ke-internet, untuk men-download beberapa data penting dari internet baik link-link yang ada sebagai BONUS Psikotronika com maupun diluar ebook ini, dalam bahasa Indonesia dan Inggris, ataupun membeli CD dan VCD yang dibuat oleh penulis, agar hasil yang dicapai oleh pembaca akan optimal. Bagi mereka yang hanya tertarik dan sekedar ingin tahu, masih dapat membaca dan kemudian menjual kembali sebagai reseller kami, termasuk juga yang ingin mempraktikan cara-cara psikotronika ini dengan sungguh-sungguh, jangan kecewa, perlu dicatat bahwa ebook ini memiliki nilai jual yang tinggi. 2. SEJARAH PERKEMBANGAN ILMU PSIKOTRONIKA Psikotronika dalam bahasa Ingris adalah PSYCHOTRONICS atau Electronics Mind Control, seperti penjelasan diatas. Sehingga ada keterkaitan antara PSYCHO ( Mind) Tenaga Pikiran dengan TRONICS ( Electronics Fisika ) Link di cnb-scene/ppsycho. html Sudah sejak dari abad ke 18 dikenal luas dengan diketemukannya teknik radio, seseorang dapat berkomunikasi ( dengan media udara - fisik ) melalui gelombang radio, dalam jarak puluhan, ratusan bahkan ribuan kilometer. Psychotronics dahulu lebih dikenal dengan nama RADIONICS, seperti keterangan diatas pada saat berkomunikasi, mereka masih mempergunakan gelombang radio, sehingga nama RADIONICS yang dipilih oleh paranormal untuk berkomunikasi seorang dengan orang lainnya cukup dengan mempergunakan gelombang pikiran (Brain Wave Communication ). PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 11 Badan dan Asosiasi dunia dalam bidang Psikotronika berada di Amerika dengan nama USPA ( United States of Psikotronics Association ) di Link psychotronics. org Lihat juga di qd. typepad/28/2005/01/post. htmlpilih edisi English Dan educate-yourself. org/cn/mindcontrolwithsilentsounds24jun05.shtml Namun sekarang mereka sudah mempergunakan fasilitas komputer, untuk berkomunikasi seorang dengan orang lainnya secara mental dengan alat bantu computer, dengan program-program khusus yang dikenal dengan META-PROGRAMMING. Psikotronika sendiri mempunyai 2 arti dengan versi yang hampir sama, yaitu versi Rusia transfer energi mental sedangkan versi Amerika artinya aktifitas mental dengan mempergunakan getaran gelombang pikiran. Jadi dalam ilmu-ilmu Psikotronika diperlukan 3 hal penting, yaitu MATTER ENERGY CONSCIOUSNESS 1. Benda, Barang atau manusia ( Matter ) 2. Aliran Energi Pikiran ( Mind - Brain Wave subtle energy field) 3. Alam sadar. Kesadaran ( Consciusness ) Psychotronics is a system of measurement to determine the status of the subtle energy fields surrounding a particular object in consciousness Psikotronika sekarang sudah begitu hebatnya karena hanya dengan tenaga pikiran. anda mampu bermain Games pada computer hanya dengan tenaga pikiran atau memilah-milah saluran TV juga hanya dengan tenaga pikiran Lihat di link alwayson-network/comments. phpidP6494050C Jika anda tertarik untuk membuka link-link kelas dunia dalam bidang metafisika maka dapat anda brows di astralinterface. nexuswebs. net mysticalwonders. org/group PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 12 Sejarah perkembangan energi gelombang elektromanet NIKOLA TESLA, adalah bapak ilmu pengetahuan dalam bidang gelombang elektromaknetik, lahir tahun 9 Juli 1856 dan meninggal 7 Januari 1943, kelahiran Serbia-Croasia, setelah itu menetap di Amerika, sampai akhir hayatnya. Nikola Tesla adalah seorang sarjana Fisika, Listrik dan Radio ( pada masa itu, ilmu pengetahuan eksakta belum dibagi secara jelas seperti sekarang ), bahkan beliau juga yang memulai dan membuat konsep mesin-mesin listrik yang berputar, seperti motor arus searah dan arus bolak-balik ( th 1882 ), sistim transmisi energi listrik ( th 1888 ), sehingga mendapatkan hak patent prinsip dasar sistim tenaga listrik . crystalinks/tesla. htmlNikola Tesla belajar sistim tenaga listrik semula di sekolah politeknik Graz, Austria (th 1875), dimana disana Tesla mempelajari kemungkinan pemakaian arus bolak balik pada sistim transmisi tenaga listrik. Tahun 1881 Tesla memulai pekerjaannya yang pertama, pada perusahaan telegrafi American Telephone Company di Austria setelah itu Tesla cepat sekali berpindah pindah dibeberapa perusahaan, antara lain perusahaan Continental Edison Company di Paris. Tahun 1884 Tesla berimigrasi ke Amerika dan bekerja pada perusahaan yang sama Continental Edison Company di New York. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 13 Tahun 1886 Tesla membangun perusahaannya sendiri Tesla Electric Light Manufacturing. Pada saat itu investor perusahaan tersebut tidak menyetujui Tesla untuk memproduksi motor arus bolak balik ( AC motor pada saat itu masih memakai sistim sikat karbon-carbon brush, seperti DC motor ), akhirnya Tesla dibebas tugaskan dari pekerjaannya. Tahun 1887-1888, membangun projek dan memperkenalkan AC motor tanpa sikat arang ( induction AC motor carbon brushless) kepada American Institue Electrical Engineering ( sekarang dikenal dengan IEEE standard Listrik internasional ) Setahun sebelumnya (1887), mendapatkan hak patent untuk sinar X-Ray ( patent no 514170 ), Tesla membuat dengan metode tabung anode tunggal , yang berlainan metodenya dengan metode x-ray yang ditemukan sebelumnya oleh Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (1845-1923). 30 Juli, 1891 secara resmi dengan naturalisai, Tesla menjadi dan berkewarganegaan Amerika, pada usianya yang ke-36 Tesla terus mengadakan percobaan-percobaan dengan mengembangkan sistim transmisi frekuensi tinggi (HF, VHF ), serta pada potential listrik tegangan tinggi, yang masih memungkinkan dengan tabung hampa udara. 1892-1894 diangkat sebagai wakil direktur dari AIEE ( sekarang IEEE ) dan ditahun yang sama ( 1893-1895), Tesla masih terus melakukan penyelidikan dan percobaan frekuensi tinggi arus bolak balik tegangan tinggi. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 14 Tesla berhasil menemukan dan mengembangkan, pemuatan arus listrik ketabung hampa tanpa penghantar. Akhirnya berhasil menciptakan arus bolak balik (AC) tegangan tinggi pada frekuensi yang sangat tinggi, serta melakukan pengamatan pada sistim effek permukaan pengantar listrik ( skin effect ), menciptakan penalaan gelombang radio (tuning circuit), pengiriman energi gelombang elektromaknetik tanpa kabel, efektifnya adalah tahun-tahun dimana dimulainya transmisi gelombang radio. en. wikipedia. org/wiki/NikolaTeslaSiapakah penemu pertama teknik radio didunia. Kebanyakan dari kita akan menjawab Guglielmo Marconi (1874 1937 ), juga para pakar radio maupun ahli akan menjawab hal yang sama. Ternyata dugaan itu salah, karena yang pertama menemukan teknik radio adalah Nikola Tesla Namun kenyataannya demikian. 1893 Tesla memulai percobaannya dengan transmisi frekuensi tinggi pada tegangn tinggi. 1895 Marconi menunjukan teknik transmisi gelombang Radio, yang seluruh artikel pembuatannya diambil dari artikel Tesla, namun Marconi menyangkalnya PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 15 1897 Patent pertama didaftarkan oleh Tesla ( patent no 645576 ) 1898 Patent mengenai Radio remote control ( no 613809 ) 1899 Tesla membuat station Radio yang terbesar di Colorado-USA 1900 Marconi mulai menjual pesawat penerima Radio kesegala penjuru dunia, Tesla secara resmi menuntutnya. Dan masih banyak lagi pertentangan antara Tesla dan Marconi, dipersidangan internasional, perdagangan Radio dst. NIKOLA TESLA yang KONTROVERSI Nikola Tesla adalah seorang yang genius dan ahli pikir, memiliki ide-ide cemerlang pada jamannya, namun memiliki keinginan-keinginan yang kuat yang penuh yang masih misteri, banyak percobaan-percobaan yang mengundang masalah-masalah kontroversial. crystalinks/phila. htmlDalam percobaan di laboratorium Colorado. telah mencatat dan membuat laporan secara resmi, bahwa Tesla merekam sinyal gelombang radio dari makluk luar angkasa ( ET Extraterrestial ), karena sinyal ini sangat berlainan denga sinyal-sinyal radio yang biasa diterima dari angin topan, petir atau gelombang bumi ( noise earth ). Namun data dan laporan ini ditolak oleh para ahli, karena mereka tidak mempercayainya. Tesla juga yakin bahwa disamping gelombang frekuensi tinggi dan frekuensi suara ( 20 Hz 20.000 Hz ), masih ada suatu bagian dibawah frekuensi suara yang masih penuh misteri yang masih perlu diselidiki, yang dikenal dengan nama Shumann Resonance ( 7.8 Hz ). Tesla juga memelopori suatu percobaan mengenai ruang dan waktu (time travel technology), yang pada saat itu juga diselidiki oleh Albert Einstein (1879 1955) dengan teori relativitasnya mengenai kekekalan energi dan kecepatan cahaya. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 16 Tesla juga menyatakan bahwa ada hubungan yang erat antara bidang-bidang fisika dengan meta-fisika. Sejarah perkembangan ilmu-ulmu Psikologi Bapak psikologi yang cukup terkenal adalah Sigmund Freud ( lahir 6 Mei 1856, meninggal 1939 ) berasal dari kota kecil Freigberg di Moravia. Dibawah bimbingan seorang professor psikologi, Ernst Brucke, kelak Freud menjadi sangat terkenal. ship. edu/ cgboeree/freud. htmlFreud juga yang pertama kali memperkenalkan teorinya yang sangat popular yaitu, karakter dan sifat manusia itu seperti gunung es yang ada ditengah lautan, yang tampak dipermukaannya, hanyalah sebagian kecil saja yang tampak dipermukaan, sehingga kita tak akan mengetahui isi hati, sifat-sifat yang sebagian besar tertutup itu, dengan teori. Psycho-Analisanya, ID. EGO dan SUPEREGO. allpsych/psychology101/ego. html dan wilderdom/personality/L8-4StructureMindIdEgoSuperego. html Dimulai dengan makluk dan organisme yang paling kecil atau sel, mempunyai sifat dasar (emosi) yaitu, 1. memecah diri ( berkembang biak sex ) 2. keinginan untuk mempertahankan hidup ( makan-minum ) 3. keinginan untuk menghindari bahaya. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 17 Dari ketiga sifat ini, maka yang melakukan dan mengirim informasi dalam sistim tubuh itu dilakukan oleh susunan syaraf secara terkoordinasi, yang berpusat di otak. Freud dengan teori nya membagi jiwa manusia menjadi ketiga bagian yaitu Id, Ego dan SuperEgo, dimana ketiga bagian ini saling pengaruh mempengaruhi tapi juga berkorordinasi menjadi kesatuan yang utuh, dimana pada keadaan sadar ( conscious ), maka ego-nya serta sedikit superego-nya yang berperan hanya sedikit muncul dan kelihatan dipermukaan, sedangkan superegonya sebagian besar berada pada garis ambang sadar ( preconscious ) hampir semua id-nya berada jauh dibawah ambang sadar (unconscious ) Apakah yang dimaksud dengan EMOSI . Emosi dari bahasa Inggris EMOTION E nergy in M otion Albert Einstein (14 maret 1879 18 April 1955 ) Einstein adalah juga seorang genius yang tidak dapat dikesampingkan, jika kita membicarakan mengenai ENERGI, karena Einstein terkenal dengan teori Relativitasnya, disamping juga rajin memperhitungkan, kecepatan perambatan cahaya sama dengan gelombang elektromaknet, yaitu 300.000 km/det. Satu lagi teorinya yaitu mengenai ke-kekalan energi . bahwa energi tidak dapat dimusnakan atau dibuat, hanya dapat berubah bentuk Dari energi yang satu ke yang lainnya. Pada umur 26 th, Einstein sudah menemukan teori relativitasnya, mengenai ruang dan waktu, pada saat itu, Einstein juga membuktikan bahwa cahaya merupakan suatu partikel yang disebut photon, dengan perhitungan dan penjelasan mengenai effek foto ( gambar ). PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 18 Juga masalah gravitasi, sebagai kuat medan ( g ) ketimbang daya ( F ), dan seterusnya. Suatu hal yang controversial adalah, bahwa jika kita dapat berlari melebihi kecepatan cahaya ( yang 300.000,- ), maka kita akan keluar dari ruang dan waktu, ( TIME TRAVEL ), yaitu kita dapat menikmati kehidupan masa lalu atau masa mendatang ( mirip reinkarnasi ). Ya Albert Einstein adalah seorang genius, matematikawan, fisikawan, ahli filsafat, seniman, dan seorang Spiritual. APAKAH yang dimaksud dengan PSIKOANALISA. Psikoanalisa adalah ilmu yang mempelajari segala sesuatu mengenai kejiwaan manusia, yang terdiri dari ketiga unsur, id, ego dan superego, dengan menganalisa, melihat dan mempelajari keseimbangan dari ketiga unsur itu sehingga keseimbangan ini terganggu, maka dicarikan jalan keluar untuk mennyembuhkannya, baik secara fisik maupun non fisik. Hidup merupakan perputaran yang tidak putus-putusnya dari pada penyimpanan dan penggunaan energi. Energi harus digunakan dan diganti dengan teratur dan hal ini memerlukan persedian yang baru dari lingkungan. Pada binatang yang tinggi tingkatnya, fungsi utama daripada otak dan sumsum tulang belakang serta susunan syaraf adalah untuk membina keseimbangan dinamika ini, sedangkan seperti telah digambarkan diatas keseimbangan ini digoncangkan oleh rangsangan dari luar dan juga dari proses kehidupannya sendiri. Gangguan gangguan yang dialami oleh keseimbangan ini secara psikologi menyatakan dirinya sebagai hasrat dan keinginan yang mencari pemuasan dan merupakan alas an dari perbuatan-perbuatan yang dilakukan organisme. Kecenderungan yang mendasar adalah untuk memelihara ketegangan psikologi pada taraf yang tetap. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 19 Freud meminjam prinsip ini dari Fechner dan menyebutnya prinsip keseimbangan. Prinsip yang sama yang berlaku dalam fisiologi (kedokteran) ditemukan oleh Dr. Claude Bernarde (1813 1878) Physiology Division School of Biosciences. University of Westminster dan dijelmakan oleh Cannon dalam Homeostatis uic. edu/depts/mcne/founders/page0009.html dan users. wmin. ac. uk/ mellerj/physiology/bernard. htm Kedua prinsip diatas yang dibuat oleh mereka diatas, yaitu kecendrungan organisme ( termasuk manusia ) yang hidup untuk memelihara keseimbangan, misalnya suhu-badan dan pemusatan cairan tubuh pada taraf yang tetap dan seimbang. Sehingga baik ( jiwa ), maupun (raga) berada dalam keadaan seimbang Teori psichoanalisa tentang ego ini menerangkan bahwa ego merupakan alat keseimbangan, ego berlaku sebagai kepala yang menguasai organisme, yang mempunyai kepekaan dikedua arah, dengan daya pengindraan (internal sensory perceptions ),akan menyadari adanya gangguan-gangguan terhadap keseimbangan psichokimiawi-nya, serta menganggap gangguan ini sebagai kebutuhannya. Jelas bahwa prinsip keseimbangan inilah tidak lain adalah apa yang disebut pemeliharaan diri (self preservation). Kesimpulan apabila terjadi ketidak seimbangan ini, maka dikatakan bahwa organisme ini dalam keadaan tidak seimbang atau sakit yang kemungkinan akan cedera bahkan mati. Keinginan untuk hidup dan keinginan untuk mati. Freud melihat bahwa setiap individu manusia, memiliki keinginan untuk mempertahankan hidupnya, mencari makan dan minum, meneruskan kehidupan keturunannya sex, inilah yang disebut libido dan dari semua PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 20 libido inilah yang paling tinggi pengaruhnya pada jiwa seseorang, bahkan memiliki energi emosi tertinggi. Akhir dari kehidupan ini adalah kematian, Freud juga dengan pengalaman-pengalaman klinisnya, mendapatkan bahwa jauh dibawah alam sadarnya, seseorang mempunyai keinginan untuk mati, memang aneh kedengarannya, bahkan emosi ini banyak ditentang oleh murid-muridnya, tapi itulah kenyataan, karena jika seseorang yang merasa hidup adalah derita, akan merasa bahagia jika secepatnya hidup ini akan berakhir. Kecemasan realistis, moralis dan neurotis ( anxiety ) Menurut teori Freud, hidup adalah tidak mudah sehingga secara naluri, manusia dihinggapi, stres. cemas dan kuatir, ada tiga jenis kecemasan yang biasanya terjadi pada diri manusia, yaitu, 1. kecemasan yang realistis, yaitu jika seseorang merasa takut, akan bahaya yang nyata, misalnya takut naik pesawat terbang, takut bahaya, reaksi dan cara mengatasinya dari kecemasan ini adalah MENGHINDARI 2. kecemasan moralis, yaitu jika seseorang yang tidak biasa tampil dimuka umum harus berpidato, cemas tidak dapat jodoh dst. Yang berperanan dalam hal ini adalah superego Reaksi dan cara menghindarinya dari kecemasan ini adalah LATIHAN 3. kecemasan neurotis, yaitu jika seseorang kuatir tidak dapat mengatasi masalah, atau takut kehilangan uang, barang berharga, atau tidak dapat mengontrol dirisendiri, kehilangan pikiran2 yang rasional, biasa juga disebut NERVOUS PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 21 Mekanisme pertahaan diri Ego berhubungan dengan kecemasan realitas, tapi apabila kecemasan itu menjadi berlebihan, maka ego harus mempertahankan diri dengan beberapa cara yang umumnya terjadi antara lain. 1. Pengingkaran ( deniel ) 2. Penindasan ( repression ) 3. Penolakan ( ascertism ) 4. Menutup atau melindungi diri ( isolation ) 5. Mengganti 6. Menyesuaikan diri 7. Menyerah 8. Merubah membuat formasi baru 9. Tidak melakukan apa-apa menunggu. 10. Mundur teratur 11. Mengalihkan kepada hal yang lain. Apabila cara-cara tersebut tidak dapat dilakukan oleh diri seseorang, maka akan terjadi apa yang disebut ( kesakitan atau kerusakan mental ) Mental Breakdown , mulai dari yang paling ringan sampai yang terberat. Sehingga diperlukan langkah-langkah, pencegahan dan pengobatan yang harus dilakukan baik secara fisik maupun psikis. Secara fisik misalnya diberikan obat-obatan penenang, vitamin perangsang nafsu makan, pijatan. Pengobatan secara psikis, misalnya konseling, hipnoterapi, ritual agama Menurut Freud, salah satu cara yang paling mujarab, untuk mengobati penyakit Psikis dengan bantuan ahli ( psycholog ), adalah dengan mengangkat sesuatu yang sebelumnya berada dibawah ambang PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 22 kesadaran ( unconscious ) keatas sehingga diatas ambang sadar, yaitu dengan membiarkan si pasien bercerita semua hal atau masalah yang sedang dihadapinya, sehingga tekanan yang ada pada sang pasien menjadi lebih ringan, serta berangsur-angsur menjadi sembuh. 3. GETARAN dan GELOMBANG ELECTROMAKNET. Getaran adalah suatu gerakan yang terus dan berulang ditempat yang sama dengan perioda waktu tertentu ( cepat atau lambat ), apabila media disekelingnya juga turut bergerak karena gesekan oleh getaran tersebut (padat, cair atau gas), maka akan timbul suatu gelombang ( gelombang air laut). Apabila getaran yang menyebabkan terjadinya gelombang tersebut bermuatan listrik ( negatip atau positip ), maka akan timbul gelombang elektromaknet. Devinisi. apabila terjadi perpindahan muatan listrik dari suatu tempat ketempat lainnya, akan diikuti gelombang elektromaknetik. Artinya ada 2 gelombang yang mengalir, yaitu gelombang listrik dan gelombang maknet, yang keduanya saling tegak lurus ( 90 0 ) PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 23 Dalam teori listrik mengenai atom , maka aliran electron akan mengalir dari titik negatip ketitik yang lebih positip, sebaliknya aliran listrik akan mengalir dari kutub positip ke negatip. Sedangkan daya listrik adalah tegangan ( V ) dikalikan arus ( I ), untuk arus bolak balik dikalikan secara vektoris, sehingga ENERGI listrik adalah daya dikalikan waktu ( t ). Rumusnya adalah ENERGI tegangan ( V ) vek X Arus ( I ) vek X waktu ( t ) Bagaimana hubungan antara energi listrik dengan energi getaran atau gelombang otak manusia. NEURON sebagai electron yang terdapat pada pusat syaraf. Jika kita mencoba mengukur getaran otak dengan suatu alat kedokteran yang disebut EEG ( Electro EncephaloGraph ), yaitu alat untuk merekam otak, jika terjadi sesuatu kelainan otak biasanya dipakai di klinik atau rumah sakit, kadang-kadang juga pemakiannya digabungkan dengan CT scanning. Maka dari hasil rekaman tersebut dapat diambil beberapa kesimpulan, bahwa ada getaran otak yang menimbulkan suatu energi tertentu sesuai dengan frekuensi dan bentuk gelombangnya. Terjadinya aliran energi dipusat syaraf ( otak ) keseluruh tubuh dan sebaliknya, karena adanya aliran NEURON, yang identik dengan aliran electron pada suatu aliran listrik. Ligação. neuron. org emsbiomed neuron. yale. edu/neuron/about/what. htmlInst allasi software Neuron dan Demo. neuron. yale. edu/neuron/install/install. html PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 24 Link dibawah ini yang paling menarik menceritakan susunan syaraf dan aliran Neuron, lihat gambar dibawah. vv. carleton. ca/ neil/neural/neuron-a. html FREKUENSI GELOMBANG ELEKTROMAKNET Suatu gelombang elektromaknet, memiliki satuan dan besaran yang tertentu, yaitu, tegangan ( v ), arus ( I ) phase ( ), waktu ( t ) dan frekuensi ( f ). Lihat gambar ini. imagers. gsfc. nasa. gov/ems/ems. htmlchemistry. vt. edu/chem-ed/lig ht/em-spec. html Spektrum gelombang electromaknet (lihat lampiran dihalaman terakhir ) GelombangGelombangGelombangInfra Cahaya Ultra Sinar Sinar SUARA RADIO Mikro Merah Tampak Ungu X-Ray Gama-Ray Freq ( Hz ) 20 20.000 3 x 10 19 s/d s/d s/d s/d s/d 3x10 12 4.3 x 10 14 7.5 x 10 14 3 x 10 17 3 x 10 19 Panjang Gel (nm) 10 9 10 9 -10 6 10 6 -700 700 - 400 400 - 10 10 - 0.1 10 5 Frekuensi Herz Panjang Gelombang nm nano meter 10 -9 m Energy Level tingkat energi untuk setiap atom ( electron Volt ). PENULIS pernah menulis mengenai Sinar Cahaya infra merah pada Kamera Tembus Pandang dan Kamera pendeteksi awal penyebaran penyakit flu burung geocities/jacky684/ca/ca1.html dan geocities/jacky684/flu/flu1.html Batas frekuensi suara adalah 20 Hz s/d 20.000 Hz, namun demikian tiap orang (individu), mempunyai kemampuan berbicara, bernyanyi dan berteriak, pada batas frekuensi yang berlainan ( tinggi rendah ), serta memiliki batas pendengaran yang berbeda, secara umum batas itu menjadi bertambah sempit, yaitu antara 200 Hz s/d 800 Hz, sedangkan batas toleransi frekuensi bicara pada anak dan wanita 800 Hz, laki2 dewasa dibawah 250 Hz, alat-alat musik memiliki batas frekuensi yang lebih luas, bahkan tak terbatas. Untuk lebih mengetahui lebih jauh mengenai, nada, musik, irama dan warna nada dan seterusnya silahkan klik. hmtrad/catalog/articles/theory. html zainea/raschp erception. htm Lalu ada apa dengan frekuensi yang ada dibawah frekuensi rendah kurang dari 50 Hz ( ingat frekuensi arus bolak bali PLN di Indonesia 50 Hz ), atau apa yang dapat diamati frekuensi dari 0 Hz s/d 50 Hz. Untuk berkomunikasi melalui udara, dari suatu tempat ketempat lainnya, maka batas frekuensinya adalah pada frekuensi Radio dan mikro ( 100 Mhz s/d 5 Ghz ) sedangkan berkomunikasi melalui air ( kapal selam ), maka frekuensi yang dipakai adalah frekuensi sonar ( ultra-sound 2 Khz s/d 100 Khz ). Sedangkan untuk berkomunikasi dan transfer energi melalui jaringan syaraf, maka frekuensinya akan mengikuti getaran atau frekuensi dari pusat syarat (otak) yaitu antara 0 Hz s/d 50 Hz PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 26 FREKUENSI, GETARAN dan GELOMBANG OTAK Mari kita perhatikan mengenai Neuron dan bagaimana pusat syaraf ( otak ) ini dapat menimbulkan getaran listrik dan dapat dimonitor dengan baik oleh alat perekam EEG ( Electro EnchephaloGraph ) dan pada frekuensi berapa getaran ini dimonitor. mni. mcgill. ca/cog/paus/techniques. htmNormal. medscape/content/2003/00/45/85/458594/458594fig. htmlb iopac/newsletters/2003spring/sub8acqknowledge. htmPenderita epilepsy professionals. epilepsy/page/epilepsyjuvenilemyoclonic. html Ternyata bahwa rekaman getaran gelombang Pusat syaraf (otak) yang direkam oleh tersebut dapat diuraikan secara matematis menjadi 4 kelompok jenis gelombang, yaitu BETA (14 7.9 Hz) dan DELTA (0.1 3.9 Hz) Gelombang theta. cogprints. org/54/00/thetade. htm PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 27 Pengkondisian setiap tingkatan getaran pusat syaraf ( otak ) Gelombang - BETA (14 30 Hz) Pada saat sadar, konsentrasi penuh dan serius, dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, berjalan, berlari, tertawa, makan minum dan seterusnya. Gelombang - ALPHA (8 13.9 Hz) Pada keadaan rileks dan santai, antara sadar-taksadar, mulai merasa mengantuk, yang biasanya tubuh mulai mengeluarkan hormone serotonin dan endorphin, yaitu hormon yang biasanya membuat mengantuk, pada saat mulai mau tidur. Gelombang - THETA (4 7.9 Hz) Masuk kedalam keadaan tidur REM ( Repeat Eye Movement kelopak mata bergetar ), mudah menerima suara2 saran2 yang mempengaruhi ( mudah dihipnotis ), dalam keadaan trance, meditasi, kreatifitas tinggi, mulai mengalami mimpi, dst. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 28 Gelombang - DELTA (0.1 3.9 Hz) Tidur paling lelap atau tidur dalam, hormon ditubuh bekerja paling minimal, hilang kesadaran secara total, berada dalam ketaksadaran. Jika ingin memperdalam mengenai mimpi dan manfaatnya dapat dilihat link dibawah ini. dreamviews/sleepstages. phpdreamviews/dreamrecall. p hpdreamviews/dreamsigns. phpdreamviews/dreamsigns. p hpdreamviews/tutorials. php Dari data tersebut diatas, apa yang paling menarik untuk dipelajari dan ditelusuri 1. kondisi ini memungkinkan seorang terapis, melakukan metode penyembuhan untuk orang yang sakit ( terutama penyakit yang berhubungan pusat syaraf-otak). 2. Terapis, dokter atau psikolog dapat memberikan konseling yang tepat kepada seorang yang kesulitan, misalnya sulit tidur, mimpi buruk, kesulitan belajar ( daya tangkap lemah ) 3. Terapis, dokter atau psikolog dapat mempergunakan alat yang tepat untuk mengobati pasien ( brain wave generator, alat musik musics therapy, games ) dst. 4. Pembaca dari eBook inipun akan mampu melakukannya sendiri, untuk kebaikan, kemajuan diri sendiri dan orang lain. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 29 Dengan memperhatikan gambar grafik yang berwarna diatas, warna merah adalah bagian diatas beta ( super beta atau high beta ), kuning beta, hijau alpha, biru muda theta dan biru tuadelta. Apabila dalam waktu 1 periode waktu tidur, (REM dan NREM ) maka manusia akan memasuki, getaran ke-delta, kembali ke-alpha balik ke delta dan seterusnya ( 30 60 menit ). sampai memasuki periode theta yng cukup lama ( 90 menit), tidur lelap ( delta-30 60 menit ). BONUS. Penulis telah menyertakan bonus dalam bentuk software yang dapat di-download, dibagian member area untuk pembeli ebook ini, atau reseller area, sedangkan bagi mereka yang ingin memiliki dalam bentuk CD atau Video CD dapat membelinya langsung kepada penulis, dengan harga sesuai seperti yang tercantum di psikotronika Isi dari CD atau VCD tersebut antara lain. Brain Wave Generator, Audio Record Wizard, EEG BIOPAC Video Brainwave Binaural Beat, Autism dan ADHD treatment, Tele-Hipnotis, Tele-Hipnotis Pro, Self Hipnotis Engineering Studio, Ultra Spiritual Protection, Orgone Condensation unit Chaos Magics Spell Caster PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 30 RESONANSI dan BEAT pada getaran suara 1. Jika terdapat 2 garpu tala yang mempunyai frekuensi nada dasar yang sama, garpu tala A dan garpu B, dipilih dengan jenis atau nada yang sama ( nada C ), apabila salah satu garpu tala diketuk ( garpu A digetarkan ), maka dengan mendekatkan garpu B pada garpu A, maka garpu B akan turut bergetar dengan mengeluarkan bunyi dengan nada yang sama ( nada C ). Maka garpu disebut ber-RESONANSI dengan garpu A. 2. Jika terdapat 2 garpu tala yang mempunyai frekuensi nada dasar yang berbeda, garpu A dan garpu B, ( garpu A pada nada C, garpu B pada nada F), maka akan timbul selisih getaran frekuensi suara antara B dan A, yang disebut BEAT getaran frekuensi CDEFGABC261.6 hz293.7 hz329.6 hz370 hz CF Dua garpu tala dengan nada dasar yang berbeda, jika kedua garpu tersebut diketuk akan timbul Beat, pada contoh diatas nada C dengan F akan timbul beat pelayangan 370-261.6109.4 hz PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 31 Dengan adanya beat ( pelayangan ) frekuensi, maka ada kemungkinan untuk membentuk atau membuat (generate) getaran sesuai dengan yang kita rencanakan menjadi mungkin, yaitu menggabungkan 2 atau lebih beberapa getaran dengan bantuan alat ( tools, equipment, brainwave generator, musics, tone dll ). Berapa beat pelayangan yang akan dihasilkan, tergantung dengan apa yang akan menjadi tujuannya. Dengan menyesuaikan keperluan dan kebutuhan yaitu agar pusat syaraf ( otak ) mencapai getaran resonansinya , maka dapat dibuat getaran tersebut. Oh ya ada kesulitan untuk membuat getaran frekuensi yang sangat rendah (4 hz). Sehingga dengan membentuk beat masalah tersebut teratasi. Satu lagi yang penting adalah, jika seorang dapat dan mampu mengirim getaran pikirannya dari jarak jauh dan berresonansi dengan sipenerima getaran tersebut, maka sipenerima akan dapat menterjemahkan isyarat tersebut ( tele-hypnotis ). 4PENYEMBUHAN DENGAN GELOMBANG SUARA dan MUSICS Tidak ada suatu kesembuhanpun akan terjadi, jika bukan karena kehendak TUHAN, Gelombang suara dan musik hanya merupakan alat dan sarana, yang dibuat manusia, sedangkan dokter, psikolog, para terapis, juga karena atas kehendak Tuhan untuk melakukan penyembuhan ini. Resonansi Schumann ( Bumi ) dan getaran energi pusat syaraf (otak ) 1. Jika kecepatan merambatnya gelombang elektromaknetik adalah sama dengan kecepatan cahaya yaitu 300.000 km/det. 2. Jika garpu tala mempunyai getaran frekuensi dasar, maka bumipun akan mempunyai frekuensi dasar, dengan panjang gelombang keliling bumi, yaitu 40.000 km. maka frekuensi 300.000/40.000 7.5 Hz PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 32 Kesimpulannya. frekuensi dasar bumi 7.5 Hz gel theta (otak). Frekuensi bumi disebut resonansi Shumann ( penemu ) Resonansi Schumann. 7,5 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 dan 45 Hertz valdostamuseum. org/hamsmith/Schumann. /SchumannResonance. html pemakaian besaran2 resonansi Schumann untuk perhitungan gempa, petir, badai dsb. Pusat syaraf di otak, jika mendapatkan rangsangan atau stimulus dari luar, baik melalui kulit, mata maupun suara-suara ( atau musik ), dengan tingkatan - tingkatan yang sesuai getaran frekuensi ( alpha, beta, theta, delta), maka getaran pusat syaraf otak akan mengikuti irama ( resonansi ) dengan rangsangan (stimulus) dari luar tersebut. Misalnya jika pusat sayaraf (otak ). sedang berada pada tingkatan sadar (alert ), jika dirangsang dengan stimulus 10 hz, maka akan menjadi relex dan santai, ini yang disebut frequency following response (FFR) Itulah sebabnya ada beberapa musik yang dapat membuat kita relek. Tapi ingat bahwa membentuk frekuensi stimulus yang sangat rendah sulit sekali ( 4 s/d 30 hz ), sehingga harus dilakukan semacam trik, yaitu dengan BINAURAL BEAT frekuensi. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 33 BINAURAL BEAT FREKUENSI. Jika suara ( tone generator ), atau musics stereo didengar oleh telinga kanan dan kiri dengan frekuensi 500 dan 510 hz, maka pusat syaraf akan merekam sebagai 500, 510 dan 10 hz. pada beat 10 hz tersebut inilah yang akan beresonansi dengan otak, sedangkan frekuensi Dengan adanya beat, atau pelayangan ini, yang tidak dapat didengar oleh telinga, tapi dapat direspon oleh pusat syaraf di-otak, melalui telinga kanan dan kiri, yang disebut FFR (Following Freqwency Response), akan mengakibatkan, pusat syaraf (otak) akan meresonansi ( mengikuti ) frekwensi ini, ( dapat dimonitor oleh alat EEG dengan ukuran 25 uV 125 uV ) sehingga kita akan relex, tenang, namun demikian masih tergantung frekwensi beat yang ingin dicapai, apakah beat pada alpha, beta, theta atau delta Bagaimana dengan musik rock atau yang hot, biasanya ini terjadi pada beat alpha, atau musik2 ritual yang hot dipedalaman. Sehingga dengan suara tone atau musik, biasanya yang ingin dicapai rainfall/cdroms/howtouse. htm PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 34 antara lain, Relaksasi, Meditasi, mengurangi ketegangan, menambah kwalitas tidur nyenyak, menambah kwalitas belajar dan masih banyak manfaat yang dapat dicapai. Apa yang terjadi, jika seseorang berada dalam keadaan ketidaksadaran (TRANCE ), serta berada dalam keadaan SUPRA-NATURAL ( dalam bidang Meta-Fisika ). Link web-us/thescience. htmmindmodulations/info. htmlw ww. mindmodulations/prodprot. html HIPNOTIS dan HIPNOTERAPI Ilmu Hipnotis dimulai sejak abad ke-18 oleh seorang ahli terkenal MESMER monroeinstitute. org/research/hypnotic. html, lalu dilanjutkan oleh James Braid pada abad ke-19, tahun 1960 barulah pengaruh-pengaruh hipnotis terhadap seseorang dapat dimonitor oleh peralatan ( EEG ), terutama kondisi orang yang dihipnotis itu dapat dimonitor yang ternyata bahwa getaran frekwensi berada pada getaran gelombang theta Anda ingin belajar Hipnotis. link. getsexynow/hypnosisa. html Hipnotis adalah suatu proses yang melibatkan seorang juru hipnotis dengan seorang yang dihipnotis ( sujek ), untuk melakukan suatu langkah/perbuatan atas perintah juru hipnotis tersebut. Persyaratan. Juru hipnotis harus memiliki kekuatan daya pikir dan metal yang kuat dan lebih tinggi dari pada sujek, serta seorang sujek harus rela dan menyetujui setiap perintah apapun dari juru hipnotis, sehingga jika perintah itu bertentangan dengan sifat-karakter bawah sadar unconciousness sujek, biasanya juru hipnotis tersebut gagal. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 35 Hipnoterapi adalah cara-cara pengobatan dengan mempergunakan hipnotis. Tele-hipnotis adalah cara-cara hipnotis jarak jauh yang biasanya dilakukan tanpa ( melalui utara ) atau dengan mempergunakan telepon, computer, atau radio. Link bagus untuk belajar HIPNOTIS getsexynow/ut/best-hypnosis. html BONUS. Download dari psikotronika Telepati advice7/psychicspiritual/telepathy. html Telepati adalah kemampuan untuk mengirimkan dan menerima informasi melalui pikiran, tanpa kontak phisik. Link penting bagi anda yang menyukai dan ingin mempelajarinya advice7/psychicspiritual/clairvoyance. htmladvice7/psychic spiritual/telekinesis. htmladvice7/psychicspiritual/astralprojection. htmladvice7/psychicspiritual/sensitive. htmladvice7/psych icspiritual/prophecies. htmladvice7/psychicspiritual/reincarnation. h tmladvice7/psychicspiritual/magic. htmladvice7/gamesm ovies/psychicgame. htmladvice7/psychicspiritual/mantra. htmladv ice7/psychicspiritual/tarotastro. html PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 36 Physio-Energy, Bio-Energy dan Psycho-Energy (psychics) Badan atau tubuh manusia dibentuk dari sel-sel dalam kesatuan molekul, cair dan padat, dimana molekul ini juga terbentuk dari bermilyard-milyard atom, yang netral dan bermuatan listrik, secara teratur dan terkontrol dengan baik Dalam tubuh ada kurang lebih 92 jenis atom, untuk atom yang seimbang, maka inti atom berupa nucleus yang bermuatan positip (proton) yang dikelilingi electron. Jika terjadi ketidakseimbangan, maka akan terjadi aliran electron dari nucleus yang satu ke nucleus yang lainnya, inilah yang disebut energi listrik. Perspektif medan maknet Lintasan electron mengelilingi nucleus, serta perpindahannya kenucleus lainnya yang menyebabkan aliran listrik, akan menimbulkan medan maknet, jia sekelompok molekul bersama-sama menimbulkan medan maknet, dengan arah yang sama, maka akan menimbulkan medan maknet yang cukup kuat. Perspektif bio-kimia dan respon cairan elektrolit Tubuh manusia terdiri dari 80 cairan, yang merupakan cairan netral (air) maupun elektrolit (garam, basa, asam ), sehingga tubuh dapat di-identifikasi sebagai battere. Kesimpulannya adalah, jika ada aliran listrik (batere), yang disebabkan oleh cairan elektrolit yang berdekatan dengan medan maknet, maka akan timbul suatu energi (daya ). Sedangkan adanya enzim didalam tubuh merupakan katalisator, yang tidak ikut bereaksi dalam proses kimia, namun hanya sebagai perantara dalam proses itu. PSIKOTRONIKA - DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 37 Agar tidak mengurangi arti yang sebenarnya, maka dibawah ini dijelaskan, dalam bahasa aslinya ( bah Inggris ) apa yang dimaksud BIO-ENERGY dan PSYCHO-ENERGY, sedangkan PHYSIO-ENERGY tidak perlu dijelaskan secara detail, karena energi ini adalah energi yang biasa saja, misalnya berlari, berjalan dan mengangkat barang dsb. Bio-Energy Health and Healing Everything in the universe consists of energy - special or universal energy. Everything is interconnected energetically. This energy as White Light penetrates everything even material or live. There is a great supply of this energy everywhere in the air. People may receive it at will. The energy comes from Great Unknown - Higher Source - and enters our energy systems to keep our physical bodies alive and vital. All our thoughts and mental states are energy as well. Our emotions and beliefs are energy. As parts of a cosmic organism, we are energy beings. The most amazing fact is that we have electromagnetic fields around us. These energy fields are both nonmaterial and material, and they are associated with human emotions or thoughts as forms of energy. Any live organism has a special structure - a biological field or bio-energy system. Many views and hypotheses about bio-energy exist nowadays. The bio-energy system of a human consists of subtle bodies with their energetic potentials, which give strength and power to the biological field, and chakras - energetic centers. Energetic potential depends on the conditions of physical and psychic health, and, perhaps, astrological factors. For example, experienced psychics can feel human energy fields with their hands without touching a body, and, sometimes, even see a glowing aura around individuals. As a ray of light is refracted into the spectrum s colors passing through the prism, the energy is refracted into colors of rainbow entering the energy systems and chakras (energy centers). The energy feeds our bio-energy systems. Energy flows from the higher subtle bodies to the lower - physical body. Thereafter, outworked energy passes through the energy system out. With mental activities the energy waves change with speed of thought: the thought is followed by energy. Electric charges in the human s head change on different levels of consciousness. We may control the energy and the process of its work in the energy systems as we may control thoughts. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 38 Our thoughts may be positive and healing through intention and inner growth as well as negative and destructive through negative attitudes. We may program our thoughts into actions and accomplishments and healing of our subtle and physical bodies using our bio-energy. Energy work may be described as mental work when specially trained to perform. Energy work is a science and art of mind, and depends on our inner-selves and minds discipline. Mind s abilities are boundless. We may open and develop our sixth sense - feeling and control energy. We may perform bio-energy healing. Bio-energy can be explained as bio-electromagnetic energy surrounding us. You may hear about terms of positive and negative energy in bio-energy healing. The term of bio-positive energy means pure healing energy coming from God. Positive energy flows freely in energy systems bringing vitality and health. Whereas definition of bio-negative energy is trapped, disharmonious, stale, or stagnant energy that blocking pathways and prevent vital energy from freely flowing in energy systems. Negative energy brings imbalances into energetic systems, and it is connected to illnesses and emotional trauma. In order to be healthy, we need to remove energy imbalances and maintain energetic balance in our bio-energy systems. Energetic balance and constant freely flowing of energy are important factors in our health and well-being. There is an undiscovered ability of bio-energy flowing through your hands and mind. Your hands may be energetic and your thoughts may be healing, and you may make everyday use of it. You can develop an ability to feel bio-energy fields with your hands and comprehend the bio-energy with your mind. You can also develop an ability to regulate and modulate energy fields around you or other people with your hands and mind, thus influence your physical and subtle energetic bodies with healing energy relieving imbalances in energy fields and bringing health and energetic balance. Everyone possesses a more or less powerful bio-energy field, which interacts with fields of others. Human energy fields of different people may interact with each other also bringing energetic imbalance or discomfort. Never the less, you may fix any imbalance energetically. You may also learn how to manage life situations with your bio-energy. The vital energy can be transferred from person to person. With developed bio-energetic ability, you will be able to perform bio-energy healing, chakra healing and energetic management, control any condition, event, or situation in your life energetically. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 39 If you choose to help yourself, your loved ones and your pets with the life-supporting energy directed by you, you will maintain the energetic balance in their energy fields which bring them health and vitality. The idea of human energy transfer for healing is not new. People performed healing by human energy for thousands of years. The knowledge of the energetic method of healing came from ancient India to Egypt, Greece, China, Israel and other countries. Jesus Christ used laying-on of hands as a method of healing. Some healers name the method ethereal healing, and consider it healing of the ether body, which penetrates the physical body. And some healers consider it as pranic healing because a vital energy is Prana. Vital cosmic energy is called Prana in Sanskrit, and it acts in the transfer of human energy. Prana is a breath of life. Healthy people have this energy in abundance. Freely flowing Prana in the human energy systems brings vitality and vivacity into their organisms. However, ill people have deficits in this energy. They have gray constricted energy fields with blocked and stagnant energy. Such a condition of the energy fields affects people s health, bringing energetic imbalances and illnesses on the physical level. Old people have deficits of Prana. We cannot see Prana, only its manifestations. This vital energy penetrates everywhere coming from Great Unknown. Prana submits to human consciousness, and it can be creative as well. Once you learn how to accumulate this energy, manipulate it, control, and transfer it, you will become an energy healer or bio-energy master. You will enjoy using creative prana for all purposes in your life. Healing with bio-energy requires spending some bio-energy at an act of healing. As an open energetic system, you may receive the energy from the cosmos, not only with food or sleep. You will especially need to receive extra energy from cosmos, if you perform bio-energetic work. You may refill your bio-energy receiving it from cosmos, and accumulate it in an energetic reservoir - your bio-energy field. We think bio-energy of healer s hands and mind to bring healing and benefits to the whole energy system - the physical body, the ether body and other human subtle energetic bodies. Reading the books Health by Bio-Energy and Mind and 21st Century s New Chakra Healing, you will learn about discoveries in energy work and healing, and unique techniques and exercises. The proposed methods will allow you to possess techniques of bio - energy and chakra healing in order to maintain health and widely use them in everyday life for all purposes. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 40 You ll find a valuable information about how to develop abilities of energetic healing and energy management for yourself, your relatives, pets, and your environment on the energetic level. Human health is a summary of physical, psychic (mental), emotional, spiritual and energetic conditions of a person. And people have to live in balance and in energetic unity with all things around. You ll find classical forms of energy transfer, hands-on healing and chakra healing. Moreover, you ll discover new methods of Bio-Energy Healing and Chakra Healing which may be used as methods of energetic management and balancing in everyday life. Sensitive people with healthy energetic systems can feel biological fields of others. They activate their hands energetically, bring their hands close to the body surface at a certain distance, examine the field, and feel all characteristics of a person s energetic field. They may experience heat, cold, some density, pressure, shock, tingling, or pulsation. To recognize an illness or an energetic imbalance of a healee, healers use their knowledge of all these sensational feelings, strong memory and their mastery of the art. And, by their bio-energy and mind, healers can normalize energetic imbalances or free stagnant energy from the healee s energy field. Thereafter, they can prevent an illness on the physical level, comfort ill persons, eliminate pain, accelerate the physical body s healing, heal an illness, improve a physical condition, and maintain a positive emotional and mental state of a healee. Everyone can perform healing by energy, not just people with extrasensory perceptions (ESP). Healing by energy requires from healers the development of abilities to control their own energy consciously, calm the mind at will, breathe correctly, gather energy by breathing exercises, have a strong bio-energy field, high level of energy in energetic centers (chakras), have strong and capacious memory, visualize, feel and estimate work of own body, listen to the inner-self, estimate own feeling, and be practically healthy. People become energy healers when they change the consciousness, a world view, and mental and physical attitude of themselves. To open your bio - energetic ability to feel energy fields and activate of healing energy in your hands, you may perform the following exercises, fully described in the book Health by Bio-energy and Mind: PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 41 1. Put your fingers apart. Bend them as if you had a ball. Start to bounce your palms so one thumb enters the space between a thumb and fingers of another hand. 2. Concentrate attention on the left hand. Feel warmth, weight and sensation. Mentally move a ball of the concentrated energy from the left to the right hand throughout the shoulders transferring energy with eyes. Then do this in an opposite way.3. Spin one hand clockwise around the other hand motionless without touching. After activating your hand, pass it over some objects (for example, table) and feel some sensations (warmth, weight, and fullness). Pass empty space following after the object and feel the difference (cold, emptiness).4. Place your hands apart about 6 inches with palms facing to each other. Start bouncing of hands bringing them close to each other and far (without touching). Keep moving them like as you would play catch, and feel your energy flowing between hands.5. Rotate one finger of one hand around each finger accordingly of the other hand without touching. Change the finger and follow with the same procedure. Repeat until you finish the exercise with all fingers and both hands. We possess incredible strength - our bio-energy. If we employ it consciously, it gives us tremendous power, and ability to heal ourselves and others from physical, emotional, spiritual and mental imbalances and problems. It is possible to learn how to control energy consciously and perform energy healing. With power of your own bio-energetic field, energy in your hands, and mind control you can become a healer. Even if you use the bio-energetic ability for yourself and your loved ones, you will see how your life will be happier, energetic, and fulfilling. Michael Nudel and Eva Nudel, Ph. D. Energy Healing Specialists and Authors of Health by Bio-Energy and Mind and 21st Century s New Chakra Healing PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 42 Psycho Energy Psychics Energy Para ahli fisika dan ilmu pengetahuan fisika-matematika-moderen yang sekuler, kini setuju dengan para ahli spiritual ( mistik ), bahwa setiap getaran benda-benda yang bermuatan listrik dan terlihat, akan menimbulkan energi yang dapat diinterpretasikan sebagai gelombang elektromaknet, gelombang ini tidak dapat dilihat, namun dapat dirasakan keberadaan dan alirannya. Sehingga perhitungan perhitungan energi gelombang elektromaknetik dapat dipakai dan dirumuskan dari perhitungan2 matematis yang biasa digunakan. 7ketentuan-ketentuan yang penting mengenai energi (energi psikologi ) angelfire/realm2/amethystbt/psychic7lawspsychicenergy. htmlLihat juga lampiran 3pada akhir tulisan ini. 1. Benda benda yang tidak bergerak memiliki getaran-energi tetap, atau total energy 0 (atom walaupun diam, tapi elektronnya tetap mengelilingi neutronnya ) 2. Pusat syaraf (otak ) mampu dan dapat memancarkan atau menerima getaran energi ( catatan EEG 25 uV 125 uV ) 3. Tubuh secara keseluruhan dan dibawah kontrol pusat syaraf (otak) juga mampu untuk mengeluarkan getaran energi. 4. Semakin tinggi derajat ( uV ) energi tersebut, semakin kuat energi ini, tiap kondisi memiliki energinya sendiri ( besar-kecilnya ) 5. Energi tubuh dan pusat syaraf (otak) juga dapat dilihat oleh mata mereka yang peka ( juga dengan foto KIRLIAN )yang disebut AURA. Tiap orang memiliki AURA besar-kecil serta warna yang berlainan 6. Dengan menurunkan-menaikan derajat (tingkatan) energi, akan menyebabkan manusia menjadi materialisasi (tampak) dan dematerialisasi (tidak tampak). PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 43 7. Energi seperti boomerang, jika dilemparkan akan kembali kepada kita Terutama jika dipakai untuk hal-hal yang negatip. Jadi energi psikologi ( Psycho-Energy), adalah suatu keadaan dimana kita memanfaatkan sistim energi tubuh kita, yang salah satunya disamping untuk hal-hal yang bersifat spiritual, juga untuk pengobatan dan penyembuhan, yang antara lain. 1. Depresi, kecemasan, kesedihan, ketakutan dan amarah, dsb. 2. Trauma akibat peristiwa saat ini atau masa lampau. 3. Rasa takut (phobia), seperti berbicara didepan umum, bertemu orang baru, naik pesawat terbang, ketinggian. 4. Ketergantungan ( narkoba), merokok, alcohol 5. Stress beban hidup, pekerjaan, persoalan RT, keluarga, mau ujian. 6. Autism-ASD, ADD, ADHD, down syndrome, cerebral palsy. 7. masih banyak lagi, akan disusulkan tulisan selanjutnya. Disini penulis akan menurunkan sebuah tulisan ENERGI PSIKOLOGI dari seorang pakar dalam bidang psikologi DR. JOSEPH GUAN Joseph Guan holds a Ph. D in Education from Texas A M University, Texas, USA and a Master s degree in Music Education from the University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA. Dr. Guan has been involved in training, counseling and therapy for the last fifteen years specializing in the areas of psychology, emotional intelligence, stress management, learning strategies, personal effectiveness, team building and creative thinking skills. He is a certified hypnotherapist from the American Board of Hypnotherapy and is a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and has conducted workshops/seminars in United States, Guatemala, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, Singapore and presented international papers on educational and human development in Italy, United states and India. He is also the the Regional Coordinator of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (Pacific Rim/Australia) which is a new emerging field of counseling and therapy that utilizes the alignment of the energy pathways of the body to treat emotional, cognitive and physical distress. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 44 Dr. Guan was featured in the International Who s Who of Entrepreneurs in 1999 and 2000 and was initiated into the Kappa Delta Phi, an International Honour Society in Education for his high professional, intellectual and outstanding contributions to education while pursuing his doctoral studies. Joseph Guan adalah alumnus Umversitas Texas A M, Texas USA. Selama 15 tahun terakhir ia berkecimpung di bidang pelatihan khususnya EQ, manajemen stres, strategi belajar, pembentukan tim, membaca cepat, manajemen waktu dan kernampuan berpikir kreatif la adalah pelatih internasional di perusahaan-perusahaan dan memiliki pengalaman luas, di bidang terapi, konseling serta pelatihan eksekutif Saat ini ia menjabat sebagai koordinator Wilayah Pasific Australia untuk Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology. Terapi BrainMaster Neurofeedback Yayasan Relawan Sosial Voluntir Purnabakti (RSVP) Jl. R. S. Fatmawati no 15, Jakarta 12420, Komplek Golden Plaza D11-14 Phone. 62 - 2175817751 70633471 Fax. 021-7507861 Dr. Joseph Guan ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY TINGKAT DASAR Tiga Prinsip yang menguasai kesehatan PsikologiDaya Batin (Mind) Daya batin merupakan kemampuan murni kemanusiaan. Ia merupakan energi tak berbentuk yang menyediakan kemampuan kepada seluruh manusia untuk berfikir, berkreasi dan mengalami hidup mereka. Daya batin, kesadaran dan fikiran berinteraksi untuk menghasilkan bentuk yang diambil kenyataan lewat kehendak bebas kita. Kenyataan itu selalu, pada setiap saat, diciptakan, dibentuk dan dibentuk ulang dari dalam keluar. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 45 Kesadaran Kesadaran adalah prinsip yang memungkinkan kita menyadari kenyataan dan bagaimana kenyataan kita diciptakan. Bertambah dalam kita mengerti kesadaran, bertambah pula pemahaman kita perihal kwalitas yang dimiliki intelegensi daya batin. Kita senantiasa berfikir dan memiliki kesadaran akan sesuatu, selama kita hidup. Kesadaran adalah kemampuan yang menghidupkan pemikiran kita lewat indera-indera kita. Pikiran Umat manusia memperoleh anugerah indah :kemampuan berpikir, Kita mempergunakan kemampuan ini untuk melukiskan gambaran kehidupan kita, namun kebanyakan diantara kita tak menyadari bagaimana proses pikiran bekerja. Sebagian besar pikiran kita tidak nampak pada kita seperti pikiran itu sendiri. Berfikir merupakan sesuatu yang dilakukan tiap orang setiap waktu. Acapkah kita tidak sadar akan arus pemikiran kita sebagaimana kita tak menyadari kita bernafas. Yang kita sadari adalah hasil persepsi (bagaimana hal tersebut tampak), perasaan (emosi kita) dan tingkah laku kita (apa yang kita bedakan). Bagaimana sesuatu tampak, bagaimana kita merasa dan apa yanq kita lakukan adalah akibat dari pikiran. Otak Mammalia, emosi atau otak limbic - pusat emosi Otak Reptilia atau tangkai otak Mengatur semua sistim autonomic Belahan otak kiri dan kanan (tampak samping) Bersama otak limbic dan otak reptilia PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 46 pikiran adalah energi yang terbentuk oleh kesadaran. Tiada bentuk terjadi tanpa kesadaran. Perbedaan antara kebijakan dan kebodohan ialah bahwa orang bodoh hanya mengetahui apa yang dipikirkannya, namun orang bijak mengetahui bahwa mereka adalah pemikirnya. Syclney Banks Orang tidak khawatir akan sesuatu namun oleh pemikiran mereka akan sesuatu Apabila kita menemui kesulitan, mendjadi takut atau tergangggu, hendaknya kta tidak menyalahkan orang lain namun diri kita sendiri tegasnya pemikiran /ide kita perihal sesuatu - Epictetus Yang kukhawatiri bukan bagaimana sesuatu itu, namun lebih kearah bagaimana orang berpikir bagaimana sesuatu tu. - Epictetus ( Pandangan kita) Energi menjadi arus pemikiran. Kamu sebenamya menjadi apa yang kamu pikirkan - Lynne Namka tidak ada hal baik atau buruk, tetapi pemikiran yang membuatnya demikian. . William Shakespeare Memahami siklus Pikiran, Perasaan dan Tingkah laku ENERGY PSYCHOLOGY Energy Psychology - suatu cabang baru dari ilmu psikologi yang mempelajari aklbat pelbagal sistern energi tubuh kita terhadap perasaan dan kelakuan / tingkah laku. Pengobatan energi merupakan ilmu pengetahuan yang baru muncul yang memanfaatkan pelbagai bidang energi tubuh dan pelbagai alat-alat elektromagnetik untuk membantu penyernbuhan batin dan tubuh. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 47 Pengobatan energi didasarkan prinsip bahwa kesehatan tubuh, daya batin dan roh berakar pada sistern energi tubuh. Persoalan-persoalan kesehatan dapat dikurangi, dan acap kali diatasi, melalui penggeseran yang pandai dari energi-energi yang memeliharanya. Dengan memelihara keseimbangan dan kemampuan energi-energi kita, kamu dapat meningkatkan vitalitas, keefektifan serta kegembiraan dalam hidup. Energi kehidupan ini dikenal dengan pelbagai sebutan. Chi Cina, Prana India, Ki - - Jepang Mana Hawaii, Bioplasma - Rusia Paradigma energi - Energi berdiam di tingkat paling mendasar dari keberadaan (materi itu terutama adalah energi yang dibekukan dalam waktu) Ervergi terdapat dalam pelbagai keadaan dan bentuk. Energi dapat dibagi secara garis besar dalarn energi physik dan energi tak sadar (subtle energy) Energi Physik - benda padat, benda cair, gas dan plasma (misainya gas alam, listrik, hidrogen, minyak bumi, gas, panas, cahaya, gaya magnet, gaya elektro magnetik, suara, gravitasi, getaran/vibrasi, energi kinetik dari gerak dan energi elastik). Energi Tak Sadar (istilah yang diperkenalkan Albert Einstein) atau energi bioplasmik - keadaan kelima dari suatu zat dan dapat diukur dengan pelbagai alat-alat pengukutr energi seperti EQ4, PIP dsb Ini adalah energi yang melintasi titik-titik meridian, cakra dan bergerak sekitar lapangan kehidupan (biofield). Kita semua memiliki kemampuan dan tenaga untuk mengarahkan, mentransfer dan melepaskan energi tak sadar ini. Energi psikologi memungkinkan intervensi pada bidang energi di tubuh manusia. Sekali kita membuka diri terhadap arus energi dalam tubuh kita, kita juga membuka diri terhadap arus energi di jagad raya. - William Reich Pada pokoknya, tubuh manusia merupakan bidang energi yang terdiri dari, pelbaga, jalan energy (meridian). Bidang adalah struktur kasat mata di angkasa yang mempengaruhi materi atau suatu zona pengaruh. Bidang pemikiran itu diakibatkan oleh gangguan atau gelombang tak teratur (hal-hal paling mendasar penyebab energi negatif) Gangguan atau gelombang tak teratur mengakibatkan gangguan terhadap arus energ dalam bidang energi manusia. Pikiran berada di bidang-bidang dan emosi-emosi negatif berakar dalam pola-pola energi. Sebab semua emosi negatif terletak di gangguan sistem energi tubuh. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 48 Kehendak baik darl hukum alam terletak dalam memastikan bahwa keajaiban keajaiban itu terbuka bagi kita, namun tidak menjelaskan kita bagaimana mencapainya tergantung pada kita untuk menemukan kuncinya, kode-kode serta pemecahan kodenya yang memungkinkan mereka ditemukan. --Robert Rosen (Life Itseff - 1991) Mengukur Qi (sumber chiexplorer/newsletters/084/084A. html ) Qi atau Chi atau Ki mudah diukur, dalam perjalanan ke Cina, kami melakukan beberapa percobaan dengan mempergunakan Kamera Kirlian, kepada 25 peserta yang sudah berlatih tenaga Qi, Reiki, Chi, Qikung. Mereka melakukan metode penyembuhan tanpa melakukan sentuhan, dengan mempergunakan tenaga Qi yang biasa mereka lakukan. Sebagian besar peserta, baik dari Chiropatic, ahli fisika-matematika, Reiki. pemijat maupun para pasien yang akan diuji coba, dilakukan pemotretan Kirlian, sebelum dilakukan penyembuhan dan 2 (dua) menit setelah dilakukan penyembuhan. Maka hasiknya dapat dilihat seperti dibawah ini Hasil foto Kirlian pada pengobatan tanpa sentuhan Mekanisme penyembuhan tanpa kontak badan Seperti yang anda dapat lihat gambar dibawah ini, secara elektrostatika, maknetik dan gelombang cahaya, memungkinkan untuk dimonitor pada penyembuhan dengan tenaga Qi tanpa menyentuh tubuh. Sidik jari Pasien, sebelum dilakukan penyembuhan tanpa sentuhan Sidik jari, pasien 2 menit sesudah dilakukan penyembuhan tanpa sentuhan PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 49 SUARA INFRASONIK Suara infrasonik adalah suara dengan frekwensi dibawah suara normal ( 20 hz 20.000 hz, subsonic berada diantara 20 hz 50 hz, ultrasonic pada 50.000 hz 100.000 hz, ) Seorang Reiki master atau penyembuh Qi atau Chi, pada umumnya kedua telapak tangannya dapat mengeluarkan getaran INFRASONIK (4 hz 8 hz Theta wave freqwency), Mekanisme penyembuhan tanpa sentuhan CahayaMagnetikElectrik Gelombang Electrostatik, yang dipantau dalam hal ini dapat diukur dengan alat EEG maupun EMG, berdasarkan hasil tersebut diatas, maka akan terbukti bahwa tekanna listrik yang dihasilkan kira-kira 20 Volt, 1000 X lebih tinggi dari sebelum dilakukan penyembuhan. Gelombang Maknetik, dapat diukur diseluruh tubuh dengan mempergunakan superconducting magnetometers. dengan pusat syaraf (otak) menghasilkan kuat maknet yang sangat lemah yaitu 10 -9 gauss, sedangkan jantung lebih kuat yaitu 10 -6 gauss, setelah penyembuhan maka meningkat 1000 X juga yaitu 10 -6 gauss dan 10 -3 gauss Cahaya Coherent juga dihasilkan oleh tubuh pasien ( mirip dengan AURA, tapi bukan AURA ) PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 50 yang dapat dimonitor dan diukur dengan mempergunakan mikropon khusus, pada saat aktip melakukan penyembuhan, maka dengan teknologi masa kini dapat diukur aliran dan pancaran getaran infrasonic tersebut, apabila sebuah mesin dapat mengeluarkan-memproduksi sinyal yang sama (infrasonic), secara psikologi dapat membantu dan mempercepat serta menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit. Mekanisme penyelikan Infrasonik Prof. Liu Guolong, MD. PhD, ahli EEG memulai penyelidikannya dengan mempergunakan perangkat yang mampu menghasilkan getaran infrasonic beliau dengan keahliannya dibidang EEG, mencoba memproduksi getaran infrasonic dari sebuah mesin pembangkit infrasonic. sehingga suatu saat kita dapat menggantikan energi manusia dengan energi yang dibangkitkan dari mesin pembangkit infrasonic . Dengan bantuan EEG yang terus dimonitor pada jaringan pusat syaraf ( otak ). Dari data tersebut dibawah terlihat hasil rekaman Mesin Qikung tersebut. Pelatihan getaran Infrasonik Suatu penyelidikan dan percobaan dilakukan oleh sekelompok relawan yang akan berlatih Ki, qikung ataupun Reiki, pada telapak tangannya didekatkan dengan microphone khusus, pada saat sebelum latihan dan sesudah latihan dimonitor dan diukur, ternyata bahwa terjadi peningkatan getaran sampai 5 X (lihat gambar) PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 51 Ternyata bahwa dalam waktu latihan yang relative singkat, mampu meningkatkan tenaga Ki sampai sedemikian besar, sehingga mampu menyalurkan tenaga Ki ini untuk penyembuhan. Apa yang terjadi dengan pusat syaraf anda. Seseorang yang berada dalam keadaan labil, karena stress, depresi atau bingung, jika diperiksa dengan EEG, akan termonitor getaran pusat syarafnya (otak) berada pada gelombang alpha ( 8 hz 13.9 hz ) yang terdistorsi, sehingga dengan bantuan alat pembangkit ( Ki Generator BrainWave Generator ), akan dapat diperbaiki, agar meresonansi pada getaran theta ( 4 hz 7.9 hz ). Hasilnya adalah lebih tenang, relex dan menikmati hidup lebih baik (lihat hasil test laboratorium dibawah ini ( dalam bahasa Inggris ). Laboratory Testing Dale Patterson, a board certified EEG technician trained in biofeedback became intrigued with the Infratonic when one of his patients brought one in. He recorded EEG brain maps first with an early model of the Infratonic which produced a clinically significant 18 increase in Alpha. (11) He then used the Q4 with chaos which was 8 times more effective (see graph below) Infrasonics test PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 52 QIGONG Machine, CHI Machine, PRANA dan REIKI Mesin-mesin ini sudah banyak beredar di EROPAH, AMERIKA dan bahkan di CHINA sudah dibuat secara produksi masal dengan harga antara US 200 1000, dengan beberapa maanfaat yang mempergunakan teknologi getaran2 INFRASONIK. Antara lainnya. findhealer/mall/telstar/Q001.php3electronichealing. co. uk/products/qigongmachine. htmelectronichealing. co. uk/products/stres sbusters. htm Q001 Qigong Master Energy Simulator 495.00 The QiGong Master Energy Simulator is the medical device resulting from the integration of the modern electronical technology and traditional Chinese medicine. The machine simulates outgoing energy of Qigong masters--the Low-frequency sonic signal which has intense penetrating power thus is able to penetrate to the deeper layer of the muscles in human body. It is the Yin energy feedback machine to simulate the information irradiated from human body and send it to human body. The machine is devoted to regulating the Qi ( or Chi )flow in meridians and collaterals, promoting the circulation of Qi and blood, easing pain and dispersing stagnation, improving organic functions, and accelerating the vascular circulation and the metabolism, so can achieve the aim of preventing and treating diseases and strengthening the body constitution. It is also an instrument for aiding the research of Qigong. It can cease metamorphosis of the isolated cancer cells, so as to inhibit their growth, Scientific experiments proved that it is able to improve the microcirculation of nail fold. bring more fresh nutrients to your cells so as to enchance your physical strength, and raise your immune function. If you re senile and debilitative with insufficinecy of energy the long-time employmentof the machine can replenish your physical ability and the energy. If you are an amature Qigong practitioner the machine can assist you in getting into the marvelous status of meditation during your practice. By utilizing the machine, you ll be relaxed from the fatigue after work, The muscular soreness or mental stress will go away from you. Use the machine before going to bed, you ll soon fall into sound sleep. So the professionals have PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 53 no need to worry about suffering from sleeplessness, and thus achieve a well-balanced mind. The invention of the machine has opened up another avenue to the feedback remedy for human body. The noninvasive route of self-balancing. Alarge number of clinical case reports proved that the machine has satisfactory effect intreating disorders of the cadiovascular system, the respiratory system, and the motor system and it also helps infantile indigestion and anorexia. Size of the machine is 205 X 175 X 90mm and the weight is 1.7kg. Clinical Data The fundamental research department in Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine found the mean power spectra in the tested cases of normal people prior to and after the action of the Qigong Machine. They used a real time recording of EEG curve (human cerebral spontaneous electric potential with a Japanese made photoelectric multiple physiological recorder. They made magnetic recordings onto tapes and fed the data back to a data processing system. Tests showed that among the 20 tested, 13 were P HEAD - OTAK ESQ HEART HATI PERASAAN Berdasarkan penyelidikan, EQ (Emotional Quetient) berperan 80 persen dalam keberhasilan, tetapi kenyataanya banyak di antaranya yang menderita kekeringan, karena SQ terpisah. Padahal di Jepang spiritualitas terbukti mengantarkan kesuksesan berbagai perusahaan kelas dunia. ESQ adalah pengembangan kepribadian yang bertujuan membentuk karakter tangguh yang memadukan konsep Kecerdasan Intelektual (IQ), Kecerdasan Emosional (EQ) dan Kecerdasan Spritual (SQ), secara terintegrasi dan transcendental. KESIMPULAN. IQ sangat sulit ditingkatkan, karena sejak kecil kecerdasan intelektual sudah menetap ( Genetika ) andaikata terjadi perubahan, maka perubahan tersebu t sangat sedikit sekali, namun EQ dan SQ ( atau ESQ ) dapat ditingkatkan, baik dengan latihan maupun terapis. Psikotronika ( Psychotronics Electronics main control ) dapat membantu untuk meningkatkan kecerdasan emosional maupun spiritual, eBook yang dapat meningkatkan IQ. EQ maupun SQ ( GRATIS ) dapat di download di Develop Your Child GENIUS IQ Heart Inteligent ESQ Smart Fast are not enough EQ PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 71 Link bagus dan menarik untuk meningkatkan IQ anda atau putra-putri anda buzzle/editorials/3-8-2005-66835.asp Meningkatkan IQ Nuro programmer 2 Software dapat didownload toolsforwellness/51028.html Meningkatkan IQ bagi mereka yang berusia diatas 40 th BRAIN BUILDER meningkatkan IQ untuk penyandang ADD dan ADHD toolsforwellness/add. html pengobatan untuk ADD dan ADHD toolsforwellness/54816.html idem dito BIOFEEDBACK dan NEUROFEEDBACK Biofeedback adalah suatu keadaan umpan balik psycho-biology, atau suatu proses umpan (sinyal ) balik yang dilakukan ke tubuh-otot dan syaraf tubuh, sehingga diharapkan menghasilkan ( output) peningkatan yang lebih baik. Neurofeedback adalah suatu keadaan umpan balik Physics-psychology, atau suatu proses umpan ( sinyal balik yang dilakukan ke syaraf dan pusat - syaraf, sehingga diharafkan menghasilkan (output) peningkatan yang lebih baik, terutama pada syaraf2 nya. Biasanya diharapkan akan meningkatkan IQ ( Intelligence Quetient ) seseorang pada pelatihan ( neurofeedback), misalnya dengan permainan video games yang dimonitor dan terarah dengan baik, pada seorang anak. NEUROFEEDBACK is a specific form of biofeedback. BIOFEEDBACK refers to the process of feeding physiological signals from the body back to the organism generating the output. A realtime feedback loop can alter the underlying production of many biological processes. Biofeedback is like a mirror that links bio-measures to the autonomic or central nervous system. Your can increase your hand temperature by holding a thermometer and intending to raise the numbers. Any realtime bio-monitoring technology is a candidate for biofeedback applications from hearing heart rate to watching magnetic imaging. Computer processing of the signals and mediation of the feedback has magnified the power of all forms of biofeedback. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 72 NEUROFEEDBACK uses signals based on neural activity and displays these to the signal creator in order to bring neural processes under control. Since 1970 neurofeedback has used microvolt brainwaves detected at the scalp with an EEG. Hemoencephalography feeds back thermal brain emissions in the near infrared spectrum. Neurofeedback has broad and numerous applications from raising IQ in anyone, performance enhancement and to provide relief for numerous physical and psychological disorders. Typical applications range from improving attention, cognitive processes and sleep to reducing anxiety, depression and pain. The mechanisms of action are unknown, but the bioelectrical perspective to mental health has shown remarkable promise in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the central nervous system. Neurofeedback has proven significant success rates in resolving many intractable disorders such as ADHD, epilepsy, and migraine headaches. Scientific research has established efficacy to all but the most stringent medical criteria. The safety of neurofeedback and the general absence of deleterious side effects of these methods is remarkable. The power of neurofeedback is a testament to the beneficial effects of continuous direct self-information in order to improve functioning. BIofeedback:PerIpheralNervousSystemNeurofeedback:CentralNervousSystemSEKALI LAGI DENGAN ENERGI PSIKOLOGI Dr Joseph Guan Alternative Counter Dalam setiap budaya dan penyembuhan tradisional, penyembuhan diselesaikan dengan memindahkan energi. Sekali kita membuka arus energi dalam tubuh, kita juga membuka dirl pada arus energi di alam raya. Sutadi Martodihardjo (65th) mengetukkan tangannya secara perlahan-lahan dan berulang-ulang di ujung alis matanya. Sembari melakukan hal itu, ia mengucapkan kata-kata Walaupun saya masih punya rasa sakit pada bahu kanan saya, akan aman sekali buat saya kalau saya sernbuh, sebanyak tiga kali. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 73 Setelah itu, ia mengetukkan tangannya kembali secara perlahan-lahan, tetapi kali ini di bagian pelipis dan mengucapkan kata-kata Sekalipun saya masih punya sisa rasa sakit pada bahu kanan, saya menerima dan mengampuni diri saya sepenuhnya, juga sebanyak tiga kali. Hal itu ia lakukan berulang-ulang namun dengan wilayah tubuh yang diketuk berpindah-pindah. Pertama kali yang diketuk adalah alis mata, selanjutnya pelipis, di bawah mata, di bawah hidung, di bawah bibir, tulang selangka, di bawah lengan, di bawah tulang rusuk, dan terakhir puncak kepala. Chairman Lions. Indonesia Foundation (Distrik 307 The International Association of Lions Club) ini beberapa waktu sebelumnya mengangkat beban terlalu berat. Akibatnya, bahu kanannya terasa sakit se kali kalau digerakkan, hingga tangan kanannya tersebut tidak bisa diangkat. Melalui kenalannya, ia mencoba penyembuhan dengan energy psychology, sebuah teknik pengobatan alternatif yang tergolong masih baru di Indonesia, namun sudah. mulai berkembang di luar negeri. Menurut aktivis WULAN (Warga Usia Lanjut) ini, setiap selesai melakukan tahapan-tahapan pengobatan, ia merasakan bahu kanannya yang sakit sedikit demi sedikit sembuh. Baru sampai tahap ketiga, tangan kanan saya sudah bisa saya angkat sampai kepala, padahal sebelelumnya susah diangkat karena sakit sekali, kata pensiunan PT Sunlife Finance ini Memanfaatkan sistem energi tubuh Pengobatan energy psychology memanfaatkan pelbagai sistem energi dalam tubuh manusia, antara lain titik-titik meridian, akupunktur, chakra, biofield, arus Strange, anyaman Celtic dsb. Hal itu diakui oleh Joseph Guan Ph. D, seorang terapis energy psy chology. Energy psychology ini merupakan perpaduan dari berbagai jenis terapi yang sudah ada sebelumnya, seperti yoga, akupunktur, psikologi, permograman bahasa-syaraf, terapi fisik dan kinesiology, katanya. Menurut ahli energy psychol ogy diAsia Tenggara ini, energy psychology merupakan cabang dari ilmu psikologi yang memanfaatkan sistern energi dari tubuh kita, seperti titik-titik akupunktur, pusat cakra dan medan biofield. Fungsinya untuk menghilangkan gangguan-gangguan emosi dan psikologi secara efektif tambahnya. Dengan terapi energy Psychology sistern tubuh menjadi teratur sebagaimana mestinya dan akhirnya berbagai ganguan atau kelainan pun akan hilang. Energy Psychology diciptakan pertama kali oleh Dr. Roger Callahan, seorang psikolog yang menggeluti metode Brain Gym, pada tahun 1980. Suatu saat Callahan mengobati seorang wanita bernama Mary yang selama 18 bulan menderita phobia air (merasa takut terhadap air). PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 74Kebetulan ketika itu, Callahan sedang mempelajari tentang energi chi dan cakra. Olehnya, Mary disuruh menggosok-gosokkan titik akupunktur pada cekungan di bawah mata yang merupakan titik akupunktur untuk. perut. Setelah beberapa kali melakukan hal itu, ternyata phobianya terhadap air sembuh. Link tftrx copy pdf di tftrx/CHAPTER-III. pdf Callahan kemudian mengembangkan teknik ini dan diberi narna The Callahan Techniques (tahun 1980), yang juga kerapkati dinamakan TFT atau Thought Field Therapy ( terapi medan pikiran). Tapas Fleming, salah seorang yang mempelajari terapi ini kemudian mengembangkannya lagi dan memberi nama Energy Pscychology. Sampai saat ini, penemuan-penemuan di bidang energy psychology terus berkembang, terutama perkembangan modul-modul barunya. Tapas Fleming tat-intl dan ebook dan video tat-intl/FREEebookSteps. htmCreator TFT emofree/cousins/tapas. htmVideo and Audio theamt/modules. phpnameDownloadsdopviewdownloadcid3 Di Indonesia, energy psychology ini dipraktekan oleh Relawan Sosial Volunteer Purnabakti (RSVP) di Kawasan Golden Plaza, blok D 11-14, J1. RS Fatmawati no 15, Jakarta Selatan. ph. 62-21-75817751 - 70633471.Jenis pengobatan lain yang termasuk dengan energy psychology selain pengobatan Thought Field Therapy (TFT), yaitu Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Releasing Technique (RT), Be Set Free Fast, Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) dan beberapa terapi lainnya. EFT Link emofree emofree/downloadeftmanual. htm mercola/forms/eftcourse. htm Video Download RT Link releasetechnique releasetechnique/scientifically proven/index. htm TAT Link members. shaw. ca/karenledger/tapas. htmspiritosamente/TATe sercizio. htm PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 75Masing masing jenis pengobatan tersebut memanfaatkan secara intensif salah satu sistim energi manusia apakah itu sistem meridian, sistim chakra atau aura sampai pengobatan psikologi. Ada juga terapi-terapi psikologi lainnya seperti EMDR (Eye-Movement Desensitization and Re-Processing) dan beberapa terapi jenis lainnya yang memanfaatkan materi bawah sadar (unconscious). EMDR Link emdr emdr/videotapes. htm Video Tape skepdic/emdr. html Terapi-terapi tersebut memanfaatkan energi sama baiknya. Artinya, terapi-terapi tersebut menyebabkan lepasnya energi untuk pengobatan. Walaupun beberapa terapi, tidak secara intensif memanfaatkan salah satu sistem energi tubuh, tetapi bisa disebut terapi energy psychology, sebab memanfaatkan pengobatan psikologi bersamaan dengan terapi akupunktur. Selain itu, ada beberapa jenis pengobatan energi yang tidak memanfaatkan. proses psikologi seperti chi gong, akupunktur, aromaterapi, refleksologi, sentuhan therapeutic dan lainnya. Namun keunggulan-keunggulan jenis pengobatan ini diserap kedalam Energy Psychology. Istilah. ini hanya. dipakai untuk terapi yang memanfaatkan intervensi psikologis dan intervensi. energi secara bersamaan dalam bentuk pengobatan yang khusus. Prinsip dasar dari terapi ini adalah bahwa tubuh manusia tidak semata-mata terdiri dari daging, darah dan tulang, tetapi juga adanya sistem energi. Berbagai penelitian membuktikan adanya bio photon. yang artinya bahwa akar dari semua gangguan emosi, psikologi, dan fisik berada pada ketidak-aturan sistem energi dalam tubuh kita. Energi itu sendiri berada di sekeliling manusia, mulai dari sistem galaksi sampai atom dan sebagai pertanda bahwa kehidupan itu ada. Menurut fisikawan David Bohm, energi menyerap dan diserap pada setiap tempat secara universal. Energilah yang menghubungkan manusia dengan manusia lain dan dengan segala hal yang terdapat di alam semesta ini, kata Joseph Guan yang kini menjabat sebagai Koordinator wilayah Pasifik dan Australia perhimpunan ahli energy Psychology. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 76 Berulang-ulang Cara kerja Energy Psychology ini adalah dengan melakukan intervensi. terhadap tubuh dan jiwa, dengan tujuan menghilangkan gangguan emosi dan psikologi, yang pada akhirnya juga akan menyembuhkan gangguan pada fisik. Sebelum terapis melakukan pengobatan Energy psychology, dilakukan tes kadar air pada tubuh pasien melalui test otot. Jika terdapat kekurangan air dalam pasien, proses tidak akan bekerja sebab kecukupan air sangat esensial dalam pengobatan yang berdasarkan energi, kata Joseph Guan. Agar pasien dapat segera melakukan pengobatan energy psychology, biasanya terapis akan memberikan segelas air. Kemudian pasien diminta untuk membuat suatu skala intensitas mental dalam menghadapi suatu masalah, atau Subjective Units of Discomfort (SUD), dimana nilai 0 menyatakan tidak ada gejala dan nilai 10 menyatakan suatu. intensitas yang ekstrim. Langkah selanjutnya, pasien menyusun suatu kalimat yang merupakan gambaran terbaik mengenai masalahnya, seperti saya merasa sangat depresi, saya punya banyak pikiran, saya benci pimpinan saya, d1l. Kemudian pasien melakukan pengetukan pada titik-titik akupunktur dengan tangannya sendiri. Saat melakukan pengetukan itu, pasien secara berulang--ulang mengucapkan kalimat yang sudah disusun. Selama proses ini terapis bertindak sebagai fasilitator. Sesudah satu putaran pengetukan pada titik-titik akupunktur, pasien diajak untuk mengecek SUD-nya kembali. Terapi dilakukan dengan mengaktifkan titik-titik akupunktur tertentu dan dal. am waktu bersamaan melakukan affirmasi atau penegasan yang diucapkan mengenai masalah yang dihadapi. Dengan terapi energy psychology, sistem tubuh menjadi teratur sebagaimana mestinya yang akhirnya berbagai gangguan atau kelainanpun akan menghilang, kata Joseph Guan PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 77Bila proses itu berjalan normal, maka akan ada pengurangan intensitas tingkat SUD. Misalnya bila di awal pengobatan intensitasnya 10, maka setelah pengobatan putaran pertama, intensitasnya tinggal 9 atau 8. Kemudian pasien akan mengulangi kembali proses pengobatan secara kontinyu hingga intensitas SUD-nya sampai ke titik 0. Jika dalam pengobatan tidak bekerja atau intensitasnya tidak ada penurunan, berarti menunjukkan adanya alergi atau racun dalam tubuh pasien. Bila itu yang terjadi, terapis akan metakukan tes otot dan proses menyingkirkan reaksi alergi dengan mempergunakan berma-cam-macam teknik penyingkiran alergi, contohnya pelepasan tulang belakang (spinal re lease, teknik Holloway atau mempergunakan laser dingin. Penyakit kejiwaan dan fisik Terapi energy psychology dapat membantu menghilangkan berbagai penyakit fisik dan kejiwaan, antara lain: 1Emosi-emosi negatif, seperti depresi, kecemasan, kesedihan, ketakutan, amarah dan sebagainya. 2Trauma akibat peristiwa saat ini atau masa lampau, seperti saat melahirkan, pelecehan seksual, kecelakaan, dan sebagainya. 3Takut berbicara di depan umum, takut ketinggian, takut terbang, takut bertemu orang yang baru ditemuinya, takut terhadap serangga serangga, ular, dan sebagainya. 4Ketergantungan, seperti merokok, alkohol, atau narkotika. 5Menghadapi beban hidup seperti ujian, perceraian, beban pekerjaan, persoalan keluarga penyakit kronis, dan sebagainya. 6Persoalan yang sering dihadapi anak-anak, s eperti takut menghadapi uji. an meningkatkan kemampuan belajar, mengurangi ketidak mampuan belajar, menghilangkan hambatan mental, rasa rendah diri, serta menibangkitkan motivasi dan konsentrasi. 7Mengatasi sakit fisik seperti jaringan tubuh yang rusak akibat kecelakaan, alergi, asma, disleksia, gangguan makan, sakit kepala, hidung tersumbat, sakit persendian, sakit tulang, keracunan serta beberapa penyakit degeneratif. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 78 Miliki Ketrampilan Mengobati dengan Teknik Energi Psikologi Energy Psychology adalah cabang baru dari ilmu psikologi yang memanfalatkan sistem energi tubuh (titik-titik meredian dan akupuntur), untuk melenyapkan sebagian besar gangguan-ganguan emosi dan kejiwaan (psikologi) secara cepat, efektif dan permanent. Belajar teknik yang mujarab dan efektif di abad 21 untuk melenyapkan depresi, ketakutan, kesedihan, fobia, kekhawatiran serta berbagai kepercayaan pembatas yang menghalangi Anda untuk menikmati hidup optimal. Melengkapi diri Anda dengan suatu teknik agar mampu memahami dan selanjutnya dapat membebaskan Anda dari beban mental dan emosi, sehingga hidup menjadi lebih produktif dan bermakna. Membantu anak-anak Anda membebaskan diri dari ketakutan fobia dan berbagai emosi-emosi negatif yang menghalangi mereka mencapai kemampuan akademis dan sosial yang optimal. program terapi Energy Psychology ini kami jadikan sebagai salah satu program terapi dalam proses rehabilitasi. Saya memberikan senarn Brain Gym dan beberapa tehnik modeletis dari Energy Psychology. Dan memang ternyata ada hasilnya, kata Dr. Joseph Guan In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel Laureate in Medicine Tubuh manusia terdiri atas triliunan sel. Setialp sel hanya memilliki usia 120 hari. Sell dapat berregenerasi dengan asupan nutrisi yang seimbang dan bermutu. Nutrisi yang kita peroleh melalui makanan dan minuman acapkali belum seimbang. didalam tubuh yang sehat terdapat jiwa yang sehat BRAIN RESPIRATION Pernapasan pusat syaraf Coba anda bernapas dengan sangat teratur dan berirama, artinya. 1. Tarik napas 10 ketukan (denyutan nadi ), 2. Tahan napas 5 ketukan (denyutan nadi) 3. Buang napas 10 ketukan dan akhiri dengan 4. 5ketukan tahan napas, sehingga ini disebut 1 (satu ) periode. 5. Ulangi lagi dengan periode yang sama, sehingga napas anda menjadi teratur dan seirama dengan ketukan-ketukan tersebut. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 79 Pada saat anda mengatur napas anda sendiri, maka syaraf (pernapasan ), serta pusat syaraf (otak) anda memerintahkan sistim pernapasan yang teratur dan berirama, sehingga secara sadar dan tak sadar, pada pusat syaraf (otak) akan menimbulkan getaran-getaran gelombang THETA, ( lihat kembali tulisan diatas pada getaran2 alpha, beta, theta, delta dan gama ). Kesimpulannya adalah bahwa dengan mengatur pernapasan kita sesuai dengan irama yang kita kehendaki, berarti bahwa kita melakukan pernapasan pusat syaraf ( BRAIN RESPIRATION ). Dengan mengatur pusat syaraf, akan timbul hal-hal yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan supranatural dan metafisika. Best Link BRAIN RESPIRATION www1.brainrespiration rickross/reference/dti/dti39.h tmlweb. mit. edu/br/wwwcygnus-books. co. uk/features/healingsocie tyseungheunlee. htmApalagi jika anda dalam melakukan pernapasan yang berirama, kemudian anda juga berkomunikasi dengan Sang Pencipta ( TUHAN ), maka hal-hal mujijat akan terjadi. ajna/articles/howareyourheartandbrainconnectedtogod. php How are your Heart and Brain connected to God. Before exploring the brain s unique role in connecting a human being to what many call God, it is essential to honor new scientific information about the human heart that identifies it as the very first connection point between the physical body and its Creator source. Amazing recent evidence indicates that the heart begins to beat in the unborn fetus even before the brain is formed so it appears that the heart truly holds primary status as the initiator of human life. Even so, scientists have yet to discover what causes the human heart to automatically begin this essential auto-rhythmic beating function that grants us physical existence. Although previously unknown, neuroscientists have now discovered that there are over 40,000 nerve cells (neurons) in the heart alone, indicating that the heart has its own independent nervous system sometimes called the brain in the heart. In addition, the heart has an electromagnetic energy field 5,000 times greater than that of the brain and this field can be measured with magnetometers up to 10 feet beyond the physical body. This provides support for the spiritual teachings that indicate we humans have energy fields that constantly intermingle with each other, enabling healing (or negative) thoughts to be extended and exchanged. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 80 Since the heart s energy field is greater than that of the brain s, we presume that feelings and information sent from the heart to the brain can have a profound effect on the brain s functions, introducing heightened intuitive clarity and increased feelings of well being. Gratefully, this welcomed state of balance or coherence between the heart and the brain eliminates stress and permits the personal condition we have called creativity as well as peace of mind Because this powerful coherence starts in each individual s heart rhythms, the heart may be considered the conduit or vessel through which soulfulness, higher consciousness, or spiritual energies enter the human being at birth. This scientifically identified condition of heart coherence supports the teachings of many world religions that state the human heart is the seat of the soul. Spiritual teachings also suggest that it is humanity s task to join together their individual coherent heart energies into one unified peaceful heart, one spiritually inspired healing intention. To begin appreciating more about the brain s role in supporting the heart energy intentions of love, imagine you are standing in a laboratory where scientists are showing you pictures of a human brain flashing on and off with speeding neuron impulses lighting up its many regions and innumerable activities. As you actually observe those uncountable neural light activities in the various brain areas are you wondering how this human brain was designed to function Can you imagine that this brain cooperates with the heart in providing a light link with your Creator How do you feel as you watch this mysterious light activity in the brain Is any part of you wanting to deny and disbelieve what you are seeing Or do you feel a growing curiosity to know more about this brain and how it really works Do you feel willing to explore the idea that both the heart and the brain were actually created so humans could always know their Maker Would you want your loving heart and fantastic brain to be healthy and connected with your Creator during physical life for essential spiritual guidance and support Fortunately, among the many scientific and technical discoveries recently made, there are several which have helped us identify the major purpose of the brain as a spiritual receptor of light, of God energy. Newly developing medical fields such as neurobiology, neurochemistry, and neuropsychology are using technical imaging equipment such as PET (positive emission tomography) and SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography) to identify various regions of the brain, their activities, and especially those frontal parts of the brain which must develop God capacity. And must immediately develop that spiritual capacity during the first critical months and years of childhood growth At last science can join spiritual teachings in proving that humans have the capacity through coherent hearts and proper brain development to attain the mystical expression of feeling love, of knowing God. What is absolutely vital to remember is that the soul s energy connection with physical life is not fully formed at birth and is not fully accessible during the first few years thereafter. When a baby is born, its brain has just about 50 of the neurological connections it must have as an adult, and this rapid growth must occur in the next several years. This spiritual capacity must be developed by the constant infusion of light (heart love) from the mother and family if the brain s normal physical growth is to be attained. Should this essential growth fuel be missing during its early months and years, the infant s brain development will likely be curtailed by lack of this essential light, or love energy, causing avariety of serious repercussions. Scientific reports are announcing that if the frontal lobes of a person s brain are not properly developed by light and love at a young age then the resulting lack of light will probably cause a dysfunctional brain with a variety of possible physical, emotional and behavioral problems. This apparently occurs because the brain contains both more primitive regions from earlier evolutionary development and more modern additions in the frontal lobes and cortex regions designed to operate on light. Indeed it is this lack of light that causes disruptions and imbalances in one or many regions of brain area activity. In recent years, newly created PET and SPECT brain scan equipment have helped those enlightened doctors dedicated to healing the brain assist individuals with epilepsy, PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 81 Attention Deficit Disorder, injuries, innumerable emotional conditions and much more. Their work also discourages alcohol and drug abuse in teens and adults by showing images of their negative effects on the brain. It is also believed that an increased amount of stress, from the chaotic nature of modern living, creates a toxic brain hormone called cortisol. It is deduced that if high cortisol levels are maintained in the brain over an extended period, certain critical brain areas can become totally devoid of neural activity. When neural activity falters, the brain s light activity darkens in the frontal lobes and there is a decreased ability by the person to control aggression and regulate negative thoughts and feelings. It is vital to grasp that the purpose of learning this information about the heart and human brain s needs for light love is not to focus on blaming mothers and families whose children are exhibiting negative behavior and suffering from a lack of connection to their higher consciousness. Rather it is to finally understand that both the heart and the brain require light love to attain spiritual connection to God. This is critically true during a human s infancy phase of physical growth - but also throughout its adult years thereafter. Then, with this knowledge that we human beings were created to live with the constant fuel of light/love during physical life in both our hearts and our brains, we must educate ourselves and do everything in our power to fulfill our heart s and brains ability to function properly. Health will be seen in a different way once scans of the brain s interior condition and functioning reveal any damaged or unbalanced areas, and new approaches for rehabilitation can be applied. The long-standing question about whether heredity or environment is the most essential ingredient in human behavior can be better understood through use of recent discoveries about the heart as well as new tomography scans and available brain imaging information not known in earlier decades. Now is the time to profoundly understand what causes the human species to maintain heartfelt ethical attitudes and positive emotional behaviors and to discern what vital role both play in humanity s spiritual development. We need to know the pattern from which we human beings were created, our present evolutionary status, and how we can best express that pattern in physical life. This may be the designated moment when we can be empowered to improve our loving behavior toward all people, but especially babies and children. Many creative hearts and minds are needed to discover how we can correct our present negative personal and societal problems and develop a brighter future in which every person gains expression of the spiritual nature that is the human hallmark. In the meantime, those of us with relationships to babies and children can read broadly about the heart and brain connection, discuss ways of parenting and teaching based on love and on what PET and SPECT photographs reveal about the brain s incredible design. We can agree to implement deliberate changes for the good of all. Parents, day care individuals and centers, educators of public and private schools, home teachers, and every adult who relates to a child, represent an important link in the sharing of 21st century information about the heart and brain in human life. We will also be drawn to explore the ways adults who have not had a light enriched heart and brain experience, themselves, can recover from various neural and electrical imbalances and even the stress-induced cortisol damage they may have endured. Surely this is the exciting threshold of a new era in natural healing, at the least, and an enormous spiritual expansion of human consciousness as we birth new generations of heart centered and brain-healthy children with telepathic and other unusual abilities. Yes, this is an incredibly hopeful time For we already have tools such as meditation and prayer, music and sound, nature and her innumerable health-giving products from the earth, and the current positive scientific and technical equipment to assist us. Our challenge now is not merely to stay informed about these many developments that can aid us, but to use them And to implement them both individually and in our local and global community relationships. Peace is the prize. The challenge is whether we will accept our responsibility and earn this heart-sought prize both for ourselves and for our children. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 82 As names like the Indigo children, the Crystal children, the children of Oz, etc. suggest, our human evolution is being upgraded by wise and loving souls returning to earth. While heart and brain exploration continues to enrich our understanding of ourselves as creations of God s design, perhaps we will finally understand how identical we humans really are in our basic essence and then begin applying our extraordinary hearts and brains to accept each other as one family. RECOMMENDED HEART/BRAIN READING LIST by Virginia Essene Association for Prenatal Perinatal Psychology Health. birthpsychology/ has many books, videos and teaching materials explaining how the baby s brain forms in its early years in response to the quality of interaction with the mother and other caregivers. The Biology of Transcendence. Joseph Chilton Pearce, Park Street Press, 2002. (also other titles such as Crack in the Cosmic Egg and The Magical Child) Brain Respiration. Dr. Ilchi Lee, Hamptons Road Pub. 2001(). (peacemaker has 17 books including Healing Society online Brain Respiration class, Healingplaza EMDR: The Breakthrough Therapy for Overcoming Anxiety, Stress and Trauma. Francine Shapiro, Ph. D. and Margaret Silk Forrest, Basic Books, 1997. The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness. Antonio Damasio, Harcourt, 1999. The First Three Years of Life. Nina R. Lief and others, Southmark Publ. 1997. (Early Childhood Development Center - N. Y. University - College of Medicine.) Healing the Hardware of the Soul. Daniel Amen, M. D. Free Press, 2002. also Healing ADD, the Breakthrough Program That Allows You to See and Heal the 6 Types of Attention Deficit Disorders, Putnam, 2001. also Change Your Brain, Change Your Life: The Breakthrough Program for Conquering Anxiety, Depression, Ob sessiveness, Anger and Impulsiveness, Random House, 1998. see amenclinic for an online video introduction . also brainplace The Healing Mind: The Vital Links between Brain Behavior , Immunity and Disease. Paul Martin, Ph. D. St. Martin s Press, 1997. The Heart Math Solution. Doc Childre, Howard Martin, et al, Harper, S. F. CA, 1999. How to Know God: The Soul s Journey into the Mystery of Mysteries. Deepak Chopra, M. D. Random House, 2000. ( many other titles about spiritual topics.) Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel. Candace B. Pert, Ph. D. Scribner, 1997. Pioneering research on how chemicals inside our body link mind/body. The Power of Light. Joel Achenbach photographer Joe McNally, National Geographic Magazine, october, 2001, pages 7-29. The Soul of the Child: Nurturing the Divine Identity of Our Children. Michael Gurian, Atria Books, 002. ( other titles.) A Symphony in the Brain: The Evolution of the New Brainwave Biofeedback. Jim Robbins, Atlantic Monthly Press, 2000. What s Going on in There How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life. Lise Eliot, Ph. D. Bantam Books, 1999. Why God Won t Go Away: Brain Science the Biology of Belief. Andrew Newberg, M. D. Eugene D Aquili, M. D. and Vince Rause, Ballentine Publishing Co. 2001. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 83 SEKALI LAGI MENGENAI GELOMBANG ALPHA, BETA, THETA dan DELTA GAMA Kembali ketulisan sebelumnya, mengenai gelombang-gelombang atau getaran pusat syaraf (otak), maka dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut. Ada 5 tingkatan gelombang pusat syaraf (otak) yaitu. 1. Delta ( 0.1 3 hz ) 2. Theta ( 4 8 hz ) 3. Alpha ( 8 12 Hz ) 4. Beta ( diatas 12 Hz ) yang dapat dibagi menjadi - Low beta ( 12 15 Hz ) - Midrange Beta ( 15 18 Hz ) - High Beta ( diatas 18 Hz ) 5. Gamma ( 36 44 Hz ) Link crossroadsinstitute. org/eeg. htmlnhahealth/science. htmh ttp://nexusmagazine botanicals. org Brain Wave Entrainement Frequencies Beta - 12hz to 38hz Wide awake. This is the state you are normally in from the moment you wake up to the time you go to sleep at night. Usually, this state in itself is uneventful, but don t underestimate its importance. Entraining SMR and Beta 1 in particular can be extremely beneficial to people with mental or emotional disorders such as insomnia, depression or ADD. This band can also be used for increasing focus or even IQ SMR (sensorimotor rhythm) (12 - 15Hz): Related to body motion. Increasing this can result in relaxed focus, improved attentive abilities. Generally a good thing to increase. Beta 1 (15 - 20 Hz) - Can increase mental abilities, IQ, focus Beta 2 (20 - 38Hz) - Highly alert, but also anxious Alpha - 8hz to 12hz Awake but relaxed and not processing much information. When you get up in the morning and just before sleep, you are naturally in this state. When you close your eyes your brain automatically starts producing more Alpha waves. Alpha is usually the goal of experienced mediators, but to enter it using this program is incredibly easy. You can also use this state for effective self-hypnosis and mental re-programming. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 84 Theta - 3hz to 8hz REM sleep or extreme relaxation. Lucid dreaming and OBEs can also occur at this state. Other weird and often paranormal experiences have been reported while in or very near the Theta state. Theta can also be used for hypnosis, accelerated learning and mental programming (using pre-recorded suggestions). Theta 1 - (3 - 5 Hz) If suppressed, can improve concentration and ability to focus attention. Generally not a good thing to increase. Theta 2 - (5 - 8 Hz) Very relaxed and dreamful sleep. Life-Transforming, paranormal, and spiritual experiences are most common at this band. Delta - 0.2hz to 3hz Deep, dreamless sleep. Delta is the slowest band of brainwaves. When your dominant brainwave is Delta, your body is healing itself and resetting its internal clocks. You do not dream in this state and are completely unconscious. Entrainment of the brain at this level is all but impossible. Most of the time, people wishing to enter Delta will have to settle for deep Theta and hope than their mind drifts down into Delta on its own. Delta 0.1 - 3 Hz deep sleep, lucid dreaming, increased immune functions, hypnosis Theta 3-8Hz deep relaxation, meditation, increased memory, focus, creativity, lucid dreaming, hypnagogic state Alpha 8-12 Hz light relaxation, super learning, positive thinkingLow Beta 12 - 15 Hz relaxed focus, improved attentive abilities Midrange Beta15 - 18 Hz increase mental ability, focus, alertness, IQ High Beta above 18 Hzfully awake, normal state of alertness, stress and anxiety Gamma 40 Hz associated with information-rich task processing and high-level information processing PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 85 Some Suggested Uses Relaxation between 5hz and 10hz for different levels of relaxation Meditation between 4hz and 7hz, either cycle between a few, or stay at a particular frequency for different results Induce Sleep between 4hz and 6hz for starters, then go into frequencies below 3.5hz, settling on about 1.5hz to 2.5hz for sleep Creative Visualization about 6hz for a while, then up to 10hz works well Stress Reduction any use of frequencies below 11hz will reduce stress Self Hypnosis about 8hz to 10hz while playing any self-hypnosis tape, or guided meditation Super Learning about 7hz to 9hz while playing any learning tapes, like foreign language tapes, etc. to increase comprehension Subliminal Programming 5hz to 7hz while playing your favorite subliminal tapes Improve ESP / Intuition Theta frequencies help in this area, 4hz to 7hz Reaching Higher States of Consciousness Theta again, with daily half hour sessions Quick Refresher on long days low Alpha 8hz to 10hz for 15 minutes works well PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 86 LAMPIRAN LAMPIRAN LAMPIRAN 1. Gelombang gelombang elektromaknetik Electronics. Frequency Spectrum Properties of Waves Awave is an oscillation that looks like a sine wave. The peak is the high point of the wave. Amplitude is the height of the peak. The difference between two peaks is a wavelength. Period is the time it takes a wavelength to pass by a point in space. Frequency is the number of waves that pass by in a second. Black bodies - A cavity that absorbs all radiation and emits radiation at a specific frequency. Resonant cavities - A cavity that allows standing waves of a specific frequency. Sound Focus on the bandwidth involved in sound and how well sound travels across the earth. Since people can relate to sound it makes understanding light much easier, sound waves are affected by temperature, in water sound waves travel faster due to particles being more compressed. dB scale Pressure based measured in dB ABel means ten times as much. A deciBel (dB) is a tenth of a Bel. 3 dB is about doubling of intensity. dBsound 30whisper 120jet engine lking Infrasound: 120 dB is intensity but not heard by people. associated with avalanches, earthquakes, volcanoes, meteors, the earth groansing, rock concerts, and pipe organs. Intensifies emotions. Infrasound has some really warped effects on society. sound that travels the earth often 120 dB is intensity. If heard would be a large rumble as loud as a jet engine or gunfire. associated with avalanches, earthquakes, volcanoes, and meteors. At rock concerts they play infrasound. This intensifies emotions. This is one possible reason why people play loud music. Attraction of pipe organs. In addition the earth groans. Anyone know the mythological significance of the cry of the earth used by whales to communicate as the waves can travel 10,000 miles. Infrasound appears to heighten emotions and make people nervous and thus has an association with the supernatural such as haunted houses. Since people are emotionally attached to the deceased and go to where they died, when you combine it with infrasound which is associated with chills, is this an explaination for ghosts One of the stranger uses of infrasound involves combining an ancient chamber that resonates infrasound with mind altering drugs to induce visions and out of body experiences. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 87 sound: 20-20,000 Hz opera singer speech Normal human hearing (20-100)-20,000 Hz Older human hearing 20-15,000 Hz sound formats MP3 up to 16 kHz Ogg, AAC up to 20 kHz As people age they lose the ability to hear high frequencies. From 20 kHz to 15 kHz. sonar 50 kHz, 192-200 kHz dolphins 1-164 kHz bats 20 115 kHz whale 30-8000 Hz music 55 Hz - 3500 Hz phone 30-3000 Hz Ultrasound: 20 kHz Unable to be heard by people, but can be heard by dogs and dolphins. Used to clean, shatter glass, and scan expectant mothers 20-40 kHz: supersonic cleaners Light photons are emitted by a black body. Talk about energy of photons and how far they penetrate regulated by ITU In the US, the allocation of these bands is managed by the FCC Federal Standard 1037C and MIL-STD-188. The VLA telescope array can resolve a lambda of 8,xxx Hz Radio Waves 10 MHz) can travel longer distances than lower at night, this property is reversed. Season of the year. Solar conditions, including the number of sunspots, solar flares, and overall solar activity. Solar flares can prevent the ionosphere from reflecting or refracting radio waves. Some major users of the shortwave radio band include: Domestic broadcasting in countries with a widely-dispersed population with few longwave, mediumwave or FM stations serving them International broadcasting to foreign audiences Utility stations transmitting messages not intended for a general public, such as aircraft flying between continents, encoded or ciphered diplomatic messages, weather reporting, or ships at sea Amateur radio operators Time signal stations The Asia-Pacific Telecommunity estimates that there are approximately 600,000,000 shortwave radio receivers in use in 2002. The World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC), organized under the auspices of the International Telecommunications Union, allocates bands for various services in conferences every few years. The next WRC is scheduled to take place in 2007. At the World Administrative Radio Conference (WARC) in 1997, the following bands were allocated to international broadcasters: 5,900-5,950 kHz 7,300-7,350 kHz (7,100-7,350 kHz outside of the Americas) 9,400-9,500 kHz 11,600-11,650 kHz 12,050-12,100 kHz 13,570-13,600 kHz 13,800-13,870 kHz 15,600-15,800 kHz 17,480-17,550 kHz 18,900-19,020 kHz Shortwave broadcasting channels are allocated with a 5 kHz separation. International broadcasters, however, may operate outside the normal WARC-allocated bands or use off-channel frequencies to attract attention in crowded bands. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 90 The power used by shortwave transmitters ranges from less than one watt for some experimental transmissions to 500 kilowatts and highter for intercontinental broadcasters. Shortwave transmitting centers often use specialized antenna designs to concentrate radio energy on a bearing aimed at the target area. Table of contents showhide 1 International broadcasting 2 Amateur radio 3 Shortwave listening 4 Numbers Stations 5Shortwave radio: the future 1 Shortwave Broadcasts and Music International broadcasting See International broadcasting for details on the history and practice of broadcasting to foreign audiences. Amateur radio The privilege of operating shortwave radio transmitters for non-commercial purposes is open to licensed amateurs. In the USA, they are licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). U. S. citizens do not need licenses to own or operate shortwave receivers. Recently the FCC has added an amateur radio license which requires no knowledge of Morse code, making it easier for beginners to get involved however, a working knowledge of Morse code is required to operate on shortwave bands. Amateur radio operators have made numerous technical advancements in the field of radio and make themselves available to transmit emergency communications when normal communications channels fail. Some amateurs practice operating off the power grid so as to be prepared for power loss. Shortwave listening Many hobbyists listen to shortwave broadcasters without operating transmitters. In many cases, the goal is to obtain as many stations from as many countries as possible (DXing) others listen to specialized shortwave utility, or ute, transmissions such as maritime, naval, aviation, or military signals. Others focus on intelligence signals. Shortwave listeners, or SWLs, can obtain QSL cards from broadcasters or utility stations as trophies of the hobby. Numbers Stations Numbers stations are shortwave radio stations of uncertain origin that broadcast streams of numbers, words, or phonetic sounds. Although officially there is no indication of their origin, radio hobbyists have determined that many of them are used by intelligence services as one-way communication to agents in other countries. Shortwave radio: the future The development of direct broadcasts from satellites has reduced the demand for shortwave receivers, but there are still a great number of shortwave broadcasters. A new digital radio technology, Digital Radio Mondiale, is expected to improve the quality of shortwave audio from very poor to standards comparable to the FM broadcast band. The future of shortwave radio is threatened by the uprise of power line communication (PLC), where a data stream is transmitted over unshielded power lines. As the frequencies used overlap with the shortwave bands severe distortions make listening to shortwave radio near power lines difficult or impossible. Shortwave Broadcasts and Music Some musicians have been attracted to the unique aural qualities of shortwave radio. John Cage employed shortwave radios as live instruments in a number of pieces, and other musicians have sampled broadcasts, used tape loops of broadcasts, or drawn inspiration from the unusual sounds on some frequencies. Karlheinz Stockhausen used shortwave radio in works including Telemusik (1966), Hymnen (1966-67) and Spiral (1968), and Holger Czukay, Pat Metheny, Aphex Twin, Meat Beat Manifesto, and Wilco have also used broadcasts. (VHF) Very High Frequency: 30-300 MHz/10-1 m Common uses for VHF are FM radio broadcast at 88-108 MHz and television broadcast (together with UHF). VHF is also commonly used for terrestrial navigation systems (VOR in particular) and aircraft communications. UHF and VHF are the most common frequency bands for television. VHF frequencies propagation characteristics are ideal for short-distance terrestrial communication. Unlike HF frequencies, the ionosphere does not usually reflect VHF radio and thus transmissions are restricted to the local area (and can t interfere with transmissions thousands of kilometres away) It is also less affected by atmospheric noise and interference from electrical equipment than low frequencies. Whilst it is more easily blocked by land features than HF and lower frequencies, it is less bothered by buildings and other less substantial objects than higher frequencies. It was also easier to construct efficient transmitters, receivers, and antennas for it in the earlier days of radio. In most countries, the VHF spectrum is used for broadcast audio and television, as well as commercial two-way radios (such as that operated by taxis and police), marine two-way audio communications, and aircraft radios. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 91 The large slice of technically and commercially valuable slice of the VHF spectrum taken up by television transmission has attracted the attention of many companies and governments recently, with the development of more efficient digital television broadcasting standards. In some countries much of this spectrum will likely become available (probably for sale) in the next decade or so (currently scheduled for 2008 in the United States). Inthe United Kingdom, the authorities chose to develop colour television exclusively on UHF, beginning in the late 1960s. The last British VHF TV transmitters closed down in 1986. VHF band III is now used in the UK for digital audio broadcasting. FM been around since 1940 42-50 MHz Pre WWII allocation of FM 1940 88-106 MHz Post WWII allocation of FM 1945 FM stereo technology New technology was added to FM radio in the early 1960s to allow FM stereo transmissions, where the frequency modulated radio signal is used to carry stereophonic sound, using the pilot-tone multiplex system. This multiplexes the left and right audio signal channels in a manner that is compatible with mono sound, using a sum-and-difference technique to produce a single mono-compatible signal, which has a baseband part that is equal to the sum of the left and right channels (LR), and a higher-frequency part that is the difference of the left and right channels (L-R) amplitude modulated on a 38 kHz subcarrier. A 19 kHz pilot tone is then added, to allow allow receivers to detect the presence of a stereo-encoded signal. This signal can then be passed through the FM modulation and demodulation process as if it was a monophonic signal, and the stereo signals extracted from the demodulated FM signal by reversing the multiplexing process. Simple mono FM receivers will not extract the left and right signals, but simply reproduce the baseband part of the mono-compatible signal. (This relies on the fact that the subcarrier-modulated part of the mono-compatible signal is in a part of the audio spectrum that is inaudible to people, and the pilot tone is a low-intensity tone in a part of the audio spectrum that is inaudible to most people). This backwards compatibility was important, as when the FM stereo system was introduced in the U. S. in the 1960s, mono FM transmissions had been in service since the 1940s, and there was alarge installed base of mono receivers that needed to be able to receive stereo broadcasts without any modification. Stereo receivers could automatically switch between mono and stereo modes based on the presence of the pilot tone. They were also equipped with a notch filter to remove the pilot tone. In poor signal conditions, stereo receivers could also fall back to mono mode, even on a stereo signal, allowing improved signal-to-noise performance in these conditions. The stereo multiplexing system has been further extended to add an extra, even higher frequency, 57 kHz subcarrier, which is used to carry low-bandwidth digital Radio Data System information, allowing digitally controlled radios to provide extra features. FM radio channel assignments in the US In the United States, frequency-modulated broadcasting stations operate in a frequency band extending from 87.8 MHz to 108.0 MHz, for a total of 20.2 MHz. It is divided into 100 channels, each 0.2 MHz wide, designated channel 200 through channel 300. To receive a station, an FM receiver is tuned to the center frequency of the station s channel. The lowest channel, channel 200, extends from 87.8 MHz to 88.0 MHz thus its center frequency is 87.9 MHz. Channel 201 has a center frequency of 88.1 MHz, and so on, up to channel 300, which extends from 107.8 to 108.0 MHz and has a center frequency of 107.9 MHz. Because each channel is 0.2 MHz wide, the center frequencies of adjacent channels differ by 0.2 MHz. Because the lowest channel is centered on 87.9 MHz the tenths digit of the center frequency of any FM station in the United States is always an odd number. FM audio for television channel 6 is broadcast at a carrier frequency of 87.75 MHz, and many radios can tune down this low a few low-power television stations licensed for channel 6 are operated solely for their right to use this frequency and broadcast only nominal video programming. For the same reason, assignment restrictions between TV stations on channel 6 and nearby FM stations are stringent: there are only two stations in the United States (KSFH and translator K200AA) licensed to operate on 87.9 MHz. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 92 FM stations in a market are generally spaced four channels (800 kHz) apart. This spacing was developed in response to problems perceived on the original FM band, mostly due to deficiencies in receiver technology of the time. With modern equipment, this is widely understood to be unnecessary, and in many countries shorter spacings are used. Other spacing restrictions relate to mixing products with nearby television, air-traffic control, and two-way radio systems as well as other FM broadcast stations. The most significant such taboo restricts the allocation of stations 10.6 and 10.8 MHz apart, to protect against mixing products which will interfere with an FM receiver s standard 10.7 MHz intermediate frequency stage. Commercial broadcasting is licensed only on channels 221 through 300, with 200 through 220 being reserved for noncommercial educational broadcasting. In some markets close to the Canadian or Mexican border, such as Detroit, Michigan and San Diego, California, commercial stations operating from those countries target U. S. audiences on reserved band channels, as neither Canada nor Mexico has such a reservation. Mazer microwave (UHF) Ultra High Frequency: 300-3000 MHz/100-10 cm UHF and VHF are the most common frequency bands for television. UHF frequencies have higher attenuation from atmospheric moisture and benefit less from bounce. or the reflection of signals off the ionosphere back to earth, when compared to VHF frequencies. The frequencies of 300-3000 MHz are always at least an order of magnitude above the MUF (Maximum Useable Frequency). The MUF for most of the earth is generally between 25-35 MHz. Higher frequencies also benefit less from ground mode transmission. However, the short wavelengths of UHF frequencies allow compact receiving antennas with narrow elements many people consider them less ugly than VHF-receiving models In the United States, UHF stations (broadcast channels above 13) originally gained a reputation for being more locally owned, less polished, less professional, less popular, and for having a weaker signal than their VHF counterparts (channels 2-13). The movie UHF, starring Weird Al Yankovic, parodies this phenomenon. Recently, with the emergence of eight major broadcast television networks, that notion has changed as bigger and bigger media companies seek a bigger slice of the television pie. Many Fox, UPN, WB, and Pax network affiliates broadcast in the UHF band. As cable television, digital television, and DSS have penetrated the television market, the distinction between VHF and UHF stations has dissipated. In Australia, UHF was first anticipated in the mid 1970 s with channels 28 to 69. The first UHF TV broadcasts in Australia were operated by Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) on channel 28 in Sydney and Melbourne starting in 1980, and translator stations for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). The UHF band is now used extensively as ABC, SBS, commercial and community (public access) television services have expanded particularly through regional areas. Ultra High Frequency A band reserved for television. Microwave 3-300 GHz/100-1 mm(SHF) Super High Frequency: 3-30 GHz/10-1 cmMicrowave Note: above 300 GHz, the absorption of electromagnetic radiation by Earth s atmosphere is so great that the atmosphere is effectively opaque to higher frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, until the atmosphere becomes transparent again in the so-called infrared and optical window frequency ranges. Uses Amicrowave oven uses a magnetron microwave generator to produce microwaves at a frequency of approximately 2.4 GHz for the purpose of cooking food. Microwaves cook food by causing molecules of water and other compounds to vibrate. The vibration creates heat which warms the food. Since organic matter is made up primarily of water, food is easily cooked by this method. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 93 Amaser is a device similar to a laser, except that it works at microwave frequencies. Microwaves are also used in satellite transmissions because this frequency passes easily through the earth s atmosphere with less interference than higher wavelengths. Radar also uses microwave radiation to detect the range, speed, and other characteristics of remote objects. Wireless LAN communication protocols such as IEEE 802.11 and bluetooth also use microwaves in the 2.4 GHz ISM band, although some variants use a 5 GHz band for communication. Cable TV and Internet access on coax cable as well as broadcast television use some of the lower microwave frequencies. Microwaves can be used to transmit power over long distances, create a solar array to beam power to earth. The microwave spectrum is defined as electromagnetic energy ranging from approximately 300 MHz to 1000 GHz in frequency. Most common applications are within the 1 to 40 GHz range. Microwave Frequency Bands are defined in the table below: LBand 1 to 2 GHz S Band 2 to 4 GHz C Band 4 to 8 GHz X Band 8 to 12 GHz Ku Band 12 to 18 GHz K Band 18 to 26 GHz Ka Band 26 to 40 GHz Q Band 30 to 50 GHz U Band 40 to 60 GHz V Band 46 to 56 GHz W Band 56 to 100 GHz For some of the history in the development of electromagnetic theory applicable to modern microwave applications see the following figures: Michael Faraday. James Clerk Maxwell. Heinrich Hertz. Nikola Tesla. Guglielmo Marconi. Samuel Morse. Sir William Thomson, later Lord Kelvin. Oliver Heaviside. Lord Rayleigh. Oliver Lodge. Specific significant areas of research and work developing microwaves and their applications: Specific work on microwaves Work carried out by Area of work Barkhausen and Kurz Positive grid oscillators Hull Smooth bore magnetron Varian Brothers Velocity modulated electron beam V klystron tube Randall and Boot Cavity magnetron See also: Home appliances. Microwave auditory effect. Radio. Optics. The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation that fills the whole of the universe. It has the characteristics of black body radiation at a temperature of 2.726 kelvins. It has a frequency in the microwave range. CMR and the Big Bang This radiation is regarded as the best available evidence of the Big Bang (BB) theory and its discovery in the mid-1960s marked the end of general interest for alternatives such as the steady state theory. The CMR gives a snapshot of the Universe when, according to standard cosmology, the temperature dropped enough to allow electrons and protons to form hydrogen atoms, thus making the universe transparent to radiation. When it originated some 300,000 years after the Big Bang -- this point in time is generally known as the last scattering surface -- the temperature of the Universe was about 6000 K. Since then it has dropped because of the expansion of the Universe, which cools radiation inversely proportional to the fourth power of the Universe s scale length. Features PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 94 One of the microwave background s most salient features is a high degree of isotropy. There are some anisotropies, the most pronounced of which is the dipole anisotropy at a level of about 10-4 at a scale of 180 degrees of arc. It is due to the motion of the observer against the CBR, which is some 700 km/s for the Earth. Variations due to external physics also exist the Sunyaev-Zel dovich Effect is one of the major factors here, in which an cloud of high energy electrons scatters the radiation transferring some energy to the CMB photons. Even more interesting are anisotropies at a level of roughly 1/100000 and on a scale of a few arc minutes. Those very small variations correspond to the density fluctuations at the last scattering surface and give valuable information about the seeds for the large scale structures we observe now. These density fluctations arise because different parts of the universe are not in contact with each other. In addition, the Sachs-Wolfe effect causes photons from the Cosmic microwave background to be gravitationally redshifted. These small-scale variations give observational constraints on the properties of universe, and are therefore one important test for cosmological models. Detection, Prediction and Discovery The CBR was predicted by George Gamow, Ralph Alpher, and Robert Hermann in the 1940s and was accidentally discovered in 1964 by Penzias and Wilson, who received a Nobel Prize for this discovery. The CBR had, however, been detected and its temperature deduced in 1941, seven years before Gamow s prediction. Based on the study of narrow absorption line features in the spectra of stars, the astronomer Andrew McKellar wrote: It can be calculated that the rotational temperature of interstellar space is 2 K. Because water absorbs microwave radiation, a fact that is used to build microwave ovens, it is rather difficult to observe the CMB with ground-based instruments. CMB research therefore makes increasing use of air and space - borne experiments. Experiments Of these experiments, the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite that was flown in 1989-1996 is probably the most famous and which made the first detection of the large scale anisotropies (other than the dipole). In June 2001, NASA launched a second CBR space mission, WMAP, to make detailed measurements of the anisotropies over the full sky. Results from this mission provide a detailed measurement of the angular power spectrum down to degree scales, giving detailed constraints on various cosmological parameters. The results are broadly consistent with those expected from cosmic inflation as well as various other competing theories, and are available in detail at NASA s data center for Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) ed. see links below, Athird space mission, Planck, is to be launched in 2007. Unlike the previous two space missions, Planck is a collaboration between NASA and ESA (the European Space Agency). CBR and Non-Standard Cosmologies During the mid-1990 s, the lack of detection of anisotropies in the CBR led to some interest in nonstandard cosmologies (such as plasma cosmology) mostly as a backup in case detectors failed to find anisotropy in the CBR. The discovery of these anisotropies combined with a large amount of new data coming in has greatly reduced interest in these alternative theories. Some supporters of non-standard cosmology argue that the primodorial background radiation is uniform (which is inconsistent with the big bang) and that the variations in the CBR are due to the Sunyaev-Zel dovich effect mentioned above (among other effects). (EHF) Extremely High Frequency: 30-300 GHz/10-1 mm(IR) Infared 1 mm-700 nm Note: above 300 GHz, the absorption of electromagnetic radiation by Earth s atmosphere is so great that the atmosphere is effectively opaque to higher frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, until the atmosphere becomes transparent again in the so-called infrared and optical window frequency ranges. Infra-red means below red, where red is the color with the longest wavelength. (FIR) far-IR (30-1000 X m) PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 95 (MIR/IIR) mid-IR (5-30 X m) - Infrared radiation is often linked to heat, since objects at room temperature or above will emit radiation mostly concentrated in the mid-infrared band (see black body). (NIR) near-IR (0.7-5 X m) However, these terms are not precise, and are used differently in various studies. Uses Infrared is used in night-vision equipment, when there is insufficient visible light to see an object. The radiation is detected and turned into an image on a screen, hotter objects showing up brighter, enabling the police and military to chase targets. Night vision Smoke is more transparent to infrared than to visible light, so fire fighters use infrared imaging equipment when working in smoke-filled areas. Fire fighters also use this equipment in wood-frame buildings after a fire has been extinguished to look for hot spots behind the walls, where a fire can break out again. Amore common use of IR is in television remote controls. In this case it is used in preference to radio waves because it does not interfere with the television signal. IR data transmission is also employed in short-range communication among computer peripherals and personal digital assistants. These devices usually conform to standards published by IrDA, the Infrared Data Association. Remote controls and IrDA devices use infrared light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to emit infrared radiation which is focused by a plastic lens into a narrow beam. The beam is modulated, i. e. switched on and off, to encode the data. The receiver uses a silicon photodiode to convert the infrared radiation to an electric current. It responds only to the rapidly pulsing signal created by the transmitter, and filters out slowly changing infrared radiation from sunlight, people and other warm objects. The light used in fiber optic communication is typically infrared. heat based not really. EM waves are constantly being emitted by objects, black-body radiation, but the frequency depends on temperature. for room temperature objects and humans, it is mostly below light in the infrared, but for things like fires and red hot iron, it is in the light spectrum more, and for colder and hotter objects it is at different frequencies. how about this, anything that has at least as much energy as infared will warm things up. Anything that has less will not warm atoms up. Global Warming Carbon Dioxide absorbs certain wavlengths of infared light. This is thought to cause global warming. Visible 1PetaHz 10 15 Hz Visible light exists on the tip end of infared and just below it is UV. Basically you can almost get a sunburn from visible light. The optical spectrum (visible light or visible spectrum) is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye. The optical spectrum is a composite, or mixture, of the various colors. There are no exact bounds to the optical spectrum a light-adapted eye typically has a maximum sensitivity of 555 nm (in the green). Commonly the response of the eye is considered to cover 380 nm to 780 nm although a range of 400 nm to 700 nm range is more common. The eye may, however, have some visual response at even wider wavelength ranges. Wavelengths in the range visible to the eye occupy most of the optical window, a range of wavelengths that are easily transmitted through the Earth s atmosphere. Note: Ultraviolet and Infrared are often considered to be light but are generally not visible to the human eye. Visible Light Visible light is electromagnetic radiation that is made of colors of light that the eye can see. This light has wavelengths that are generally expressed in nanometers. See Rydberg formula. Vision Rods and cones People see red, yellow, green, blue and purple People don t notice the difference because red and purple both have a low intensity. purple is cut off because the atmosphere absorbs it. light bulbs PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 96 (UV) UltraViolet Ultra-Violet means beyond violet, where violet is the color with the shortest wavelength. It is colloquially called black light, as it is invisible to the human eye. The sun emits ultraviolet light in the UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C bands 380-200 nmnear UV 380-315 nmUV-A 99 of the UV light that reaches the Earth s surface.315-280 nmUV-B Associated with skin cancer. 280-10 nm UV-C Absorbed by ozone layer, creates ozone layer. 200-10 nm vacuum/extreme UVOrdinary glass is transparent to UV-A but is opaque to shorter wavelengths. This is why people don t get sunburns in cars. During the first nuclear blast, Feynman was the only person who saw it because he looked through a window. Quartz glass, depending on quality, can be transparent even to vacuum UV wavelengths. Table of contents showhide 1 Health effects 2 Astronomy 3 Uses 3.1 Fluorescent lamps 3.2 Disinfecting drinking water 3.3 Analyzing minerals 3.4 Sterilization 3.5 Resolution 3.6 Spectroscopy 3.7 Photolithography 3.8 Other 4 References Health effects In general, UV-A is the least harmful, but can contribute to the aging of skin, DNA damage and possibly skin cancer. It penetrates deeply and does not cause sun burn. Because it does not cause reddenning of the skin (erythema) it can not be measured in the SPF testing. There is no good clinical measurement of the blocking of UVA radiation, but it is important that your sunscreen block both UVA and UVB. High intensities of UV-B light are hazardous to the eyes, and exposure can cause welder s flash (photokeratitis or arc eye). UVA, UV-B and UV-C all can damage collagen fibers and thereby accelerate aging of the skin. Tungsten-Halogen lamps have bulbs made of quartz, not of ordinary glass. Tungsten-Halogen lamps that are not filtered by an additional layer of ordinary glass are a common, useful, and possibly dangerous, source of UV-B light. UV-A light is known as dark-light and, because of its longer wavelength, can penetrate most windows. It also penetrates deeper into the skin than UV-B light and is thought to be a prime cause of wrinkles. UV-B light in particular has been linked to skin cancers such as melanoma. The radiation ionizes DNA molecules in skin cells, causing covalent bonds to form between adjacent thymine bases, producing thymidine dimers. Thymidine dimers do not base pair normally, which can cause distortion of the DNA helix, stalled replication, gaps, and misincorporation. These can lead to mutations, which can result in cancerous growths. The mutagenicity of UV radiation can be easily observed in bacteria cultures. This cancer connection is the reason for concern about ozone depletion and the ozone hole. UV-C rays are the strongest, most dangerous type of ultraviolet light. Little attention has been given to UV-C rays in the past since they are normally filtered out by the ozone layer and do not reach the Earth. Thinning of the ozone layer and holes in the ozone layer are causing increased concern about the potential for UVC light exposure, however. As a defense against UV light, the body tans when exposed to moderate (depending on skin type) levels of radiation by releasing the brown pigment melanin. This helps to block UV penetration and prevent damage to the vulnerable skin tissues deeper down. Suntan lotion that partly blocks UV is widely available (often referred to as sun block or sunscreen). Most of these products contain an SPF rating that describes the amount of protection given. This protection applies only to UV-B light. In any case, most dermatologists recommend against prolonged sunbathing. Apositive effect of UV light is that it induces the production of vitamin D in the skin. Grant (2002) claims tens of thousands of premature deaths occur in the U. S. annually from cancer due to insufficient UV-B exposures (apparently via vitamin D deficiency). Astronomy PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 97 In astronomy, very hot objects preferentially emit UV light (see Wien s law). However, the same ozone layer that protects us causes difficulties for astronomers observing from the earth, so most UV observations are made from space. (See UV astronomy, space observatory). Uses UV light has many various uses: Fluorescent lamps Fluorescent lamps produce UV light by the emission of low-pressure mercury gas. A phosphorescent coating on the inside of the tubes absorbs the UV and turns it into visible light. The main mercury emission wavelength is in the UV-C range. Unshielded exposure of the skin or eyes to mercury arc lamps that do not have a conversion phosphor is quite dangerous. The light from a mercury lamp is predominantly at discrete wavelengths. Other practical UV light sources with more continuous emission spectra include xenon arc lamps (commonly used as sunlight simulators), deuterium arc lamps, mercury-xenon arc lamps, metal-halide arc lamps, and tungsten-halogen incandescent lamps. Disinfecting drinking water Ultraviolet light is increasingly being used to disinfect drinking water and in waste water treatment plants. Dr. James R. Bolton discovered that ultraviolet light could treat Cryptosporidium, previously unknown. The findings resulted in two US patents and the use of UV light as a viable method to treat drinking water. Analyzing minerals Ultraviolet lamps are also used in analyzing minerals, gems, and in other detective work including authentication of various collectibles. Materials may look the same under visible light, but fluoresce to different degrees under ultraviolet light or may fluoresce differently under short wave ultraviolet versus long wave ultra violet. UV fluorescent dyes are used in many applications (for example, biochemistry and forensics). The fluorescent protein Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) is often used in genetics as a marker. Many substances, proteins for instance, have significant light absorption bands in the ultraviolet that are of use and interest in biochemistry and related fields. UV-capable spectrophotometers are common in such laboratories. Sterilization Ultraviolet lamps are used to sterilize workspaces and tools used in biology laboratories and medical facilities. Since microorganisms can be shielded from ultraviolet light in small cracks and other shaded areas, however, these lamps are used only as a supplement to other sterilization techniques. Resolution Ultraviolet light is used for very fine resolution photolithography, as required for manufacture of semiconductors. Spectroscopy UV light is often used in UV-visible spectroscopy Photolithography UV light is used extensively in the electronics industry in a procedure known as photolithography, where a chemical known as a photoresist is exposed to UV light which has passed through a mask. The light allows chemical reactions to take place in the photoresist, and after development (a step that either removes the exposed or unexposed photoresist), a geometric pattern which is determined by the mask remains on the sample. Further steps may then be taken to etch away parts of the sample with no photoresist remaining. It is photolithography which is primarily used to create integrated circuit components and printed circuit boards. Other The onset of vacuum UV, 200 nm, is defined by the fact that ordinary air is opaque below this wavelength. This opacity is due to the strong absorption of light of these wavelengths by oxygen in the air. Pure nitrogen (less than about 10 ppm oxygen) is transparent to wavelengths in the range of about 150-200 nm. This has wide practical significance now that semiconductor manufacturing processes are using wavelengths shorter than 200 nm. By working in oxygen-free gas, the equipment does not have to be built to withstand the pressure differences required to work in a vacuum. Some other scientific instruments, such as Circular Dichroism spectrometers, are also commonly nitrogen purged and operate in this spectral region. It is advisable to use protective eyewear when working with ultraviolet light, especially short wave ultraviolet. Ordinary eyeglasses give some protection. Most plastic lenses give more protection than glass lenses. Some plastic lens materials, such as polycarbonate, block most UV. There are protective treatments available for eyeglass lenses that need it to give better protection. The most important reason that ordinary eyeglasses only give limited protection, however, is that light can reach the eye without going through the lens. Full coverage is important if the risk from exposure is high. Full coverage eye protection is usually recommeded for high altitude mountaineering, for instance. Mountaineers are exposed to higher than ordinary levels of UV light, both because there is less atmospheric filtering and because of reflection from snow and ice. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 98 Some insects, such as bees, can see into the near ultraviolet, and flowers often have markings visible to such pollinators. UV catastrophe atwavelengths just below visible is where people get sunburns. sun burn rating UV-A UV-B UV-C UV bulbs edit X-Ray: 30 PetaHz - 60 ExaHz/10 nanometer - 5 picometer (German: Rntgenstrahlen) Soft X-ray: (10-0.1 nm) Hard X-ray: (100-5 pm)Low energy gamma rays X-rays are generated by electron collisons. X-rays are primarily used for diagnostic medical imaging and crystallography. Physicist Johann Hittorf observed tubes with energy rays extending from a negative electrode. These rays produced afluorescence when they hit the glass walls of the tubes. In 1876 the effect was named cathode rays by Eugene Goldstein. Later, English physicist William Crookes investigated the effects of energy discharges on rare gases. He constructed what is called the Crookes tube. It is a glass vacuum cylinder, containing electrodes for discharges of a high voltage electric current. He found, when he placed unexposed photographic plates near the tube, that some of them were flawed by shadows, though he did not investigate this effect. In 1892, Heinrich Hertz began experimenting and demonstrated that cathode rays could penetrate very thin metal foil (such as aluminum). Philip Lenard, a student of Heinrich Hertz, further researched this effect. He developed a version of the cathode tube and studied the penetration of X-rays through various materials. Philip Lenard, though, did not realize that he was producing X-rays. In April 1887, Nikola Tesla began to investigate X-rays using his own devices as well as Crookes tubes. Tesla did this by experimenting with high voltages and vacuum tubes. From Nikola Tesla s technical publications, it is indicated that he invented and developed a special single-electrode X-ray tube. Tesla s tubes differ from other X-ray tubes in that they have no target electrode. He stated these facts in his 1897 X-ray lecture before the New York Academy of Sciences. The modern term for this process is the bremsstrahlung process, in which a high-energy secondary X-ray emission is produced when charged particles (such as electrons) pass through matter. By 1892, Tesla performed several such experiments however, he did not categorize the emissions as what was later called X-rays (generalizing the phenonomena as radiant energy). Tesla did not publicly declare his findings nor did he make them widely known. His subsequent X-ray experimentation by vacuum high field emissions led him to alert the scientific community to the biological hazards associated with X-ray exposure. Hermann von Helmholtz formulated mathematical equations for X-rays. He postulated a dispersion theory before Roentgen made his discovery and announcement. It was formed on the basis of the electromagnetic theory of light (Wiedmann s Annalen, Vol. XLVIII) however, he did not work with actual X-rays. On November 8, 1895, Wilhelm Rntgen, a German scientist, began observing and further documenting X-rays while experimenting with vacuum tubes. Rntgen, on December 28, 1895, wrote a preliminary report On a new kind of ray: A preliminary communication. He submitted it to the Wrzburg s Physical-Medical Society journal. This was the first formal and public recognition of the categorization of X-rays. Rntgen referred to the radiation as X, to indicate that it was an unknown type of radiation. The name stuck, although (over Rntgen s great objections), many of his colleagues suggested calling them Rntgen rays. They are still referred to as Rntgen rays in some countries. Roentgen received the first Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery. In 1895, Thomas Edison investigated materials ability to fluoresce when exposed to X-rays. He found that calcium tungstate was the most effective substance. Around March 1896, the fluoroscope he developed became the standard for medical X-ray examinations. Nevertheless, Edison dropped x-ray research around 1903 after the death of Clarence Madison Dally, one of his glassblowers. Dally had a habit of testing X-ray tubes on his hands, and acquired a cancer in them so tenacious that both arms were amputated in a futile attempt to save his life.1 PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 99 In 1906, physicist Charles Barkla discovered that X-rays could be scattered by gases, and that each element had a characteristic X-ray. He won the 1917 Nobel prize for this discovery. The use of X-rays for medical purposes was pioneered by Major John Hall-Edwards in Birmingham, England. In 1908, he had to have his left arm amputated owing to the spread of X-ray dermatitis. Detectors The detection of X-rays is based on various methods. Most commenly known is the photographic plate as we know them from hospitals. Initially, most common detection was based on the ionisation of gasses. One of the most simple examples is the Geiger counter. Since the 1990-ies, new detectors were developed based on semiconductors. In the semiconductor, the X-ray photon was converted to electron-hole pairs which were collected to detect the X-ray See also X-ray crystallography X-ray Astronomy X-ray machine Geiger counter Used to take photographs. edit Gamma: Above 60 exahertz/Below 5 picometers Gamma rays (often denoted by the Greek letter gamma, )are an energetic form of electromagnetic radiation (see Electromagnetic spectrum) produced by radioactivity or other nuclear or subatomic processes such as electron - positron annihilation. Gamma rays are more penetrating than either alpha or beta radiation, but less ionizing. Gamma rays are distinguished from X rays by their origin. Gamma rays are produced by nuclear transitions while X-rays are produced by energy transitions due to accelerating electrons. Because it is possible for some electron transitions to be of higher energy than nuclear transition, there is an overlap between low energy gamma rays and high energy X-rays. Nuclear processes Radioactive decay processes Alpha decay Beta decay Electron capture Gamma radiation Neutron emission Positron emission Proton emission Spontaneous fission Nucleosynthesis Neutron Capture oThe R-process oThe S-process Proton capture: oThe P-process Shielding for rays requires large amounts of mass. Shields that reduce gamma ray intensity by 50 include 1 cm (0.4 inches) of lead, 6 cm (2.4 inches) of concrete or 9 cm (3.6 inches) of packed dirt. Gamma rays from nuclear fallout would probably cause the largest number of casualties in the event of the use of nuclear weapons in a nuclear war. An effective fallout shelter reduces human exposure at least 1000 times. Gamma rays are less ionising than either alpha or beta rays. However, reducing human danger requires thicker shielding. They produce damage similar to that caused by X-rays such as burns, cancer, and genetic mutations. In terms of ionization, gamma radiation interacts with matter via three main processes: the photoelectric effect, Compton scattering, and pair production. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 100 Photoelectric Effect: This describes the case in which a gamma photon interacts with and transfers all of its energy to an orbital electron, ejecting that electron from the atom. The kinetic energy of the resulting photoelectron is equal to the energy of the incident gamma photon minus the binding energy of the electron. The photoelectric effect is thought to be the dominant energy transfer mechanism for x-ray and gamma ray photons with energies below 50 keV (thousand electronvolts), but it is much less important at higher energies. Compton Scattering: This is an interaction in which an incident gamma photon loses enough energy to an orbital electron to cause its ejection, with the remainder of the original photon s energy being emitted as a new, lower energy gamma photon with an emission direction different from that of the incident gamma photon. The probability of Compton scatter decreases with increasing photon energy. Compton scattering is thought to be the principal absorption mechanism for gamma rays in the intermediate energy range 100 keV to 10 MeV (million electronvolts), an energy spectrum which includes most gamma radiation present in a nuclear explosion. Compton scattering is relatively independent of the atomic number of the absorbing material. Pair Production: By interaction in the vicinity of the coulomb force of the nucleus, the energy of the incident photon is spontaneously converted into the mass of an electron-positron pair. A positron is a positively charged electron. Energy in excess of the equivalent rest mass of the two particles (1.02 MeV) appears as the kinetic energy of the pair and the recoil nucleus. The electron of the pair, frequently referred to as the secondary electron, is densely ionizing. The positron has a very short lifetime. It combines within 10 8 second with a free electron. The entire mass of these two particles is then converted into two gamma photons of 0.51 MeV energy each. Gamma rays are often produced alongside other forms of radiation such as alpha or beta. When a nucleus emits an or particle, the daughter nucleus is sometimes left in an excited state. It can then jump down to a lower level by emitting a gamma ray in much the same way that an atomic electron can jump to a lower level by emitting ultraviolet radiation. Gamma rays, x-rays, visible light, and UV rays are all forms of electromagnetic radiation. The only difference is the frequency and hence the energy of the photons. Gamma rays are the most energetic. An example of gamma ray production follows. First cobalt-60 decays to excited nickel-60 by beta decay: Then the nickel-60 drops down to the ground state (see nuclear shell model) by emitting a gamma ray: Uses: The powerful nature of gamma-rays have made them useful in the sterilising of medical equipment by killing bacteria. They are also used to kill bacteria in foodstuffs to keep them fresher for longer. In spite of their cancer-causing properties, gamma rays are also used to treat some types of cancer. In the procedure called gamma-knife surgery, multiple concentrated beams of gamma rays are directed on the growth in order to kill the cancerous cells. The beams are aimed from different angles to focus the radiation on the growth while minimising damage to the surrounding tissues. See also: physics, gamma-ray astronomy, gamma ray bursters, radiation therapy anything above Highly energetic photons associated with blackholes and galaxies also emitted by nuclear blasts causes cellular death Black holes are known to emit gamma ray bursts throught their poles. Alarge enough gamma ray burst could sterilize all life on earth. Retrieved from en. wikibooks. org/wiki/Electronics:FrequencySpectrum PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 101 LAMPIRAN 2. APAKAH IQ ITU What Does IQ Stand For, and What Does It Mean Mental Age It s a matter of everyday experience that some people are smarter than others. But how do we measure smartness In 1905, a French psychologist by the name of Alfred Binet, working with a physician-associate, Theodore Simon, developed the Binet Simon Test designed to measure the intelligence of retarded children, based upon their observations that. (1) Just as children grow taller as they grow older, they grow more mentally capable as they grow older and (2) Some children can perform at age and equivalent-grade levels above their chronological ages, while other children perform at age and equivalent-grade levels below their chronological ages. For example, a few 6-year - olds could perform as well on the Binet Simon mental tests as the average 8-year-old, while a few 6-year-olds could only perform as well as the average 4-year-old. In 1911, the concept of mental age (as distinguished from chronological age) was introduced. The 6-year-old who performed as well as the average 8-year-old was assigned a mental age of 8, while the 6-year-old who performed only as well as a 4-year-old was assigned a mental age of 4. What Is IQ It was also observed that the gaps between children s mental ages and their chronological ages widened as the children got older. The 6-year-old with the mental age of 8 had a mental age of 12 by the time he was 9 and a mental age of 16 by the time he was12. Similarly, the 6-year-old with a mental age of 4 had a mental age of 6 when he was 9and a mental age of 8 when he was 12. In 1912, the German psychologist, William Stern, noticed that even though the gap between mental age and chronological age widens as a child matures, the ratio of mental age to chronological age remains constant (and, as we will see, remains essentially constant throughout life). This constant ratio of mental age divided by chronological age was given the name Intelligence Quotient. Actually, the intelligence quotient is defined as 100 times the Mental Age (MA) divided by the Chronological Age (CA). IQ 100 MA/CA. Mental Age for Adults At approximately. the age of 16, mental age, like height, stops increasing. Until 1960, it was customary to use 16 as the divisor for mental age among adults. Actually, certain mental functions increase slowly and slightly after the age of 16, peaking in the 20 s, with others remaining stable or even rising slightly up to the age of 60 or so. With some individuals, vocabulary may increase over time. The Practical Significance of IQ The average IQ of the population as a whole is, by definition, 100. IQs range from 0 to above 200, and among children, to above 250. However, about 50 of the population have IQs between 89 and 111, and about 80 of the population have IQs ranging between 80 and 120, with 10 lying below 80, and 10 falling above 120. For IQs below 120, IQ is the best predictor of socioeconomic status of any psychometric measurement. In more complex jobs, IQ is better than even education or experience at predicting job performance. In her article The General Intelligence Factor, Scientific American Presents Exploring Intelligence, pg. 24, 1999, Linda Gottfredson states, PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 102 Adults in the bottom 5 of the IQ distribution (below 75) are very difficult to train and are not competitive for any occupation on the basis of ability. Serious problems in training low-IQ military recruits during World War II led Congress to ban enlistment from the lowest 10 (below 80) of the population, and no civilian occupation in modern economies routinely recruits its workers from that below-80 range. Current military enlistment standards exclude any individual whose IQ is below about 85. Persons of average IQ (between 90 and 100) are not competitive for most professional and executive-level work but are easily trained for the bulk of jobs in the American economy. By contrast, individuals in the top 5 percent of the adult population can essentially train themselves, and few occupations are beyond their reach mentally. People with IQs between 75 and 90 are 88 times more likely to drop out of high school, seven times more likely to be jailed, and five times more likely as adults to live in poverty than people with IQs between 110 and 125. The 75-to-90 IQ woman is eight times more likely to become a chronic welfare recipient, and four times as likely to bear an illegitimate child than the 110-to-125-IQ woman. In his book, Straight Talk About Mental Tests , The Free Press, A Division of the Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc.,New York, 1981, pg. 12, Dr. Arthur Jensen cites the following four IQ thresholds: (1) An IQ of 50 or below. This is the threshold below which most adults cannot cope outside of an institution. They can typically be taught to read at a 3rd or 4th grade level. However, they cannot normally function in the customary classroom setting, and they require special training programs. (2) An IQ between 50 and 75. At this level of intelligence, they generally cannot complete elementary school. Most adults will need smarter help in coping with the world. (3) An IQ between 75 and 105. Children in this IQ range are not generally able to complete a college prep course in high school. (4) An IQ between 105 and 115. May graduate from college but generally, not with grades that would qualify them for graduate school. (5) An IQ above 115. No restrictions. For IQs in these ranges, the influence of IQ upon socioeconomic sttus is dramatic. 31 of those with IQs below 75 were on welfare, compared with 8 of those in the 90 to 110 IQ interval, and 0 in those with IQs above 125. 55 of mothers with IQs below 75 went on welfare after the birth of the first child, compared with 12 of those with IQs between 90 and 110, and 1 of those with IQs above 125. Income is highly dependent upon IQ up to an IQ-level of about 125. How Is IQ Measured There are a number of IQ tests available. Some IQ tests are untimed, individually administered tests such as the Stanford-Binet and the Wechsler tests. (The five Wechsler Performance subtests are timed.) Other tests are timed, proctored group tests, such as the Raven Progressive Matrices, the California Test of Mental Maturity (CTMM) and the Cattell Culture-Fair Test, which are easier to administer but are narrower in scope. (Included in this group would be the Scholastic Aptitude Test, the Graduate Record Exam, the Miller Analogies.) Still a third class of test is the power test, such as the Mega Test, the Titan Test, and the Test for Genius. These are unproctored, open-book tests in which the test-taker lays protracted siege to difficult problems that emulate the kinds of problems encountered in actual research. These tests are not universally recognized as true IQ tests because it is felt that they are susceptible to cheating. and that their scores depend upon collatoral factors such as persistance and library skills as well as sheer intelligence. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 103 IQ tests have been under attack since their inception. It is, perhaps, counter-intuitive and unpopular that a test requiring an hour or two can establish the upper bounds of one s intellect for a lifetime. However, although they re not infallible they do a remarkably good job of generating a score that will remain more or less constant throughout life. Can Intelligence Be Measured With a Single Number Yes and no. One of the most serious criticisms of using a single number to assess intelligence is that people may be stronger in certain areas such as verbal skills, logical aptitude or spatial visualization than in others. Drs. Richard Feynmann and Albert Einstein would be examples of geniuses who were extremely strong mathematically while being relatively weak verbally. More commonly, though, purely intellectual abilities tend to be uniformly high or uniformly low in a given individual, leading to the concept of an underlying g or general intelligence that powers all the specialized intellectual aptitudes. Still, this doesn t happen with everyone, and the exceptions, like Richard Feynmann and Albert Einstein, are very important. Tests like the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) consist of a number of subtests that are scored separately and can measure the profile for an individual. (Dr. Howard Gardner has defined seven types of intelligence, while Dr. Robert Sternberg has identified three.) It s also easier to make an IQ score that s lower than your true IQ than it is to make a score that s higher. Taking a test on a bad day, or spending too much time on a few difficult items could artificially lower one s score. The best results are obtained when more than one test is administered. What Does Adult IQ Mean Generally, one s mental age stops rising rapidly when one reaches the latter teens--e. g. 16. Consequently, on some IQ tests, 16 was taken as the chronological-age divisor in an IQ calculation for adults. The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale is calibrated for all ages up to 70, with chronological-age divisors appropriate to every age 70 or below. The average IQ is, by definition, 100. To get an idea what this means, someone with an IQ of 80 or below is considered to be marginally able to cope with the adult world. People with IQ s of 80 or below typically work as unskilled laborers such as lawn maintenance and trash pickup. They generally need help from friends or family to manage life s complications. About 10 of the population has an IQ of 80 or below People with IQ s of 80-90 are a little on the slow side but may be found in fast-food restaurants, day-care centers, etc. They may also be found in unskilled jobs. About 16 of the population has IQ s in this range. People with IQ s of 90-110 generally occupy semi-skilled positions, including typists, receptionists, assembly line workers, and checkout clerks. They are able to keep up with the world, and comprise about 46 of the public. People with IQ s in the 110 to 120 range fill the skilled trades and include some tool and die makers, teachers, and Ph. D. s among their ranks. They also make up 16 of the population. People with IQ s of 120 and above tend to staff the professions as doctors, dentists, lawyers, teachers, and college professors. They fall in the upper 10 of the population. The average IQ of all college professors is 130, which lies within the upper 3 of the general public. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 104 LAMPIRAN 3 The 7 ( seven ) Laws of Psychic Energy angelfire/realm2/amethystbt/psychic7lawspsychicenergy. html Whilst more than half of the people of the world to-day will readily attest to the validity of these laws of energy it may take some decades for these laws to be universally accepted. First Law of psychic energy: All solid objects are vibrating energy. Unseen waves are also vibrating energy - sound, radio, electricity, light, television waves, microwaves, x-rays, gamma rays and psychic energy waves. Second law of psychic energy: The mind is an energy station which creates transmits and receives energy. The will (of the mind) can change the form of energy. Thoughts, which are waves of energy, can be transmitted to and from human minds within the earthplane and to human and other entities in the afterlife in a process called telepathy. Third law of psychic energy: All living humans have a body made up of vibrationary energy which is a duplicate of the physical body and will survive physical death. This vibrationary energy body invisible to physical eyes can change form but can never be destroyed and retains consciousness. At the time of physical death, the duplicate body will have reached a certain vibrational level and will go to an energy sphere that can accommodate those vibrations. Selfless spiritual service increases the vibrational energy of the duplicate body. Fourth law of psychic energy: The afterlife has different levels of energy which form different spheres according to the speed of vibration. The faster the vibrations of a sphere the higher and more spiritually evolved are the entities which reside there. Fifth law of psychic energy: The more spiritually evolved a being is the brighter the energy of the aura. PSIKOTRONIKA DJOHAN GUNAWAN psikotronika 105 Sixth law of psychic energy: Slowing down the speed of the atomic vortices of the energy will result in materialisation. Speeding up the vortices will result in de-materialisation Seventh law of psychic energy: Energy is a boomerang - the energy you give out will return to you. Victor Zammit (May 2001) Activity (1) Filters Add to collectionReviewAdd NoteLike Showing All Most Recent Reviews All Notes Likes You ve already reviewed this. Edit your review. 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